[ I loved a girl named blue.
The loud rap music and its repetitive motions set the rhythm for the drunken teenagers; bouncing joyfully to the clustered commotion of organized delinquency. The room was littered with smiles and beer cups and bottles all thrown about in the joggled miles of exposed flesh and stains on the carpet. I sat on a scratchy inexpensive couch next to a couple getting to know each other. His eyes were sweeping up and down looking at her body. His mouth was moving and belting out personal information. Her head drooped up and down, swallowing the superb lines being fed to her ear. Roving for stability in her state and seeing only a horny drunk 17 year old male. She latched on to him, while He was trying his best game on her, silently giving her body to his ultimate control. I recognized her from school but never talked to her. She didn’t seem the type, but now I knew, as he attempted to drag her to a darkened room. He looked seriously determined to close the deal. She flopped around the room giggling, laughing, and falling. This had... ]These are the opening lines to my Love story Blue/Green. The plot of the story actually is two diffrent books. IT starts out from the first person perspective of Green the hero in the story. He falls deeply in love with a girl BLue; a girl a grade older. This part is about all the seediness of what you do when your a teenager. Then they break up because Greens Best friend Jack sleeps with blue who has become very superficial with her life. green goes the other way. he becomes mopey and whines about all this stuff he has no control over. He goes more into drugs. This is where the story changes:
While he was dating green he started to become a parnoid disilluisionist. He blelieved that people were watching him. Every where. he also believed that he could see people From the Present in their Future selfs also in the present. Example: He might be wallking with JOhn and see john when hes 40 years old.
The time travel in my book is a little wierd. Any living organism that goes through a time portal cannot go past its birth date or they will never be born thus they die. There really is no time. Thier is just your life line.
The older people of thier present selfs are echos in time they last only for a certain number of days and then disapear.
So In Greens future he becomes the ruler of america and is declared on of the most dangerous people in the world. He starts wars with all kinds of countries and kills thousands of innocent people. Blue, the worlds best assassin has the job of killing Green. She succeeds in her job and then is murdered by her employers.
While green was ruling his country he was wildly tyring to invent any machines that would give him an edge against his enemies. he scientists stumbled upon a way to travel in time. although it would not be perfected in hundreds of years.
The employers of Blue, who killed green who would have likley taken over the world, Unify the greatest nations on earth. how? they go back in time and use a phycological program to enslave all of the dangerous people by making them fall in love with each other. they go back in time and pair evil people together that match and send a protector of thier relationship. if it fails he has to kill them.
they keep changing the dangers and keep going back and back in time unitl they reach Green. They are afraid that if they "fix" Green that they will lose thier ability to time travel therefore lose thier power in the world. they decide to anyways because not many things actually change in the future except into good things. When they match him though it is with Blue the same person who killed him. SHe is the only one that can make him fall in love and vice a versa. They have never matched anyone that has killed the other though.
Jack is sent back in time to protect the relationship. the organization is 500 years ahead. and you cant go past your birth. so they have to send messengers back to carry along a message until there is someone that can go back in time with the marks and help change them. they get to jack and he goes back in time to help save the world.
then the beggining of the teenage story takes place. Jack learns to love Green as a friend and he loves blue as well. He then breaks them up to free them by having sex with blue. Then he tells green the truth but blue doesnt want to hear it.
the future people see that jack has failed and they send back agents to correct the problem.
Green wants to kill jack but sees that his hatred is spawned by his Love for blue that was forced upon him.
jack know that thier time is running out because they are sending agents back in time to correct the problem. he doesnt know if they are going to go in the past and try to correct it or if they are merley going to kill them all.
Green cant figure out if he genuinly loved blue and if he did wasnt it just because he had been forced to love her?
Here is where i run into problems. i dont know if I want green to say screw it all i loved her and blue could join him in fighting against the government or green loses his emotion for love making him the most powerful man in the planet. because without love he has no hesitation no forethoughts he does not care who stands in his way. his judgement is not clouded by anything. which way should he go?
Help me with these ideas. thank you.
what do you think?
PS oh and most important of all. this story is loaded with humor. it may even pass as a comedy.
[This message has been edited by Damascus (edited November 07, 2003).]