I've been promoted. Recently. I'm now an assistant manger at the video store/tannnning salon where I work. Some say a man's work defines who he is. If this is true, I am afraid.
I confess, I did it for all the wrong reasons. I took the job assuming two things. First, that I would meet beautiful girls. Second, that I would meet fellow film geeks. To my increasing dismay, I have met hordes of the first group and only one of the second.
My manager, with a debatable passion usually reserved for a Tom Cruise performance, tries to sell me some Amway-ish line of products. The herbal supplement, he claims, improves one's immune system. His immune system is so strong now, he will inhale anthrax and not be harmed. "Can we try," I ask.
Many local residents have had trouble grasping new cultural advancements. Such as the alphabet. Summer Blockbuster #12 is, rightly, in the "S" section. They are confused because they do not see it in the "B" section. Also, we put movies on the bottom shelf because they're not very good.
Customer: "Is Something's Gotta Give any good?" Godric: "Yes, I thought it was." Customer: "I always like Nicholson -- he always gets all the girls." Godric: "Yes, he was very good in this movie, but I found Diane Keaton a little annoying at times." Customer: "I never liked her in Cheers."
Upon mentioning the name Jimmy Stewart to co-workers, blank stares are the response. Also, Star Wars.
I continue fighting back the abyss which engulfs my frail form. I advance recklessly on toward the cliffs on insanity...
Posts: 1295 | Registered: Jan 2003
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quote: Also, we put movies on the bottom shelf because they're not very good.
Huh. I always thought it was strictly alphabetical. That would explain why anything with eight million copies sits right at eye view on the shelf, though...
Posts: 2283 | Registered: Dec 2003
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You know, I had the same thought as AJ when I first saw the thread.
Look at it this way though. Sooner or later, one of those beautiful women will be a "fellow film geek", and you won't have tons of other film geeks to compete with in attracting said woman.
/tangent It always amused me that Jimmy Swaggart, was a televangelist given his last name was a combination of swagger and braggart. /end tangent
Posts: 11265 | Registered: Mar 2002
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The question is, would a true film geek actually frequent a Blockbuster or not? I'm not one so I don't know, but my suspicion is that they would be going to some independent film rental place that carries more eclectic stuff to begin with. Godric would know the answer since he considers himself one. There is always the "cheap fix" aspect that Blocbuster could provide to an addict, but that might be only from dire necessity.
So Godric, assumming my assumption is correct, you need to take the experience from your new Ass. Mgr position and use it to get employed at said indie film rental place. But Blockbuster being a National chain probably actually has better benefits, though better wages are debatable. So then you fall into the selling your to corporate America vs. Possible True Love dillema, but it appears you already have sold your soul so that shouldn't worry you too much.
Eep... I had to read that a few times. I was thinking... "Experience from his new Ass? Wha?" O_o
Posts: 3636 | Registered: Oct 2001
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Yes, it is nice to meet beautiful women, except I am always disappointed whenever I try talking to them. I like my women brainy -- or at least not a 3D Ambercrombie & Fitch advertisement. Now, of course, the model woman would be brainy and beautiful, but the vast majority of those I've met live far, far away ( @ Hatrack hotties).
There is one girl who works there that actually fits my requirements -- too perfectly, in fact. She's the first girl I've met in the area since high school that I've gone giddy over. I've been trying to get the nerve to ask her out, but I'm really, well, to be honest, scared...
I don't work at Blockbuster. I work at a small, local chain called, oddly enough, West Coast Video. I'd love to work at a "real" video store (by real I mean an indie store who carries, as you say, a more eclectic selection), but there are none around here as far as I know.
The tanning salon is kinda cool -- I actually have a tan for the first time in my life. But I wouldn't pay for it. I get to go for free.
As far as wages and benefits, I'd actually get more if I worked at the local Blockbuster. But Blockbuster wouldn't hire me. I always fail the little personality tests some businesses (such as said local Blockbusters) give. Don't get me started on those things...
Ayelar is correct. Netflix is awesome. And since I do live close to a local distribution center, I get all my movies within a day. I do get free rentals where I work, but I just use that to keep up with the big releases I didn't want to pay to see in a theater.
Within two days of working there all customers were refered to me if they had a question about a movie. It's just too bad they're all more interested in say, Torque than Wings of Desire (which, of course, we don't have anyway). Also, it made my lack of a social life all to clear...
Ah well... The saga continues...
Posts: 1295 | Registered: Jan 2003
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There is no way the guys at my blockbuster had to take a personality test. Unless they got hired for having a void of personality. The local store on the other hand is much more fun. They even comment on our movie choices.
Posts: 872 | Registered: Mar 2002
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I like the way someone at Blockbuster always says hi when we walk in the door.
So Godric, have you used your new found authority to suggest movie ideas to your boss? Since he knows you're the local authority on the subject, he might go with your recommendations. You could also try some of those little cards like at Borders. If you like X, check out Y and Z. I like those cards.
Posts: 2283 | Registered: Dec 2003
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Well, I worked at Blockbuster as an assistant manager, and I can say with confidence that it is evil. I have plenty of stories from that... I refuse to believe you could fail their personality test thingy, as I know for a fact there were some crazy, unstable type people who worked there.
I also have to ask one thing: How does video rental and tanning go together?
Posts: 2432 | Registered: Feb 2001
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Well, the personality test was the reason they gave me -- maybe it was something else though. But I have had two other places give me those damnable things and "failed" them both as well. A manager at one of those places said he wanted to hire me anyway -- he didn't like those things either -- but it was company policy and all that.
Anyway, about the tanning and video combination, I too am at a loss. But it does seem to work well.
Posts: 1295 | Registered: Jan 2003
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Xap, I was going to ask the same thing! Ha ha. I have been chuckling.
Godric, perhaps your coworkers love to tan. Maybe tanning is the only benefit they ask for. Or expect. Ha ha.
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