i'm desperate for a good RTS game. whats the best one ever? i've played the LOTR battle for middle earth, and i'm considering getting it, unless one of you people convinces me theres a better one out there.
Posts: 93 | Registered: Mar 2005
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WarCraft III with its expansion are quite good. I imagine you've played it, though.
Myth II is a classic. None of that lame resource gathering and tech-building stuff. Equal units for everyone in multiplayer and the best tactician wins.
Sacrifice. Kind of wonky-looking, but actually quite ingenious. There are "sides" but you can mix and match among them depending on the path you choose to take through the game.
You specified RTS, but there are a lot of great TBS games out there as well, like Alpha Centauri. Or, more recently, Massive Assault. Also, I'm thinking of picking up Homeworld 2 -- that is, when I have a properly functioning computer, mine is in need of repair. I played the demo a while back and it was a pretty good time, though it's tough to keep track of everything because it uses all three dimensions extensively.
Posts: 10886 | Registered: Feb 2000
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The game that introduced me to RTs was Red Alert Command and Conquer. As much as I loved it, I am now into Civ3 Conquests. I would love to play with agroup so we could try the rts mode.
Posts: 2445 | Registered: Oct 2004
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I myself enjoyed Star Wars: Rebellion. Its a little difficult to learn how to play, but once I did, it was really cool.
Posts: 681 | Registered: Feb 2004
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Holy Schnikeys, I thought I was the only one here who still plays Star Wars Rebellion. That is truly one of the greatest Real Time Strategies you could get.
Posts: 1831 | Registered: Jan 2003
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No love for Starcraft? I haven't played that many of the others, but it was more fun than War3 and way better than Red Alert.
Posts: 148 | Registered: Feb 2000
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Massive Assault? I'm intrigued. I love Turn based games, both strategic and tactical. Wonder if it'll run on my antiquated POS computer?
Posts: 16059 | Registered: Aug 2000
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I've been in love with the original Starcraft . I like the plot line, which is pretty good I suppose, and the strategy. The newer online game play adaptations of StarCraft is so addictive. I can't play at home but when I have a chance I'm usually up till 3:00 in the morning screaming," I just want to beat this one guy." Then I lose and have to challenge him again. I just love the game.
Posts: 6026 | Registered: Dec 2004
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I don't think any RTS game produced as much of a professional gaming atmosphere as Starcraft did. In Korea it's a national sport. They televise games between the best players and play them in front of crowds. They make the competators dress up in spacy general type uniforms. The best players in the world get sponsers from companies you've heard of, and some of them make six digits a year.
Posts: 2523 | Registered: May 2000
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I've also been somewhat drawn off the correct path by Star Wars: BattleFronts for the PS2. I suppose it isn't really a real time strategy game, but I love it. Its especially fun to put a timed mine on Darth Vader's head, Wookies are so handy for that sort of thing.
Posts: 6026 | Registered: Dec 2004
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hm..homeworld 2 has piqued my interest, because when i looked it up on, i found this lil blurb:
The original Homeworld was a PC landmark, an RTS confined to the boundless depths of space, and the first real-time strategy game to do more with 3D than just model terrain. Unfortunately, the addition of a z-axis meant only budding Ender Wiggins could play (the enemy’s gate is down!). Homeworld 2 does a few key things to make the game feel less like trigonometry homework and more like a game, not the least of which is an insanely welcome targeting circle that snaps to the nearest laser fodder. Individual smallish ships are now automatically grouped in squadrons, while specific portions of larger capital ships can be targeted in precision strikes.
Posts: 93 | Registered: Mar 2005
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I don't remember. I haven't done online play in awhile. My home computer is too slow. I can only do it at my friend's house. Basically he sets it up, and I start getting my butt kicked. So, I couldn't tell you. Why do you ask?
Posts: 6026 | Registered: Dec 2004
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Heh, cause I play the occasional Broodwar game on USeast, and I figured I'd add you to my friends list.
Posts: 2756 | Registered: Jul 2002
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I'll let you know if I ever get a faster computer so I can actually do online play. Until then I'll just play without allies and continue to get slaughtered.
And now- If you'll excuse me for a moment, I have a landmark I need to write. It may take me awhile.
Posts: 6026 | Registered: Dec 2004
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I usually prefer turn-based strategy to real-time. There have been a few real-time games that I did like, however. They're all older games, and unfortunately won't work on my XP computer. I'm talking about games like Caesar 2 and the original Populous.
Posts: 1652 | Registered: Aug 2003
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War3 is too much micro managing for me. I don't like it stradegy wise... its just best hero wins pretty much. A single well controlled hero can wipe out entire armies.
I love Starcraft and Broodwar still. Its a classic game that will never get old. Seriously. Anyone who isn't in love with that game and claims to like RTS doesn't know what they are talking about. I would rate Starcraft and Broodwar as the best RTS of all time. And, oh god, seeing Koreans play this game is unreal.
Star Wars: Rebellion is so awesome. I love that game. I wasn't able to play it for the longest time cause I'm a mac user, but I play it all the time now that I have a PC. Its so much fun. I wish they'd update it, leave the system the same just give it new graphics and perhaps a slightly better battle system.
The Myth trilogy is excellent. Bungie excels whatever they do and Myth was definately great fun. I never quite got the hang of it to be completely addicted, but I loved it all the same. I didn't quite have the micro for it. Nor the quick thinking, high stradegy brain required.
