I've always loved this madrigal. If kq has an objection to the sentiment of the other one, this might be an alternative. At the same time, mine talks about a mistress and her bosom, so maybe it's no better. Posts: 1903 | Registered: Sep 2003
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Okay - printed the music from human's link and saved the practice sound files. (Is your "tweaking" Raia, also on our copies? How do we know what your "tweaking" is?)
So what is next? We each record out part and then send the audio file to human?
Next: learn your part. If you know it, then wait for me to come out with a conductor track, which will be this magical mp3 that everyone will listen to while they record their voice. It will make you all sound perfect so that I don't have to do anything special when combining everyones' recordings into one.
Um, tweaking meant there was at least one thing in the bass part that was vague, and perhaps there are others but I haven't looked at the other parts yet.
Posts: 1209 | Registered: Dec 2003
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Can we have a consolidated list of everyone's part? I for one will choose a part depending on what is needed most.
Posts: 537 | Registered: Jul 2001
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Wow. I'm surprised all guys are tenors! Does this, perhaps, mean something? (I can sing bass, but I prefer tenor).
Since this is a recording, we could actually sing multiple parts. But that means you have to learn them.
This isn't exactly the easiest song for people out of practice. So don't feel too bad if it seems too hard. Record it anyway. Not like we are going to burn and sell a CD...
I'll do second soprano with kq (I'm Brinestone). That's my favorite part to sing anyway--my voice is soprano, but I prefer to sing harmony.
Posts: 537 | Registered: Jul 2001
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Oh, good, I'm not alone. (I can sing first soprano. But we've got plenty of those, and I like harmony, too, and also, it's right in the naturally comfortable part of my range.)
Posts: 21182 | Registered: Sep 2004
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I'm almost ready to record my Sing We and Chant It audio. I know, it took me long enough... Anyway, when I get something, I'll post a new thread.
Hopefully everyone else has printed out the sheet music and in moments of extreme bordem looked at it so you know it by now! Posts: 1209 | Registered: Dec 2003
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Metronome is bad because you wont get dynamics, cut offs, and tone the same if we all record over a click. There are rehersal and performance tracks here:
I am pretty sure I do not want to use their performance tracks though. I'll come up with something when it is time... (meaning I will record me and maybe somebody else).
Posts: 1209 | Registered: Dec 2003
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So it turns out that 170 bpm is about the speed I think this should go. So if you want to practice this at 170, you will be ready. And it turns out that there isn't much variation in tempo.
BUT. I noticed while recording that if I didn't have another voice to match, that it was very hard to get my entrances and exits the same. In fact, they still aren't as good as I would like, but I think it is good enough for now. And it was harder than I thought too.
Again, sorry everyone for getting you all excited and then dropping the ball on this. I still plan on getting this all together.
Posts: 1209 | Registered: Dec 2003
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You don't sing over the use headphones, silly!
I bet a metranome track would work if there was soft singing in the background. Or even voacl cues for entrances.
I HAVE done chamber singing as well, you know, and it is the same thing, sort matter how good a band or a choir is, it is always easier if someone conducts.
JenniK and I were just at Epcot, watching they Voices of Liberty sing, and even THEY use a conductor for the beginning and end of every song.
If you have ever heard them sing you wouldn't doubt their professionalism, or talent, but some things work better with visual cues...or lacking the ability for doing that, vocal ones.
You can find metronome programs online, you know...
I've taken conducting lessons and conducted choirs so I know that visual ques means everything in the world. That is why I say a metronome is a bad idea. But, I also believe audio ques might be good enough. I've used them a lot with children choirs and it works. I'm not sure if it will work in this setting. This is kinda an experiement to see if we can pull it off.
But probably the more important thing we will be missing out is the interaction between conductor and choir, and between choir members. A choir gets to know itself by just rehearsing. People who know all the songs still need to rehearse so that they know how the particular choir they are with sings the songs.
I'm hoping to overcome this obstacle by recording the same thing a few times... Kinda like long distance rehearsals. Not sure how this will go over well, especially since I think I got everyone's hopes up and then didn't keep the ball rolling.
Posts: 1209 | Registered: Dec 2003
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Did you see the ad on that page? Online flute lessons? Wow. If that is possible, well, doing this choir should be a piece of cake. Can you imagine having online music lessons?
Posts: 1209 | Registered: Dec 2003
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Yes. But! Really! A metronome can't breathe. The number one rule to get every one to sing an entrance together isn't to lift your hand and drop it, it is to lift your hand and drop it *while* taking a nice big breath! That is what the audio part is for. Everyone will hear a breath. On the final cut, it will be edited out.
Anyway, I've almost got my audio ready to post! I'm hoping others have been practicing the song! It was a lot harder than I thought it was at first. I'm planning on posting it and having you all listen to it while you make you recording. That will be the "metronome" track. Posts: 1209 | Registered: Dec 2003
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