Marek, the deadline is TODAY. Last I checked, it ain't midnight yet. E-mail me your size & shirt preference. (If you do it tomorrow, that's cool too.)
Of course, I haven't checked my hotmail yet, you may have done it already...
I have, in two seprate emails because I emailed trying to order a shirt and left out the whole size and preferrance thing. (guess assumeing everyone is psychic is bad, huh?)
Posts: 2332 | Registered: Jul 2003
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Why IS your screen name Kama, Kama? Is that really your name, or does it mean something, or stand for something? Can't wait to meet you to see if I'm pronouncing it right...
I just heard from the printer. We didn't make the price point I was aiming for, plus I forgot to figure for tax, so the shirts are going to be a little more then estimated. He just gave me the total over the phone (I'm at work still) and is e-mailing me the by-type-of-shirt breakdown at home.
I'll e-mail everyone who ordered with what their actual shirts cost by the end of the weekend. From the total amount I'm guessing it'll be about $3 more per shirt. If this is a problem for anyone, please let me know, I can still modify the order.
I'm sorry, all... didn't intend a bait-and-switch on you. Posts: 7954 | Registered: Mar 2004
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El Jay, thanks again for doing this! You absolutely warned us that the prices were estimates, and based on a specific order size. Don't worry about it. Posts: 32919 | Registered: Mar 2003
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And, I will note in my defense, that I did in fact send an e-mail this morning that was not responded to, and one's fiance might begin to think that not enough credit is given for pre-loading one's e-mail server with daily expressions of affection even while one was away from from one's e-mail.
One is also waiting patiently for one's fiance to call.
Sorry, Zevlag, it is completely too late to get a shirt. The printer doesn't keep much inventory on hand, he orders it from the distributors as needed, and the order has already gone in. Anything added now wouldn't get here before he does the printing, so it would cost an whole new set-up fee and everything.
Also: To the 4 people who ordered size Small Kiss Me shirts... small was backordered, but he said mediums and smalls are very, very close in that shirt style, and recommended we just get mediums. I did that... if they are too big, they will shrink a little if you wash them in hot water. (All the shirts are preshrunk, but will shirnk a little more if you try.)
Posts: 7954 | Registered: Mar 2004
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I'm wondering if I should set up a card table somewhere at the door to the hospitality room or something to collect money. ElJay should we include your T-shirts with that?
It would be so cool if we could do little goody bags like they do at big conventions but I don't have the time or inclination. I'm going to try to locate some metra schedules in print rather than online though.
*explains* What that means is that I got one for you in anticipation (I think). *goes to make sure*
Posts: 26077 | Registered: Mar 2000
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I didn't mean combining the monies, I meant you and I both sitting there to yell at people to pay up
(I don't want to mix the two either, handling the money for the Kama Con costs is bad enough as it is. I'm doing my darndest to be responsible though.)
Ooooh, see, luckily, I probably won't have to yell. No money, no shirt.
I don't envy you at all with all the organizing stuff you're doing, and keeping everything straight... but as of this morning, I bet my "people better have meant it and give me money" credit card debit is higher than yours. Not even counting the extra room reservation.
(I'm kidding, y'all know. I completely trust every last one of you to pay me. )
Posts: 7954 | Registered: Mar 2004
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It probably is now, I'm sure. Too bad we can't hire Ralphie to spank everyone who pays, we'd have people lining up to pay us from around the block. AJ
Posts: 11265 | Registered: Mar 2002
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So, I got all the prices added up with the per shirt estimate the printer gave me, and it totals out being about $40 more than the payment-in-full I gave him last week. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to wait until I get the actual invoice from him when he delivers the shirts to figure out what the final cost is.
Rough estimates: $2 - $3 over initial estimate, including the $.50 bump to give Kama and Taalcon a free shirt.
He promised they'd be done in time, but said that means he'll either be delivering them to my house Thursday night or Friday morning before 8:00 AM, which is when Ryuko and I are leaving. *grin* So, if I'm organized and packed and he delivers them Thursday night, you might get an e-mail with your total at that point. Otherwise, those of you at the Con will get your total then, and everyone else will get an e-mail when I return.
Posts: 7954 | Registered: Mar 2004
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BannaOJ - It isn't even $40 more for the order, I wasn't clear. If I collected the amount that he told me each shirt would cost, I'd end up with $40 more than I spent for the entire order. So the prices have got to be LESS than what he e-mailed me.
Sober, it wouldn't be wrong, but it would be too late. The deadline for ordering shirts was last month. Sorry.
Posts: 7954 | Registered: Mar 2004
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