I saw it yesterday. I liked it much better then the first Shrek. This time I saw it with my 5 year old and 3 year old nephew and neice. The first movie had John Lithgo and really funny parts I liked, however I was bored alot. In Shrek 2 I was entertained the whole movie.
What I did not know till the end is that Julie Andrews is the queen and Antonio Badures (sp?) is the cat.
Posts: 1034 | Registered: Mar 2004
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Seems like it's going to be one of the more decent movie movies coming out right now. I might go see it this weekend.
Posts: 121 | Registered: Mar 2004
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Yeah, that's what I meant. Did I tell you I have a bad memory? It's what I meant, I just forgot because I have a bad...huh? O yeah. hmm..where was I?
Posts: 1034 | Registered: Mar 2004
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Unicornwhisperer and I saw it yesterday. I loved it. It's hard to say whether it is better than the first since I have seen the first one so many times. I actually like Shrek the more I watch it, so we'll see if this movie grows on me the more I watch it. I do want to see it again.
However, did anyone feel like they were watching a musical at times?
Posts: 684 | Registered: Aug 2001
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I saw it yesterday and was only mildly entertained. I read a review where they said Puss in Boots and the (mini-spoiler!) rescue scene were the funniest parts, and I'd have to agree. It took a while to get the movie going, but once it did, I was still marginally entertained. Though by the end, I was nearly in tears laughing and rolling on the floor. "Livin' la Vida Loca"? Oh, heck yes. That made my day. And did you stay for the scene in the credits? "Look at our mutant babies!" Wow, that was funny.
Posts: 3932 | Registered: Sep 1999
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Is anyone else incredibly anxious for The Emperor's New Groove 2 to come out??? In my opinion, it was MUCH better than Shrek. *still planning to see Shrek 2*
Posts: 165 | Registered: Apr 2004
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I don't know when it's out, but I heard about it before I heard about Shrek 2. I'll keep you posted.
Posts: 165 | Registered: Apr 2004
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I didn't even realize Shrek 2 was out yet. But like Mr. Porteiro Head, I'm already annoyed with all the ads. I think I'll still see it, though.
Posts: 9945 | Registered: Sep 2002
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I saw it last night. I was thoroughly entertained throughout most of the movie, though I do have to admit, the faerie godmother's musical-like songs were a bit annoying.
Posts: 1934 | Registered: Jun 2001
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I actually didn't like the Emperor's New Groove. It just annoyed me for some reason. Maybe I'll like the second one better, though.
Posts: 145 | Registered: Jan 2004
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Yeah, I didn't really dig the Emporer's New Groove too much either. I was surprised, as everybody was comparing it to movies I absolutely loved, like Aladdin and Shrek. But, nope.
Anyway, I'm so piss-happy that Shrek 2 is out AND has received good reviews, I something unexpected and spontaneous.
Posts: 2292 | Registered: Aug 2003
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I saw it yesterday afternoon and loved it. Some of the adult humor was mor obvious this time like the SPOILERS cat *licking* himself, and the weed. SPOILERS I also thought this movie had alot more action and music to it. I defenatly liked the whole movie overall.
quote: And did you stay for the scene in the credits? "Look at our mutant babies!" Wow, that was funny.
I stayed, and the first thing I thought was how the babies were born, were they eggs or live birth?
Posts: 2489 | Registered: Jan 2002
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I just saw it tonight. Great movie. Did anyone else catch the Legolas reference? My friends and I were the only ones in the theater laughing at that one.
Posts: 2149 | Registered: Aug 2000
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quote: Antonio Banderas is hilarious as Puss in Boots.
I totally agree. He was purrfect!
I would have missed the scene in the credits but luckally there were so many people in the theatre that we couldn't leave. I'm so glad I saw it! I had been wondering the whole time what was up with the dragon...
Posts: 3420 | Registered: Jun 2002
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I saw it earlier today... And I didn't enjoy it as much as I did the first one, although I think that was more because Shrek was kind of out of nowhere while Shrek 2 is...more of Shrek.
Kind of like MiBII....minus the suckage...
Posts: 20 | Registered: May 2004
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shrek was sold out. I ended up seeing Mean Girls instead. it was quite good. a little confusing, but the writing craftsmanship was solid.
Posts: 3061 | Registered: Mar 2004
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quote:I usually hate blatant comedy, but I was rolling around on the floor during the whole movie.
EWWWWWWW! How could you do that with the floor all sticky from spilled sodas and gum, not to mention the goobers and JuJus that would adhere to your clothing...
Posts: 1423 | Registered: Sep 2003
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Just got back from seeing Shrek 2. I actually thought it was funnier than the first one, which I also loved. Without giving away anything in the way of spoilers, there were so many hilarious references in there that it just cracked me up. And there many many funny lines.