One of my favorites of all time is X-COM:UFO in the turn based category. That game was so much fun, building bases, researching alien technology and fighting the aliens. Though some of the aliens scared the piss out of me. Yeah, I'm a wimp.
Civ3 is pretty good, as is its predecessor Civ2. Civ Call to Power is down right awful. Don't even consider it. Alpha Centauri was ok, but I got bored with it pretty quickly. The only gripe I have with Civ3 is that time moves too quickly. I never seem to be able to win by culture simply cause I don't have enough time for my civilzations culture to overwhelm my enemies. Even though I get all the cultural improvements and almost all of the wonders, great and small.
I've always hated the age of empires engine with a passion. It sucks. And Star Wars Battlegrounds uses the Age of Empires engine. Yuck.
I recently discovered a new game thats like Myth and Starcraft mixed. Its called Warrior Kings, and its awesome. 3d real time middle ages. The only problem is that you can't play just FFA single player games against computers. Its either campaigns or multiplayer. And you can't have computers in the multiplayer. The campaign is kinda fun, but its tedious and only slowly introduces you to the full range of units you can use in the game. But it follows in the myth tradition in that there is a great deal of stradegy and an inteligently used smaller force can defeat a larger force. However it allows you to build that force, and to build towns and defensive and gather resources and disrupt your enemies resource gathering etc.
Posts: 3295 | Registered: Jun 2004
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quote:I've always hated the age of empires engine with a passion. It sucks.
Really? I love Age of Empires II.
Command & Conquer: Generals is a lot of fun. Of course, I've always been more of a fan of the Command & Conquer games than the Warcraft/Starcraft games.
Posts: 9945 | Registered: Sep 2002
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Trevor, I just wanted to acknowledge what seems to be a completely unnoticed Wargames reference. Very nice.
Posts: 4534 | Registered: Jan 2003
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Arthur C. Clarke's short story Quarantine dealt with computer civilizations and the addictive nature of chess. Which was the subject of another thread.
Now that you mention it, I wish I had made the reference.
quote:Joshua: Shall we play a game? David: Oh! Jennifer: I think it missed him. David: Yeah. Weird isn't it? Love to. How about Global Thermonuclear War. Joshua: Wouldn't you prefer a nice game of chess? David: Later. Right now lets play Global Thermonuclear War. Joshua: Fine.
SC is a great one, classic. Generals is good too. AOEII isnt bad if youve got 3 hours to invest in a single game.
My opinion for the best multiplayer strategy game right now is League Play on Counter Strike Source. This is OSC forum, so everyone should be familiar with the game in battle school.
Its basically the same concept, cept its usually 5v5 or 6v6. You have a team leader who calls the strats and positions, switch sides from Terrorist to Counter Terrorist at half time.
It is a FPS, but position matters, as do feints, distractions rushes etcetera.
If youve got a computer that can run it, Id suggest joining a group that plays.. I play in the clan TGA (True Gaming Alliance), we arent recruiting, but im sure alot of groups out there are.
Posts: 375 | Registered: Mar 2005
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I play CS:S a lot, but I play on public servers, where there isn't a whole lot of stradegy. Mostly cause they're too big (32 people regularly packed). All the small servers I find are almost completely bots. And I don't have the time or energy to devote to a clan, practices and timed matches and all that. Just not that into it. But its fun when you do randomly get a team that talks a lot on the larger servers and actually pulls stradegies made up on the spot.
Posts: 3295 | Registered: Jun 2004
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Also, the CTR clan has a truely wonderful server with custom maps and voting. I actually prefer it to our own server right now because they have all the kinks worked out while we are still dealin with some technical issues on our server.
their website is: If their server is empty, usually someone will join you within a couple of minutes on there, and then it usually fills up quick.
If you see me, I play as [TGA]TrapperKeeper and usually play on the CTR server in the evenings
Thanks Trapper, I'll go check em out. I only get to play every other week cause my PC is at my moms house. Kinda puts a crimp in getting very good. I may be on fire one week and two weeks later suck. I play as Alcon (duh ) I'll be sure to say hi if I see you
I've played TA, I don't like it very much. Too many units and I can't see much differentiation in them. It seems to be basically build the biggest army and go slog your way through your enemies sprawling base. I can find little actual stradegy in it. *shrug* It was fun for a while, but I quickly got bored of it.
I can't believe other people still play Star Wars: Rebellion! I play it all the time, and love it to death. I dont know if I count any of the Total War games as RTS, isn't there a difference between RTS and Turn Based?
Anyway, Shogun: Total War is my favorite. If anyone ever wants to play SW:R I'm totally up for a game!
quote: Star Wars: Rebellion is so awesome. I love that game. I wasn't able to play it for the longest time cause I'm a mac user, but I play it all the time now that I have a PC. Its so much fun. I wish they'd update it, leave the system the same just give it new graphics and perhaps a slightly better battle system.
I like a lot of the games already mentioned, but my vote for best ever is Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns / Kohan: Ahriman's Gift. (AG is basically an expansion pack)
This is RTS that plays on a scale like Civ. There is none of the micromanagement that bogs down the otherwise very fun Blizard games. You group support units like casters directly with a squad and they act independantly and intelligently: Hence no clicking "heal" every 10 seconds on every one of your troops, they cast when they need to on their own.
The only thing I would say it lacks is the clever voiceacting of starcraft or warcraft. Otherwise, the best RTS nobody's ever heard of. Oh, and stay away from Kohan 2, they made it all 3d and sucky.
Posts: 2715 | Registered: Apr 2005
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