That other intelligent life-forms out there have to have a brain? You'd think that they would, at least, some form of organ in thier body which is capable of thought. But getting to that, who's to say that other forms of intelligent life require thought in order to conceive of ideas? I believe thought is such a powerful concept in humanity merely because of our widespread use of language in every aspect of our activities. Another alien life-form would have no need for language, or thought, if they could convey their ideas through other means, perhaps like ESP. The Formics were similar. They didn't conceive of thought, they conceived of concepts. The conversations between The Hive Queen and The Father Trees were not in any form of language, as we so understand them to be. They were concepts, figments of mind.
It is my belief that the reason why we conceive of aliens of having language is because that is all that we CAN conceive. Or at least, that is all that the public that eats up sci-fi can conceive of. That, and communicating telepathically without language is pretty hard to exhibit on a television screen, or a novel. Well, a novel would be easier, but you see what I mean.
But getting away from that, whose to say that another life-form would have blood? Or would have organs? Or a body? We think they do, because WE do. If God created us in his image, did he create other things out there in his image as well? God is perfect, which means he doesn't have an image, or rather, his image can be found in all things. But anyway, what I was talking about. Humans are mammals because that is an efficient body-type in order to survive several environments, including our incessant need to expand. Hence, our body-type is a little more efficient at doing that, and we all get to reproduce and all of that wonderful bullshizzle. But, when one tries to conceive of an alien life-form and it's evolutionary history (because really, that's how you should do it if you're going to make it feasible to the public), don't you find it hard to give it characteristics that CAN'T be found in life on Earth? I suppose it could, since we are unfamiliar of any concepts otherwise . . . but still, I think someone should be in charge of coming up with wild ideas like that.
Kind of like the 6th toon, except for SCIENCE!!!
Well . . . that was me pacing around the room again . . . trying to decide if I should go jiggle the box inside.
Posts: 19 | Registered: Apr 2005
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There have been many science fiction stories about aliens that have all of those characteristics you have mentioned (no bodies, no organs, no language, etc.).
Posts: 751 | Registered: Apr 2005
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you're absolutely right. If life occured on this planet it absolutely must consist on other planets. (if, indeed, god did create life (i'm not saying he didn't) i'm sure he wouldn't have been so wasetfull as to create millions of planets with no life)
The problem we come to is simple. The only way we can concievably look for intelligent life, is if we have some sort of boundries to look for. As with many things, Its not easy to conceptualise a completely different way to do things. All we have to go on is what we observer on this planet.
The problem comes mainly by what do you have to have to be considered life? A body? A brain? able to breathe? i don't know, but the next problem comes from if there is no language between the two species, and they don't require physical forms how can we tell?
Posts: 19 | Registered: May 2005
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One thought is that they still exist in this universe so have to same phisics that we do. So they will have some kind of perameters. Now if they were from a different universe or something...
Posts: 832 | Registered: Jan 2005
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All those lifeless planets are just pieces in a game he's playing with Satan. Haven't you read the book of Job? They visit each other all the time for their daily game of StarSystems; you can tell when Satan loses because he makes whatever piece he had been about to use go nova. And quasars are leftovers from times that Satan tried to cheat and got caught at it.
Posts: 2005 | Registered: Jul 1999
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Imagine if the characters in our dreams were self aware. Would that mean that waking up would make us murderers?
Posts: 2437 | Registered: Apr 2005
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That takes you into the definitions of what Thought means. However, it is my understanding that any being in yoru mind that are self-aware are actually representations of your different personalities . . . so, no not murder.
Oh, if we're characters in Card's book, can I be the villain? I was always good at that . . .
A sentient life form, by definition, would have to have an organ to handle intelligence. But I could see having a distributed "brain" function spread out over a body. For instance, a brain that's in the skin.
Which leads to truly delicious possibilities: Human hunters kill one and take the skin home as a trophy. But the skin, constantly regenerating, is still very much alive ...
Posts: 2005 | Registered: Jul 1999
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ok, what if everything IS an illution? what if God created us in his image but that image is just thought. what if we are all just intelligent aiuas flying around and this world is just a collective illusion. or maybe this world is just an illusion for YOU and the rest of the aiuas are living in a different illusion were everyone is a Bugger. That means I am not real and you are imagining that there are other people out there that you can interact with when really we are all just figments of your imagination.
Hmm, an alien skin that attaches to person in a symbiotic relationship, and the skins able to change. Where have I heard that idea before? Oh yeah, Spiderman (The bad guy Venom). Science Fiction is so hard to write. Almost every good idea already has a book...
Posts: 796 | Registered: Mar 2005
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Okay, Mr Card about Satan and God fighting over starsystems as you describe that reminds me alot of "So you wish to be a Wizard" series. Where the "Lone power" tries to kill the universe through entropy. And all the other "powers" (who are in effect take the forms of every single god/goddess/saint/spirit in history for every culture/race/species) try to stop the Lone power through wizards who try to preserve life. Its a neat series magic isnt "magic" its a combination of mathamatics and science borrowing energy from the universe to power it. I think I read all the books so far but I think one or two new ones came out.
Posts: 1567 | Registered: Oct 2004
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it can also be related to the belgaraid you know what the little voice in belgarions head told him about.
Posts: 513 | Registered: Oct 2001
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