The couple next to me were in their 20s and I think they missed about 1/2 of the references. So many old movies and Hollywood-ish things that only a true movie buff, or a person from the LA area would get. So funny.
But even discounting that "inside" stuff, there was just a lot to enjoy. This was a fun, fun movie.
Posts: 22497 | Registered: Sep 2000
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By the way, for those who don't know, Jennifer Saunders (who plays the Fairy Godmother) is the creative genius behind Absolutely Fabulous and she really does a great job in this movie.
I thought John Cleese was wasted in his role as the king. He didn't even have any good jokes, I thought, but that seems to be his fate these days. That and how they waste him as Nearly Headless Nick.
He seems to be taking odd little parts that don't use his talents much at all.
I just came back from seeing it, and it was absolutely hilarious! It was entertaining the entire time. There were so many odd jokes that I probably missed more than half of them because I was too busy laughing at the ones I did get. So... when does Shrek 3 come out?
(HP comes out next week!)
Posts: 1547 | Registered: Jan 2004
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I loved it. Couldn't stop noticing how much the animation's improved over the years -- just watch their hair move, jesus...
Poor Eddie Murphy seems to have been relegated to funny colored sidekick, more so than he was in the last movie, where he had at least some degree of character development and depth. Banderas did great, though I disliked the "innit we sahpossa hava fiesta???" bit. Nothing particularly wrong with it, just a bit out of character with the cuddly Hispanic nobility Puss had been exhibiting throughout the movie -- I mean, god, why not have him start announcing soccer plays, too?
I was totally rocking out to the new "Holding Out For A Hero." Fairly sure that makes me not slightly gay. Still, worth it.
I didn't like this movie as much as I liked the last one, though. This one's too blatantly a sequel -- a "we've already done character depth, let's put them in a wacky situation!" kind of attitude. Still, damn good. Glad I saw it. Heh, glad I paid for it. But somewhere deep inside of me mourns that Troy sank while this swam -- I really shouldn't have, but I dug the damn movie, blatant inaccuracies and all. That, and I don't want to see the epic's popularity drown in Hollywood. I'm still praying for an Odyssey sequel with Sean Bean...
Posts: 3293 | Registered: Jul 2002
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The one part I didn't like, and the ONLY part, was the cover of "Holding Out For a Hero.' I'm sorry, but Bonnie Tyler is the only woman who can sing that song. Period.
Posts: 14554 | Registered: Dec 1999
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We took the kiddos to see it last weekend, and all of us laughed like crazies throughout the movie. I thought the character of Puss in Boots was hilarious - especially when he denied owning the catnip.
How did the Gingerbread Man, Pig, Mice, and Pinnochio get to far far away so fast? I hate obvious, glaring gaps like that in movies - it's carelessness by the writers.
Oh, yes. And finally, "Changes"? GAH! How dare they use a crappy replacement singer for that song? They ruined it!
Posts: 3060 | Registered: Nov 2003
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Cliche? That movie makes fun of so many cliches from fairy tales.
I *love* the portrayals of the real fairy tale princesses in both Shrek I and II--like Cinderella and Snow White duking it out over the wedding bouquet in I, and Sleeping Beauty holding a sleepover when she was eight and falling out of the carriage in II. It was awesome.
I liked the LOTR reference with the wedding ring. It mimicked the movie perfectly.
I adored Puss in Boots, I just wish he hadn't been in the trailers. That was something they should have saved.
Did anyone else catch on SPOILERSPOILERSPOILERSPOILERSPOILER that the King was a frog right off? I watched this with my younger brother and as soon as the Queen said something about walking along the lillies with him, I said "he's so a frog" and he agreed then.
Loved the music, but I didn't think "Livin la Vida Loca" was quite as good as the "Believer" from Shrek I. "I need a Hero" was, though. That rocked my socks off.
Posts: 4089 | Registered: Apr 2003
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quote: Is anyone else incredibly anxious for The Emperor's New Groove 2 to come out??? In my opinion, it was MUCH better than Shrek. *still planning to see Shrek 2*
Then you, my friend, are an idiot.
Posts: 3564 | Registered: Sep 2001
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Bob, SOOO Many great movies spoofed in this I was LMBO the entire time, I was almost amazed no one else mentioned it 'til you.
*Still laughing about the ET: BE GOOOOOOOOD reference* And the rendering has seen a facelift too, I really loved how not only the hair was nice, but WOW on the lighting blooms, *The bright white that came from the hair in the light*
SPOILERS I called the pregnant dragon from the beginning. When Shrek and Fiona first came back, Donkey made some comment about the dragon being moody. I immediately thought, "She's pregnant." But then I forgot about until the little mutant babies at the end. /SPOILERS
About the crew getting there so fast after it took Shrek & Co quite a while -- I assumed the dragon brought them, although it doesn't explain why she didn't show up again until the end.
Maybe they stepped through the mirror? They're all awfully small...
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