In the darkness I could see only one light. It was like I was blinded to only one thing and my now as I speak. The dream…what does it mean? How can I follow this dark path when vision could only concentrate on that one object that I am viewing right the light continues to go farther from me. If only I knew how to get away…how can I find the glory of that light? How can I get to it? There is an answer…I know there is, but what? How? Can it be possible that I cannot stretch farther than my reach is now? Is it possible that my existence is revolved around that one light, around that one spot where the area is lit, where the fire in my heart is turned to ice, unless I reach my destiny. I can’t move any further…I try, but cannot. How can that be possible? How can that be possible? The light shines and glistens with a great energy that makes my heart glisten with excitement. Excitement? What is there to be excited about? How can it be possible for somebody like me to go that far? The path is dark, and the light is at the end of the path...
My destiny is beyond that path, beyond, my reach. I can only reach so far…what is my existence? What is my point to living? There is a reason for this time...but I can only figure it out by reaching my goal…what would that goal be? How can I do it…I don’t understand. I need to go farther than I am now…I need to!! As much as I try, I cannot progress. I can only stay, and dwindle here in this shadow that has forever shaken my existence…if Only I could feel what I was seeing, If only I could see what I was feeling. My existence is only based on one part that doesn’t make sense…to me. How can I reach it…I can’t get there…I need to be there…over to the light, the heat the energy of my being. It is farther away. I walk, but I can’t go further…I can only stay here…dwindling. I walk, but the path stays, I progress, but the path stays, the light beckons. It never grows stronger, yet grows weaker.
My strength cannot penetrate the darkness…it can’t go beyond my existence which is now…How am I to survive in such a place, where there is nothing around me but sorrow, hatred, corruption and power hungry men who wish for control of everybody’s existence. It is in our nature to destroy ourselves a man once said. I only see hatred, and evil in this existence. Can it get any worse? Sadly it can…but how? Beautiful women, who are the prospect of the world, who should be respected by men are shown reveling on places people can find so easily. Minds who are perverted in that state can find no happiness in their life, and the way they look at women certainly changes dramatically… How can something so beautiful be shown so vial, so disgusting, and so reveling to such people of a world ruled by men who have different beliefs, who cannot understand such things. The respects are not shown by leaders…they are shown by individuals, who fear the majority of unrighteousness. How can it be possible for such an intelligent race do thing so out of moral standards. If only there was a way for such a thing to occur, where people understood that there are really good people in the world, those who respect women, don’t swear, don’t talk inappropriately, and apply logical reasoning to their everyday lifestyle. No human being is perfect, so those kind of people are hard to find, however the excuse that we are not a perfect race, is not an excuse to become so immoral.
The light is dwindling to this heart and desire for good, and lack of evil, but the devilish insights of our people cannot be ignored. It is in the natural man to become so distant to reality, to become so different in opinions. Logic is a asset that man has forgotten. It is replaced by greed and corruption, hatred and violence, sex and immorality. Those that question the light, dims it further. Those that join the darkness, dims the light further. Those that dwindle in the dark with the shadows of hell, the light grows darker. The light will forever grow darker, until it is just a small flame that cannot be relit. It will be put out by society. Those who believe there is not a God in our universe are closed minded to their surroundings. They can only see what they see physically. They don’t believe in miracles, and therefore never find true happiness. They are lost forever in the constant realm of darkness where their light is gone. If only there could be such a wonder in the universe, a place where men can become good, and live righteously without the sense of greed and anguish, that is developed in the natural man. The darkness represents the world, while the light represents innocence. The innocence that was once here in the world many years ago, has finally come down in the last days…the last days…to where God has chosen the greatest of his people to live. Where corruption is near its finest, if there is such a thing. Man can get more corrupt, and will soon realize that their true fears have finally come true…that man has finally come to a point of no looking back. Now is the time where men must come together…but greed and immorality have taken over the world. Now we are lost…and cannot find our way back.
~A Free Write by…Anonymous
[ February 26, 2004, 03:16 PM: Message edited by: Mr. Mysterious ]
Posts: 2 | Registered: Feb 2004
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I thought I was being amusing, apparently not.
I'll be honest, Mr. Mysterious, I haven't read it, because it hurts my eyes to read something that isn't formatted into paragraphs. I will read it before I make any more un-amusing comments.
Posts: 14428 | Registered: Aug 2001
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I had the same thought as Belle. I was going to read it but didn't even get past the first line. My mind can't handle things that are in such big chunks.
Posts: 3243 | Registered: Apr 2002
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You know it's funny, I do free writing. And even in my free writing, I put in paragraph breaks. I guess the free writer here uses a bunch of ellipses to separate thoughts, I use paragraphs.
Anyway, what do you want/need us to do? Free writing is so personal, I have never shared any of mine.
Posts: 14428 | Registered: Aug 2001
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I thought you were kidding, but I really wasn't sure. A joke is usually accompanied by or or , not Anyway, I usually avoid reading topic posts that are that long. So I didn't read it either.
Posts: 1547 | Registered: Jan 2004
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