Cop and Speeder by Heatmiser Maroons:Ambush by Lateef & the Chief Building Nothing out of Something by Modest Mouse
Posts: 2292 | Registered: Aug 2003
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Various Dir en grey Dmitri Hvorostovsky-I think it's called the St. Peterburg's cycle or something, but it's great and by Sviridov.
Posts: 9942 | Registered: Mar 2003
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twinky - How is that Muse album? I've been thinking about picking it up, but to be honest I haven't been able to listen to all of it ahead of time to know if I actually want to buy it yet.
Posts: 5879 | Registered: Apr 2001
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Everything by Kate Wolf. Also, Connie Dover. Kate Rusby gets some press, so I won't include her.
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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ludosti, I think it's very good. It's one of my Top Five. Among other things, Matt Bellamy finally reveals the full extent of his piano virtuosity.
On another note, Lylatov by Alain Lefèvre is remarkable. The title track alone is worth the sticker price of a CD. It's classical, for those who are into that (I am).
Posts: 10886 | Registered: Feb 2000
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Crashings - Falling Up Anything by John Reuben (a white, Christian rapper, which is theoretically the perfect formula for failure) The Finding Nemo Soundtrack - Thomas Newman The Beyond Good & Evil Soundtrack - Christophe Heral Exodus - Andy Hunter
I'm sure I could come up with more if I worked at it.
Posts: 48 | Registered: May 2003
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I think that music has become part of the structure of my brain.
Starry, starry night. Portraits hung in empty halls, Frameless head on nameless walls, With eyes that watch the world and can't forget. Like the strangers that you've met, The ragged men in the ragged clothes, The silver thorn of bloody rose, Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.
Posts: 1163 | Registered: Jan 2005
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The album is firghteningly good. Did he do anything else of note?
I know most people just know American Pie, and maybe Vincent, but the whole thing is full of great music and lyrics.
Posts: 26071 | Registered: Oct 2003
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O Sister 2 - A Woman's Bluegrass Collection - Various Artists Best of The Proclaimers - The Proclaimers Suzanne Vega - Suzanne Vega
Posts: 3037 | Registered: Jan 2002
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I don't know - I never heard of anything else that he's done.
It is an incredible album. It's one of two that I own (Counting Crows' yellow album being the other one) that I never skip any songs on, no matter how many times I listen to it.
Posts: 1163 | Registered: Jan 2005
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Kat, that's one of my favorites too. I started liking it when american Pie was on the radio on the way to my grandma's one time. I bought it after we went to Chicago to see a Van Gogh exhibit. But I wouldn't say that no one pays attention to it, almost all my friends have the same cd, and whenever we're playing a lyrics game castles in the sky or jerusalem come up (the ones not just everyone knows), so maybe it's actually more popular with teens than you'd expect.
Posts: 5362 | Registered: Apr 2004
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Clearly I had the wrong friends in high school. I'm glad it's an album that still lives. That's my favorite kind of music - I like everything, but I LOVE a singer/songwriter and their guitar. I think it's made me pickier about music in general, because I expect every album to be as resilient and timeless as that one.
Posts: 1163 | Registered: Jan 2005
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Pretty much anything recent from Jimmy Buffett. I really like the songs from 'Don't Stop the Carnival'.
Posts: 5422 | Registered: Dec 2001
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"That album was already classic when you started liking it. I feel so old."
I am simply repeating your statement, Dag, and feeling even older.
Don McClean did a free concert in Boston a few years ago. My daughter, seven at the time, just loved him. She took her cd, and we waited in line for an hour after the concert to have him sign it. He was such a snot! He did not even look at her. American Pie Schmamerican Schmie!
Posts: 10890 | Registered: May 2003
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Psychoderelict by Pete Townsend Under the Sun by Paul Kelly and the Messengers The Trouble with Poets by Peter Mulvey Test for Echo by Rush Flip Flop by Guadalcanal Diary Dead Letter Office by REM
[ January 21, 2005, 03:31 PM: Message edited by: Lost Ashes ]
Posts: 472 | Registered: Aug 2004
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Test for Echo? That album isn't ignored, it's despised. I love Rush, but other than the title track, that's got to be their worst album ever. It's definitely got the worst song they ever made.
I'm glad someone mentioned Rush, though. Great band. Just please choose a less embarrasing album. Posts: 69 | Registered: Sep 2003
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quote:Test for Echo? That album isn't ignored, it's despised. I love Rush, but other than the title track, that's got to be their worst album ever.
Total disagreement. Driven and Resist are two of my all-time favorites of theirs and Half the World, Color of Right, Time and Motion, Dog Years, Totem, and Limbo all have nice moments. Carve Away the Stone and Resist are great sets of lyrics.
But then again, I actually liked "Virtuality" as well (which I presume you are talking about as the worst song they've ever done) so take all that with the proverbial salt grain.
By the way, SteveRogers, are you talking about Lines on my Face? Or is the CD called Time and Time Again? Or is that a different CD?
I have mixed feelings about Chronic Future, but it's really my duty as an Arizonan that likes hard rock to like their music.
Posts: 2292 | Registered: Aug 2003
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Zebda! and, recently, Massilia Sound System
Although, I was just whining in my livejournal about how no one else appreciated Zebda and Anna very kindly agreed with me. Sigh, I love mes amis français.
Posts: 8504 | Registered: Aug 1999
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Bob Schneider, Lonelyland. Besides a good friend of mine, I haven't met anyone one else who has heard this album. Which is weird, because it's probably his only big commercial release. His newest album is also very good.
skinny fists is an incredible record solo. i lost my disc 2 awhile ago and miss it dearly. "nobody sleeps anymore on the beach"
For Squirrels - Example Against Me! - is revinventing Axl Rose Dump - a plea for tenderness Lost and Found - sikkibahm Beautiful Girls - soundtrack Folk Implosion - one part lullaby The Squares - Eight Songs GY!BE - F#A# Elliott - False Cathedrals
dude, iw as a moonska junkie all through highschool. i lost alot of my stuff and it pissed me off. fortunately a few years ago a company put out all of Pietasters Moon releases in a 3 disc set.
Posts: 1572 | Registered: Jan 2004
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