What if the Hatrack River Forum was populated with the meanest people on the internet? What if Orson Scott Card's writing attracts mean people? Or worse yet, what if his writing makes people mean?
quote: Oh, sorry—your pronoun has no antecedent.
Oops. See what happens when I only have a few minutes to Hatrack, and try to read as many threads as possible while simultaneously helping kids select library books?
Posts: 32919 | Registered: Mar 2003
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quote:And don't worry my sister is a hatrack vet and she warned me about this, said people are really mean to new people.
I'm starting to believe that the people who visit Hatrack have never been anywhere else on the internet.
Posts: 7600 | Registered: Jan 2001
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Actually, I've been battling with myself recently over whether to stay in IB or not for that very reason. I guess that in the end I will finish it out simply because I've come this far already. But I'll still say this much: I can't wait until it's over! Posts: 1548 | Registered: Aug 2002
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BTW D A R I U S, I'm one of the evil ones, This is my sweet side. My nonsweet psycho stalker side is making threatening phone calls to your house right now.
Posts: 550 | Registered: Jan 2004
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Lara, look here for everything you've ever needed to know. Such as what a jatraquero is. Now, onto my "what if"... What if you came to Canada like Xavier ISN'T and a caribou ate you? What if the cannibals up north who eat raw seal and drink Santa's elves' blood eat you too? What if you followed Xavier wherever he's going and ate him? What if you never get a decent question for this essay?
Posts: 165 | Registered: Apr 2004
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IB doesn't make much of a difference at all for colleges in the US. Few even recognize it, and those that do seem to place it a little lower than AP in terms of credit equivalencies. I breezed through the only AP test I took, and it was enough to earn me 4 free credits here, but the IB tests I slaved over and passed, but didn't get perfect scores on got me nothing. Even though they were 10x harder. Oh well.
However, I did end up with a far more comprehensive education than most of my classmates. I had a killer IB English teacher my senior year of high school, and that alone carried me through all four years of college. Knowing how to write a good paper, even though I loathed that class while I was in it, has helped me enormously.
But yeah, the diploma is crap. Unless I decide to enroll somewhere in Switzerland or something. *shrug*
Posts: 2220 | Registered: Jun 1999
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Thanks polio, that cleared a few things up. oh, and incase you guys havent picked up on this yet, the brother lara keeps referring to is me. Posts: 19 | Registered: May 2004
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Lara - it's the International Baccalaureate.
quote: The International Baccalaureate (IB) Program is an internationally recognized curriculum that offers 11th and 12th grade students an opportunity to earn the IB diploma. To earn the IB diploma, students complete and test in six IB subjects; write an extended essay of independent research guided by a faculty mentor, complete 150 hours of creative, action, and service activities (CAS); and participate in a critical thinking course called Theory of Knowledge. This advanced, comprehensive program of study offers an integrated approach to learning across the disciplines with an emphasis on meeting the challenges of living and working in a global, technological society.
Wow. I can't believe I've never heard of this before. It's really too bad it's only available to a handful of students
Posts: 377 | Registered: May 1999
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