Okay, so it's not really. It's still fall and around here the heat is crazy and the ground is dry. Regardless. I was digging through some old files from my other computer (basically because a) I was nostalgic and b) because I was bored and needed something to do while the laundry was being done). I found these pictures of my winter final for my sculpture class in my senior year of high school. We had to build a gingerbread house (among other things). Most people bought those little kits from either Target or Walmart to make a basic, simple gingerbread house. I drew up plans for my house and built it entirely from scratch (well except for the candy that adorns it since I didn't make that from scratch). Still the images got me in a better mood and are at least interesting. I thought I'd share.
I'm bumping this up since it's closer to the holiday season now, even if it is 86 degrees outside still. Blasted heat. I hope someone enjoys these pictures though.
Posts: 1960 | Registered: May 2005
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And one of the radio stations out here started playing Christams Music on Nov. 1st and they won't stop till Dec. 26.
Posts: 113 | Registered: Nov 2005
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Your sculpture class had you use actual gingerbread and other edible goodies? I think my mental idea of a sculpture class must be closer to a ceramics class (neither of which I've taken) - "sculpture" makes me think marble, clay, bronze, wood, etc.
Well my first sculpture class in high school, I'd say 95% of my stuff was clay and stone. My second sculpture class, the teacher was fresh out of college and was trying to play to the general pot smoking crowd. So he gave us a bunch of little assignments like that one. I think the house is one of only two things that were good that I made in that class (and I didn't even make either of them in class!). The teacher was a nut and was promptly fired.
Posts: 1960 | Registered: May 2005
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We always made gingerbread houses from scratch growing up.
Our Christmas tree is up right now. But just to test it out, I think we're going to take it back down until the day after Thanksgiving.
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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quote:Originally posted by Yopu: But I'm not ready for Christmas . . .
Me neither.
When you go out shopping this year, please be mindful of everything around you! I was at wal-mart on the 2nd to do some shopping and had a money order stolen from me in the store by a pickpocket team.
Posts: 113 | Registered: Nov 2005
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Ah. Yeah, I kinda doubted that gingerbread is the new artistic norm. Nevertheless, I'd forgotten about the sorts of goings-on in modern sculpture (or post-modern, or contemporary, or whatever) with all the funky materials, and you made me remember them. So thanks! Posts: 952 | Registered: Jun 2005
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I'm particularly fond of the irony between the gingerbread house with the snowy front yard and the oh-so-blue swimming pool out the back window.
Nice house, though. I've never actually built a proper gingerbread house and you have now given the motivation to try Posts: 3932 | Registered: Sep 1999
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When I got married my mom gave me a recipe and plans for our traditional gingerbread house in the recipe book she made me. I don't know if we'll do it this year, but I think next year we will.
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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I've never made a gingerbread house from scratch before. I've only done it with graham wafers (I think) and assorted other readymades - it was at someone's party, and there was a huge slab available for an entire community, and we really went to town.
Hmm. Maybe I will . . . And totally freak out Fahim and his parents and anyone else who sees it. Oh! I've got it! Instead of a gingerbread house, I could do a gingerbread insane asylum! Yeah! Posts: 8355 | Registered: Apr 2003
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quote:Originally posted by Carrie: I'm particularly fond of the irony between the gingerbread house with the snowy front yard and the oh-so-blue swimming pool out the back window.
Well I do live in Texas, where even in the winter the temperatures are still pretty warm. Heck, I still use the pool in the winter sometimes. It's good stuff.
And quidscribis, a gingerbread insane asylum sounds awesome. Make it and post pictures. I'd totally get a kick out of that.
Posts: 1960 | Registered: May 2005
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I'm not so excited about Thanksgiving this year. My cousin is having it, and she invited my sister over to help cook the night before. Which means I won't have much helping to do, and that's my favorite part of Thanksgiving. *sigh* Oh, well, maybe they'll let me bring the mashed potatoes or something. Maybe I should call and ask.
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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Thanksgiving has never been a big thing for me what with my dislike of turkey and all. The only upsides are a) family all together and b) shopping early in the wee hours of the morning on the day after.
Posts: 1960 | Registered: May 2005
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quote: b) shopping early in the wee hours of the morning on the day after.
Not in our household! That's International Buy Nothing Day, and we spend it decorating the Christmas tree and eating leftovers, instead. (We used to sometimes go up and sled if there was snow on Mt. Wilson.)
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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Oh, we still decorate the tree and eat leftovers (which is unfortunate since I hate leftovers). Shopping is fun though, although in recent years we buy less and less when we go out.
Posts: 1960 | Registered: May 2005
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(Oh, and please feel free to give your leftovers to me instead. I LOVE leftovers. And turkey. )
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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lol. No tree in this house. The cats would destroy it.
I don't think the holidays are celebrated in this household anymore, I mean why cook a big meal when there's only three of us and come the day of the holiday one's at work.
I love the holidays actually. And some day I will cook a turkey! I miss the snow too!
Posts: 113 | Registered: Nov 2005
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Hmm, I have one of those vacuum seal systems, I probably still have a styrofoam liner and cardboard box, just need some freezer packs to keep it cold in shipping. Fed Ex next day could be our friend!
Posts: 4515 | Registered: Jul 2004
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My mother-in-law makes the most amazing gingerbread houses.
A couple of years ago she made a gingerbread chapel, with stained glass windows (made from boiled lollies, crushed and remelted). She did arches and all this wonderful decoration and my father-in-law rigged up a little light inside so coloured light spilled out from the stained-glass windows.
Took her *ages* though.
Posts: 4393 | Registered: Aug 2003
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Um, my insame asylum is not going to be as elaborate as that. Just so's ya know.
We can get turkey here, but (have I mentioned this before?) it's about $30 for a 5 or 6 pounder, I think. I forget. And it's usually not Halal - Fahim keeps telling me that if I find one that's Halal, then I can get a turkey.
I miss turkey and stuffing. And cranberries, which are also not available here. At all.
I think we'll end up doing Chinese again this year. Flower Drum, here we come!
Posts: 8355 | Registered: Apr 2003
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