Hello all, First of all I'm new to the forum, my name is Chris, I'm from Pennsylvania. I have been reading the homecoming series and I'm enjoying it. I'm on book 4, about in the middle right now, and I'm really getting sick of Elemak, I dislike him more than any other character in OSC's books so far( Ender/Bean quartets, Alvin Maker series). I mean how many times does he have to show its an evil, jealous, murderous man before someone either kills him or kicks him out of the community? I mean seriously, everyone cowers before him, I really don't understand it, and so far thats the one thing that seems unrealistic. No one can do the things he does and still hold a standing in a community. It actually makes me mad that he's still in the community! Or alive for that matter!(If he gets kicked out or killed later, don't tell me.)I'm starting to doubt the idea from enders game that if you truly understand someone you can't hate them, because I really hate this guy. His entire thought process is warped! Well, I just wanted to vent to someone about that, who would know what I'm talking about. thanks! Chris
Posts: 14 | Registered: Nov 2006
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The problem is, he IS Nafai's brother and Volemak's son. They are GOOD people, and they love him too much to do something bad. Besides, it's not like he's without support. Meb and Obring know that without Elemak, they would be at risk as well, so they support him.
Posts: 1321 | Registered: Jun 2006
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I know how you feel. I couldn't STAND Elemak. It's not that he's a bad character, he's an extremely well written character. That's one thing I love about OSC. He can write characters so well that you can genuinely despise them He just got on my last nerve some times. I can't post what I want because you haven't finished the book yet Let us know when your done.
But isn't it a great series?! I loved it. The last book is very different, but still a great read. Welcome to the forums by the way!
Posts: 124 | Registered: Apr 2006
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I loved the Homecoming Series also. I wept at certain points -- though I don't remember what they were. I just remember that at the time I read it, the series meant a lot to me.
I should read them again.
Posts: 2267 | Registered: May 2005
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Elemak is the heart of all the people who lack the desire to be good. And Nyef was just a kid to all the people who originally lived in Basilica. The more wisdom and authority he gains, the more all those people resent him. If Nyef were to treat Elemak as he deserves, he would loose influence over these other people.
Posts: 11017 | Registered: Apr 2003
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The first 3 books are pretty good, the last two are lacking, imo. I was very disappointed with the second half of the series.
Posts: 1042 | Registered: Jan 2001
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eh..I have to disagree. I think the 4th book was one of the best in the series. I love the diggers and angels and that whole story. The last book is very different, but a great story nonetheless.
Posts: 124 | Registered: Apr 2006
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wow i was worried no one would answer me, ok, i'm done with book 4, but still on the last one. i dont know if this is weird, but i actually felt tears coming to my eyes when the aunt/father ceremony between the angels/humans took place, luet and(i'm sorry i dont know the spelling) the angel. the thing that gets me is honor and selflessness. those virtues are truly the most inspiring, because they gain nothing for the person offering them. the angel was completely willing to give his life over to the "old ones" for the sake of his other self, and i dont know why but that makes me feel overwhelmed. also the constant love for elemak by nyef, another sign of true perfect love. he would rather die than hurt his brother, though elemak has shown nothing but contempt and evil throughout the series, he loves him so he would rather he lay down his life than kill him. i love Nafai, just as i love ender, and bean,(and even peter) as if they were real people! I don't know if OSC will be reading this, but in the chance that he will... Mr. Card, your writing has truly moved me, you are the best storyteller i know of, (except for my grandmother, who used to tell me stories when i was a child that were so great, and made me love the world of fantasy and adventure)so i suppose you're the best PUBLISHED storyteller i know. i dont know how you do what you do, but you can see into your characters, or i suppose you inject yourself into them, and what comes from it is a masterpiece. i envy you for being able to move people to tears with your writing. another time i cried was the end of the bean quartet.i dont know why exactly, but " you did ok" really spoke to me, because i think thats what i want. i think thats what everyone wants deep down, and i think thats why you're such a success, you write to the feelings that people have deep down. and that deep down we're mostly the same. Thank you OSC. The one thing is, i feel like Nafai deserved more of an ending, a conclusion(i just started the final book but it seems like hes dead now, and all that lives on is the book of gold), i just wish his life was more explained(maybe its because i didnt finish the last book yet). But even if you dont tell more about it in the last book, i know his character enough to know he was the closest thing to jesus christ as a human could be. thats the thing that touches me the most(sorry to all the atheists out there, just my first thoughts). Ok well i'm just going on and on now....the bottom line is OSC is the best storyteller i know, and this series is another example of it. thank you all for the welcome, and feel free to post your full opinon now. (well, keeping in mind i'm stil on the last book)
Posts: 14 | Registered: Nov 2006
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The character I've hated the most in OSC's books, is probably Achille. There are not words to describe him that would not get me banned here.
The character that I've always thought of as the most attractive, was probably Peter: tall for his age, lean (but not bony), black straight hair that curves at the tips, grey/green eyes and a clear complexion. *hotflashes*
Posts: 3389 | Registered: Apr 2004
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Achilles's not so bad when you consider that any kid who grew up the way he did would probably be a crazy serial killer.
Posts: 1006 | Registered: Jun 2006
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Umm, no, I don't think that ever was the point. Poke seemed like an okay human being. Though it does raise the fact that I have no clue about Achille's past, or where the children came from. How many came onto the streets as infants, like Bean?
Also, if Rotterdam was crawling with Pedophiles (such that Bean was rescued from a good handful of them when he was going back to Pablo de Noches) well, just, what's up with that? Did they only like clean, well-fed children?
Heh... another Elya hater. We draw strength in numbers my friend. I couldn't stand the guy either. I posted a thread about him a while back. I would literally become angry when I read about him. I'd calm down when reading about other characters but as soon as the story focused on Elemak again I got literally angry. Totally and completely mad at the guy.
He was written that well. He was completely human in every respect. I liked the 4th book a lot. Several people have expressed distaste for the 4th book and I disagree. You get to learn what became of the Earth in that one.
Now the 5th book... wow. That's a different story. It ends the saga so it should be read, but it is so completely different, with completely different characters, and honestly - none of the bigger issues set up in the 4 previous books are resolved.
People like to think so, but it doesn't really happen. It's a good story, but it has very, very little to do with the first 4 books.
All in all though - it's a great series.
Posts: 317 | Registered: Feb 2005
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middle of book 5 now... The more i read of OSC's writing the more i think that literally everything he writes is good..its crazy.
Posts: 14 | Registered: Nov 2006
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