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» Hatrack River Forum » Active Forums » Books, Films, Food and Culture » So, I got a Paypal account and verified my account - now what?

Author Topic: So, I got a Paypal account and verified my account - now what?
Member # 5529

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Is there anything left to do after I verify my account before I can start buying junk? Also, if I were to, say, buy a song off iTunes with my Paypal account, how long would it take Paypal to withdraw the money from my bank account? Or do I have to transfer the money from my account to Paypal beforehand?
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Member # 5529

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If anybody knows, PLEASE tell me. I'm desperate to find these answers ASAP.
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Member # 1772

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You don't have to transfer money from your bank account to your PayPal account ahead of time (but you can if you want to). In my experience, usually the money is withdrawn from your bank account either that day or the next business day. I've not used it with iTunes before, but I assume the same will hold true for it.
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Member # 2314

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It doesn't take long for the transactions - usually PayPal withdraws the money within a day or so.

You don't have to put money in the account ahead of time - I rarely do. I never kept money in my PayPal account, when I bought something, I had it transferred from my account and when I sold stuff and people paid me I usually had that transferred to my bank account as well. Leaving it in the PayPal account made spending it too tempting. [Wink]

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Member # 6459

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I've used PayPal a couple of times. In both cases, I transferred the money from my bank account to PayPal before I made the purchase. It takes longer, but that kind of helps me to not spend too much.
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Member # 2199

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I didn't verify because I don't want to...my purchases are not large enough to make it an issue.

You CAN transfer the funds to paypal first, but I just used a ATM/debit card myself. It comes right out of the account, and I don't have to worry about it at all.

If overspending is a problem, I would use the paypal account rather than using a driect account link...that way you can only spend what is in paypal at any given time.

Good luck!


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Member # 7665

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Hmm I'm thinking about getting a paypal account (direct debit) to use for the Hatrack store... but it might bankrupt me!
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Member # 2586

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So, I got a Paypal account and verified my account - now what?
Obviously, transfer all of your money to me.
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Member # 6358

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Someone finally said it. I've been waiting ever since the topic went up...
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Goody Scrivener
Member # 6742

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I leave a small balance in my Paypal account because of iTunes. I don't want to deal with the bookkeeping mess of a bunch of 99 cent transactions in my checkbook when I go on a download spree.
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