see i have this mate brett right, not me brett. anyway he lives in perth and he doesnt know were to go to meet gurls. its not me by the way. and hes feeling pretty lonley at the moment and needs a bit of lovein, ive got plenty of lovein by the way. so if u have any tips or any love that u would like me to pass on to him i will. by the way his name is brett not conan the buff. thanx
Posts: 14 | Registered: Nov 2005
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1) If you search for girls on the Internet, it helps to be able to spell. If you cannot spell, the only women you will attract will be men pretending to be fourteen-year-old cheerleaders.
2) In real life, it helps if you don't live in Perth.
Posts: 37449 | Registered: May 1999
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quote:1) If you search for girls on the Internet, it helps to be able to spell. If you cannot spell, the only women you will attract will be men pretending to be fourteen-year-old cheerleaders.
2) In real life, it helps if you don't live in Perth.
omg Tom remember me from last nite?????????????????????????????? ^_~*
Posts: 4313 | Registered: Sep 2004
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Beware, Princess - if you establish yourself as a boy bot lover, you're going to attract the swarming disgusting attentions of the geeky drooling illiterate whose sarcasm detectors are on the fritz because they can't afford to buy the 3000 gp upgrade and are out of mana to cast "Jedi Mind Fix" on them.
Posts: 4313 | Registered: Sep 2004
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I recently made a mix CD that included "Coin-Operated Boy" and "Extraordinary Machine" back to back. Posts: 37449 | Registered: May 1999
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You people are monsters! He came here to get advice fr his friend brett, not himself, surely if I can see that you guys can. And yet here we are, not a shread of advice for brett and Princess Leah makes a move on Conan. Ho do you think that's going to make brett feel?
*Whats that you say? No, no, Conan and I are not in this togther to play a trick on you* Posts: 9 | Registered: Nov 2005
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hey princes leah ur coin opperated boy is here were r u. we cant tell brett bout this he'd be heart broken...... Posts: 9 | Registered: Nov 2005
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I'm unsure whether Brett exists, but I think it's fairly likely that you're an alt for Rusta-burger.
Posts: 37449 | Registered: May 1999
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That wasn't me!! Conan came on my thing because I use the same password for everything and he knew it. I changed it though. I hope I've embarrassed him enough not to come back. Nah, that's mean. Is it alright for me to be a part of this community even though I'm only 16? I was planning to have gone by now, but I'm really getting (addicted?) to it. It's all right if you'd rather not have a 16 year old on.
Posts: 9 | Registered: Nov 2005
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It's not that I don't think you're sixteen, although I don't. It's that I'm feeling confident that everyone you've claimed has posted on one of your accounts is in fact the same person.
I can't speak for all of Hatrack, but I personally would feel a lot better about you if you came clean. I mean, I'm even skeptical of the whole LDS conversion bit, and I don't want to be.
Posts: 37449 | Registered: May 1999
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A great way to meet girls is to involve yourself in the things girls like to do. Like wearing make up, and having pajama party pillow fights, and going out for cheer leading.
hey tom davidson im conan the buff my m8t is heni. there is no bret thats just my alter ego. there i come clean do u feel better now and yes im 16 so now u know wat u wanted to know.
Posts: 14 | Registered: Nov 2005
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I don't need to have alter egos. Four other people know my password and don't feel they need to ask me to use my account. This is sort of alright for Heni I guess, since he created Rusta-burger in the first place, but it's still annoying. I can't change it either because Emily (my fiance) would be offended if I told her I changed my password because i don't trust her.
Heni, you should know, is her little brother. He's alright though, not really immature. But I wouldn't say I'm not immature. When i want an alter ego I'll make one. Everyone else does.
Posts: 75 | Registered: Oct 2005
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I certainly hope that this communal password isn't attached to any bank accounts or credit cards. Posts: 952 | Registered: Jun 2005
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Would a picture help to prove my identity? I'm not very photogenic so don't say yes if it wouldn't make a difference please.
Posts: 9 | Registered: Nov 2005
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quote: I can't change it either because Emily (my fiance) would be offended if I told her I changed my password because i don't trust her.
Tell her you changed your password because you don't trust some of the other people who know it, and I'm sure it'll be okay. And no, a picture would prove only that you have access to the Internet. *grin*
I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. How did you and your four friends of widely varying ages stumble across Hatrack? *laugh*
Posts: 37449 | Registered: May 1999
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Actually I changed my password while you were all trying to convince me so you can stop now. Heni stumbled across hatrack and showed me and I got into it to debate with intellectuals, which I don't get enough offline besides Emily. Most of my friends like to end arguments quick. The other two people won't even know I use hatrack, I imagine, what i emant was that I use the same password for everything and four people know what it is. I'm repeating myself now, aren't I?
Posts: 75 | Registered: Oct 2005
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"This is so obviously a prank being pulled by one or more longtime Hatrackers."
That was my thought. Actually, I suspected you. But then we had the "I knew he was LDS because he played basketball," which made me think Patrick. *laugh*
Posts: 37449 | Registered: May 1999
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I didn't know mormons were basketball players. I'll have to remember that next time I try to unfairly stereotype people.
Posts: 609 | Registered: Oct 2004
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Huh. We always called it Jungle Ball. I was fourteen when I first heard of that strange thing called the foul rule. Still don't quite understand it. As long as nobody has to go to the hospital, it's all okay, right?
Posts: 561 | Registered: Feb 2005
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My husband has a t-shirt that says, "Church Basketball: the brawl that begins with a prayer."
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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quote:Originally posted by human_2.0: dh - you haven't heard of Mormon Brawl? AKA "Mormon Ball"
Every Mormon boy plays Mormon Brawl. I'm a huge geek and even I played...
I grew up in small-town Quebec, where anything not strictly Roman Catholic is considered to be a cult (and I was raised an evangelical, you can imagine how that was.) I didn't even hear the word "Mormon" till I was at least fourteen, and I didn't learn a single thing about them till I started reading up on OSC. Which was less than two years ago. So there.
Posts: 609 | Registered: Oct 2004
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How will I ever get along without the hatrack community to lighten my moments when I'm on my mission?
Posts: 250 | Registered: Aug 2005
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