Well I just figured that since no one else had made one yet, I would do the honors for this weeks post!
I hope that everyone met their goals this week and that you continue to do so! Personally, I managed to get through that fifth chapter and make some progress into the next. Spring break certainly wasn't as useful as I had hoped but that's life for you.
Next weeks goals: I'm going to finish up chapter 6. That's it, no more overreaching goals haha
[This message has been edited by Omega (edited March 14, 2009).]
I didn't meet my goals, but I did stop messing around and start actually writing Book Three. I think I'm homing in on having a decent first chapter. I'm struggling a little bit with chapter two, mostly because I'm still having issues of introducing too many characters, as well as the milieu and a little of the back story. If I can just build some momentum and a decent foundation for this story to start out with, I might get somewhere.
So, my goals for the week are: Short goal--finish chapter two. Long goal--fininsh chapters two and three, which will get me to the action. Things should get easier from there.
I could just cut and paste my last post: big dreams, little productivity. The story I'm writing for IB's contest (which there is still room to join, I'm sure! just go to the writing challenges section) keeps threatening to burst its bounds and become a novel--which means it might qualify for this thread. Yesterday I was very frustrated, but this morning I woke up with the realization that the whole second thousand words were unnecessary and could be condensed into 2 sentences. All told, I wrote about 2500 words, (1000 of which I am deleting!)
My goals for this week are big because I should have more time for writing than I've had for months: finish my story for IBs contest spend several hours polishing up Earth's Gate and heck, I might as well throw in: make a list of scenes I never wrote for Terra's Gate and get started. Melanie
That reminds me: Unless I lost something, I don't have anything to critique this week. And we all know that I am totally organized and never lose anything, right? So now's a good time to get in my critiquing queue.
Posts: 938 | Registered: May 2008
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Good job, Omega. I won't ever start this thread earlier than this, unless I start it late the night before (2-3 in the am).
I have written a couple-thousand words on PotD and CoE (the collaborations)and 4,000 words (in the last two days) on a possible WotF story.
And, I have artwork to do for Deb and Stephen Book's upcoming website.
This week's goal: Finish the first draft for the WotF story, add to each collaboration and finish my art projects. (Start on polishing APTW, which I've been avoiding.)
Remember, goals are supposed to be hard to strive for. That way, when you do achieve them, they are more satisfying and rewarding.
quote:Remember, goals are supposed to be hard to strive for. That way, when you do achieve them, they are more satisfying and rewarding.
That's why I like to give myself two goals. Personally, I'm motivated when I see myself making progress. The short goal is supposed to be something I can reasonably achieve that will give me that motivational push towards the long goal. Doesn't always work, of course.
Not such a great week. It started out great , but work problems interfered. Pesky jobs who needs them? (uh, excuse me, That would be us ) Sorry about the interruption.
I did however finally figure out how the hero and heroine will save the world, and at least as importantly, the universe. Until now I only had a vague idea, now I can visualize it.
My goal? Give serious thought to starting over, though I don't see the story starting any other way. I have already thrown out a half dozen beginning because they just did not seem realistic, too forced. This one at least seems to have a realistic feel to it.
Anyway, I digress. My goal? Complete chapters 3 and 4 and make chapter 1 (possibly 2) available for reading, if anyone is interested. Primarily to see if there are large holes or glaring errors, and if the concept works. I know a lot of details need fixed.
(Stupid spell checker can't tell I used not instead of now)
[This message has been edited by TLBailey (edited March 14, 2009).]
The past two weeks have been a disaster as far as meeting my goals...although, I did manage to get halfway through my pile of crits.
THIS WEEK'S GOALS 1) Get my YA novel back into circulation 2) Resume my previous pace on my mainstream-esque novel 3) Accelerate my world-building pace for my racing story. The number of untranscribed digital audio files is bordering on the ridiculous level.
Woo Hoo! I just finished something that looks a whole lot like chapter two to me. I'm sure I'll need to rework it and I probably still have too many characters in it. But I'm FINALLY moving on this one! There's hope, yet.
Posts: 4633 | Registered: Dec 2008
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I did all right. I didn't write as much as I wanted to, but I wrote the last scene in my book and actually got to write the end, but it doesn't feel like the end because there's two scenes I need to add. Then I will feel like this draft is finished. I'm almost there, I can smell it.
Next Week's goal, be able to claim The End for reals. (also have a first draft of IB's short story finished, or at least started and get through all crits)
Did some good work on CtD. Not necessarily good as in quality, but more good as in quantity. The stories 19,000 words now, and I've almost finished chapter six. I'm liking some of it.
Completely ignoring Dragon Fate for now.
Goal for this week... Finish chapter six, and maybe start chapter seven for CtD, and keep ignoring Dragon Fate.
Things are chaotic here in real life, because we've edited out our kitchen, and are now waiting for Lowes to put our new and shiney one in. ~Sheena
My goal for this week: be on vacation (yay San Diego!), finish edits when possible (Unwritten, I'm working on yours now. Crank, you're next).
Future goals are to prepare my manuscript for the writer's conference so when the agent LOVES my pitch (ha), I'll have something not totally embarassing to send to her. Oh, and work on that pitch, which I have as of yet no idea how to do.
So... shimiqua, even though you're ignoring Dragon's Fate, any chance of me getting chapter 3 soon? : uppy eyes::
And I haven't forgotten about sending chapters out to people; it's just that very few are ready for reading at the moment. Soon, I hope.
tlbailey, if you are still looking for critiquers, you can send something my way. Any other takers?
Posts: 938 | Registered: May 2008
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Ooo! I'm looking for critiquers! If what you said meant you were offering yourself to do that of course Posts: 63 | Registered: Feb 2009
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I just finished the rough draft for the story I've been working on. It's not a novel but I just had to tell someone, because I was miserable when I was writing it and I was miserable when I wasn't writing it, and I'm just glad it's written.
Have you ever loved an idea for a story SO much, but wished that someone more talented than yourself was writing it? Melanie
Posts: 938 | Registered: May 2008
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I'm still interested in opinions on Book One, if you've got the time. I'm trying to polish it up ready to go while I try to complete at least a draft of Books Two (draft complete, but not ready for readers, yet) and Three (WIP).
It's fantasy. Currently just under 100k words. Book One could probably be YA. MC gets older as the trilogy progresses, though.
Sheena, if you want I can send you my first chapter. I'm looking for more crits if I can. Also thanks for the great crit TL! I wrote you back ;D
I'm more than willing to crit, but I'm not swapping chapters right now. I'll have to rain check the swap.
So all three of you, (and you too Crank), just send one chapter at a time, and I'll get to it when I can. Things are crazy and slow here, it's like hurry up and wait, so I am more than interested in something to distract me, or several somethings, I guess.
If that sentence made sense to you, send one chapter. ~Sheena