No, but it's a pretty good sign of why I love to live here.
Unlike other places I can think of, our government doesn't send the tanks in after the protestors
I'm always reminded of a story (somewhat true, somewhat lark) in which the Russian government, eager to show how bad life was in the US, imported one film: "The Grapes of Wrath" The russian people were stunned. It was a film about the desperation of life in the US.. yet the poor US people.. wait, they had a car!
In a recent even that -did- occur, the film "Farenheit 9/11" (we'll not debate inconsistencies) was imported into China. Chinese people who are not always giant fans of the US, took it as what was wrong with the US.. at the same time, many saw it as a sign of freedom abroad.. in that Bush didn't try to have Michael Moore killed. (Something that would have definitely happened there)
Over this summer, there were "nationwide" protests for everything from Animal Rights to Gay Rights to Fred Phelps little goofy militia of loonatics all over the US.
Staging a nationwide protest isn't a big ordeal; it's how many people you get to show and whether or not it means much. I'm sure there was a protest here in KC somewhere, but I'm also fairly sure that as much as protesting, it was a good opportunity for people to sit around a cup of coffee, talk about a show they watched recently, and gripe about life in general.. or for guys to go to protests to pick up on protestor women who could hopefully be swept off their feet by some hunky guy with the right amount of temporary disdain for whatever the hot cause was that day Posts: 202 | Registered: Aug 2005
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And, just for a "BTW" I can rally more then 500 people in Chicago under the protest banner of "Ticket prices at Wrigley are Unfair!" and I bet you I can pull together a couple thousand to sit out and chant for an afternoon. If you can get 500 people together in the third largest city in the US, where you have 4 local colleges and a few million people..
Posts: 202 | Registered: Aug 2005
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This was news to me, but then again you'll here more about the upcoming election then this, or how our Governor and the President are snubbing each other.
I personally think that each channel decides what they think is important enough to air, just like the decide when to override a TV show or not cause of a sporting event or some such.
Posts: 113 | Registered: Nov 2005
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I think the high schooler part of the protest is funny. I am sure there were some student's who walked out of class because of principles and beliefs, but I am also sure there were a large number who walked out of class because it was an excuse to walk out of class.
I can't begin to count all the things I voluntarily attended in high school for no reason better than "math is boring".
I don't think I would have participated in this one, but I know there are a lot of people who would. It's a great way to get higher numbers for your protest count though. The next set of protesters should learn from this practice.
Or they think that this was already covered by the non stop wall to wall coverage they had on Sheehan so it's off to the new Story du Jour
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Mar 2005
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