Other than my face being really itchy, things seem to be progressing nicely with growth.
The grizzley Admas look is coming back baby! Well, maybe not but I feel like being hairy for a while.
Posts: 1294 | Registered: Oct 2003
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Ever notice how girls always do something drastic to their hair after an emotionally wrenching break-up?
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Beverly - so, what. You calling me a girl. Look guys I've said this before and I'll say it again. I'm lonely and yes, girls suck, but I'm not ready to switch teams yet. And certainly not such a drastic move as to get my boys removed. well, not yet at least. Posts: 1294 | Registered: Oct 2003
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seriously though, I did expect to hear some comments like you all have made. And quite honestly I think the whole new look thing is due to the fact that so much is changing right now in my life. hmmm... go figure. I'm as predictable as the next person.
Posts: 1294 | Registered: Oct 2003
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Beatnix, I don't think beverly was calling you a girl. She was saying that you are doing something similar to what many girls do after a break-up.
Posts: 16551 | Registered: Feb 2003
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I grew a beard for two weeks and then I couldn't stand the hairyness of it all. Maybe if it weren't a full beard I would have been happier with it. As it is, I like things unhairy on my chin.
Posts: 1592 | Registered: Jan 2001
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Cool, beat. Now maybe if you start wearing tie-dye and growling a lot CBS will give you a million dollars. Posts: 2220 | Registered: Jun 1999
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I think a well trimmed beard can look very manly. But I have an irrational dislike for guys sporting a mustache. (Meaning a mustache with no accompanying beard.) I think men with lone mustaches look like rodents.
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No one's making fun of you for being predictable - not yet, anyway.
FWIW, I've done some appearance changes along your lines during major times of life-change - especially relationship-loss times. In my case, it was either shaving or growing the beard.
In my case, I have a positive association with the practice. I didn't do these things right away. They seemed to coincide with a psychological and emotional shift to move on (the actual moving on was a longer process though).
One epiphany I'll share. About 6 months after the most gut-wrenching breakup I've ever experienced I woke up and realized something.
I was alone and felt miserable.
But then I realized that even that feeling was several steps up from the way I felt for most of the time during the final months of the relationship that fell apart. It's just that the steady state of misery in the relationship built up in a way that I just grew accustomed to it, unable to recognize how truly horrible I felt.
Don't know if this is at all helpful or relevant - take it for what it's worth and what it's not.
Posts: 4344 | Registered: Mar 2003
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I've tried to grow one a couple of times before and always seem to bail at around two weeks. But not this time!
Posts: 1294 | Registered: Oct 2003
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I've been dropping hints for Porter to grow a beard again, just for me. But he doesn't feel as rebellious as he used to. I think he has very good reasons for not growing one out right now, but I sure would find it sexy.
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sndrake - I actually do feel I've made a bit of a turn. Although I almost pathetically want her still, I for the first time, am actually ready to move forward and apart from her. So once again, I am a predictable fellow.
hmmm... new look = new outlook.
Odd how my thread that wasn't about my marriage, well, still is.
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Go Beatnix! There's nothing wrong with being predictable, contrary to popular belief. Also, not surprising that this thread would turn to that subject. I do not fault you at all for that. Whenever something major is happening in my life, I find I need to talk about it a lot and have a difficult time keeping my mind on other subjects.
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cochick - I had a few friends with theories about facial hair. None of them were appropriate for a family forum though. Their theories were very "enhancing" *wink, wink. nudge, nudge*
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actually i was wondering about that. How do I get on the hatrack photo site? New computer and roadrunner = good picture fun.
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I'm really surprised to see so many women on here who LIKE facial hair on guys.
I LOVE for my men to have beards and/mustaches, or even stubble. But so many of my co-worker women (and men) have convinced me that I'm the only woman that feels that way. Most of the guys won't grow beards "because my wife doesn't like it" and most of the women think they're yucky.
I think they are all insane for saying that. I would love it if most all men had beards (there are just a very select few that DON'T look good with facial hair)
The best is the first week, especially if he has sort of long hair that's a little tossled. Facial hair is so sexy, but I understand why some women don't like facial hair, hasn't anyone else ever gotten chafed from stubble? I get a rash on my chin if I kiss a guy with stubble.
Posts: 377 | Registered: May 1999
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RRRRawer. I used to be distinctly in the camp of not liking facial hair on guys *at all*. I hated hairy men in general. Me and my hs friends would talk about "oranges and kiwis". We would go on and on about how grodie hairy men were. Porter converted me! I still find most hairy men gross, but in moderation it is nice, and on Porter, *very* nice.
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I definitely think its partially to do with the idea of liking a bit of rough.
Which strangely goes completely in opposition to my earlier comment about Orlando Bloom and liking baby-faced guys.
Posts: 394 | Registered: Feb 2004
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I agree with Farmgirl's post. Except for the stubble. Bleh! No stubble! But facial hair on a guy is a wondrous -- and underappreciated -- thing.
Posts: 32919 | Registered: Mar 2003
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Stubble less than a week old is too sharp, but once the beard softens, reeaowrrr! My husband had a huge beard when we met, but he's not had one recently.
Posts: 11017 | Registered: Apr 2003
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Wish I could grow a beard. Alas, my facial hair is thing, wirey and patchy. If I don't shave it just looks like I haven't washed my face lately. Of course, that doesn't mean I *do* shave. I'm far too lazy (and single) to bother with something like that.
Posts: 3243 | Registered: Apr 2002
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I once dated a Native American (Navajo) and he didn't/couldn't have any facial or much body hair (read that as "chest hair") I guess that race has different genes because I don't think he could have grown a beard if he tried.
Which brings me to why I don't understand why they shave male models. In every catalog, like modeling men's clothing, etc., the models are all clean-shaven, not only their faces, but their chests as well. Why do marketers think that is sexier than a guy with a little masculine chest hair?
Farmgirl *who realizes she's getting away from Beatnix original topic of his beard. Sorry beatnix*
Posts: 9538 | Registered: Aug 2003
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Man, my face is really itchy. This is why I never get past week two. I get annoyed with the itch and shave. Hmmm... I am curious as to how full It will be. I'm not a super fuzzy guy but it does come in pretty evenly. No big gaps or anything like that. I've always worn a goat and that gets nice and bushy so I'm hopeful!
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Derail away, no big deal. I mean it's not like my beard topic is a hugely important issue!
I think the shaved thing is because it defines the muscle much more without body hair. And I mean, have you ever seen an average man in a fashion magazine? It's not just the hair they are neglecting.
Posts: 1294 | Registered: Oct 2003
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Stay the course, brother. It shouldn't take much longer than 2 weeks for the itch to go away. I was planning to shave my beard this summer, but I'm afraid that I've hit the point of no return. I've already had too much sun on the face.
Posts: 43 | Registered: Nov 2003
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Give it time, BtL. One of my brothers used to have that problem. Now (a few years later) his beard (when he has one) is starting to look respectable.
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