Hi there! I'm throwing a group together, and I'd like a couple of people to join! I'm pretty easy when it comes to genre, but I tend to stick to science fiction, slipstream, and magical realism (a la Esquiviel, etc.). I'm not the best with fantasy. Take that as you will. I don't know if the other members (should they choose to reveal themselves ) have any preferences regarding genre or anything else. (If so, email me or post here.)
I'm also going to declare no length limitations, just 'cause I'm doing a longer work, and I also like to write short stories. However, I'd like to tack on the caveat that every piece put up for critique each round (whether it be a short story or a chapter from a novel or whatever) must be a reasonable length for the agreed-upon critiquing period. I guess that doesn't necessarily HAVE to be said, but I guess I'm paranoid like that.
Ok, so who's up for it? Shoot me an email (jeraliey@yahoo.com), and tell me a little about yourself! (What you do, what you write, what flavor of ice cream you like, etc. You know, the important stuff. ) I look forward to hearing from you, and I hope you're having a great day!
[This message has been edited by Jeraliey (edited July 14, 2005).]