I get depressed when I think of all the hilarious threads that have gone forever. I'll just have to start printing every single one of them! Just kidding. I'll just bump it until I get sick of it.
Posts: 6415 | Registered: Jul 2000
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Posting to this thread is a dilemma. I mean, the more I post to it, the closer I get to losing club eligibility. Now what fun is that Posts: 43 | Registered: Dec 2003
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If anyone wants proof that a low member number doesn't necessarily translate to a good contribution to the community, simply look at me!
Posts: 894 | Registered: Apr 2000
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It's nice to see some old screenames again though. Although I have but one screename, I fear I'm not cool enough for two Posts: 1660 | Registered: Jan 2000
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I can see it's going to be a long road getting to know everyone here. Multiple screen names are confusing...
Posts: 43 | Registered: Dec 2003
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Yes, Annie, it's only fair that we should count the big mouth lion days if we're playing this game! You and Saudade are the only two people left (I think) who were already here when I came. I don't know which of you was first.
I think our posts over there should count toward our post counts, too, don't you? Though we posted so seldom in those days compared to now. I remember when I was the first one to reach 300 (yes, only two zeroes) on this forum, how people asked me to make a speech! <laughs> Lots of people pass 300 in their first month now. And we thought that was a lot of posts. That is so funny! For a long time I had the highest post count over here on UBB but I was glad when people began to pass me. (There must be a dozen people who have more than me now.) I always felt like it showed only too painfully clearly, just exactly how much of a life I had. I'm very glad to be back in the anonymity of the pack now.
Posts: 2843 | Registered: A Long Time Ago!
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Somebody asked me how I got my registration date to show like this. It's a deep dark secret. Only the truly elite can do it. <giggles>
Posts: 2843 | Registered: A Long Time Ago!
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I believe I only poked my head out of lurkdom three times in the entire time I hung around BML. All three of the people I directly interacted with back then have posted in this thread. That should count for something, but I have no idea what.
I used to post on Big Mouth Lion. Mostly on the VBS side. I was elcheeko back then. I was only around for about six months before real life caught up with me. But I’m glad to be back. And I think astronomical member numbers are sexy.
Posts: 288 | Registered: Nov 2003
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I was at big mouth lion also mostly at the VBS side. where all the crazys are , actualy im still there. i remember when Saudade was commanding Raptor army and i was still a luanchy back in 97.
Darn that Belgarath! He just disappears for eons then pops in just when its inconvenient
I remember BML. I used to post then. Not a lot though. Maybe even less than I do now. But I remember the change over. Boy I feel old. Posts: 1132 | Registered: A Long Time Ago!
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I posted on Fresco in the BML days. And here, in the writers forums. I was in one of the first writers groups started. And I've been in a bunch since then. Has any writers group lasted since those days?
Posts: 1894 | Registered: Aug 2000
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Yep, I've been here since the BML days, and I'm pretty sure my total post count is still below 2,000 when you combine all my screen names. What can I say? Real life keeps intruding.
My first real introduction to Hatrack was when John Hanson soundly rebuked me for some less than wise (or considerate) things that I said about LDS. How young I was . . .
Posts: 224 | Registered: Aug 2002
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They aren't supposed to last that long. They tend to dissolve and reassign after about a year or so. Or that is the theory.
*rambles into the thread without mentioning how cool she is and that she lurked in Valinor and briefly posted*
Posts: 3495 | Registered: Feb 2000
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I lurked off and on for years before I joined, because I didn't own a computer and I didn't feel comfortable getting my own password on the library computers at the hospital. Tom, your posts are really the only ones I remember from those days. Well, I remember some OSC I CHALLENGE THEE posts, too, but that's not the same.
Posts: 1990 | Registered: Feb 2001
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Haha, well, all I know is that I was really impressed with the thoughtful, intelligent posts I was reading in the middle of the night while on call. I kept coming back to look for more.
Posts: 1990 | Registered: Feb 2001
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