I'd like a channel dedicated to super hero cartoons. Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, X-Men, Justice League, etc. It'd be good stuff.
Posts: 1960 | Registered: May 2005
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Eh, Cartoon Network typically only has DC stuff (stuff that airs first on Cartoon Network or aired previously on WB!). I want Marvel stuff in there as well.
Posts: 1960 | Registered: May 2005
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quote:Originally posted by Valentine014: They were but I think they're working on them.
In the last new episode, he confessed to Benson that she filed for divorce. I think.
Which will make one of my friends veerrrrrry happy, as she's convinced that Stabler and Olivia need to get together.
Posts: 4077 | Registered: Jun 2003
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A channel that runs reruns of all the new shows that came out that week. So I can watch all of the tv shows I want without having to catch them at some specific time.
Posts: 4655 | Registered: Jan 2002
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Asia's not very specific, i assume you're reffering to martial arts, or were you talking about Russian flicks?
Posts: 220 | Registered: Apr 2005
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Well... I actually thought about registering the domain at one point. I figure that's the likely end-point to this reality TV business. Slay-TV.
Posts: 12266 | Registered: Jul 2005
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quote:Originally posted by pH: But they only show Law and Order like, at night! Not before 6 or 7pm! And not when they decide to show some movie instead.
quote:Originally posted by starLisa: Well... I actually thought about registering the domain at one point. I figure that's the likely end-point to this reality TV business. Slay-TV.
You have so much more faith in the American public than I do.
Posts: 3293 | Registered: Jul 2002
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I would support an all-Whedon 24/7 television network.
As to SVU: Stabler has broken up with his wife and it doesn't look like they'll get back together. In fact, in less he pulls his act together, I doubt he'll even be able to keep his badge. And having said that, Olivia once slept with that guy, the twitchy detective whom Ice-T replaced, and she was mad at herself for doing it because it made things way too awkward.
Posts: 1735 | Registered: Oct 2004
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quote:Originally posted by Joldo: I would support an all-Whedon 24/7 television network.
As to SVU: Stabler has broken up with his wife and it doesn't look like they'll get back together. In fact, in less he pulls his act together, I doubt he'll even be able to keep his badge. And having said that, Olivia once slept with that guy, the twitchy detective whom Ice-T replaced, and she was mad at herself for doing it because it made things way too awkward.
Wait, wait. Which one did Olivia sleep with, and when was this? I don't remember her ever sleeping with anybody! I'm so out of the loop.
Also, what did Stabler do that he might not be able to stay a cop?
Me. That's all I have to say about the subject. My friends and I always say that there's so much drama in our lives that there really needs to be a show about us and our lives. Sort of like the Truman Show, but less creepy.
Posts: 1789 | Registered: Jul 2003
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Can't remember his name. He was partnered up with the old guy. Ice-T came in and replaced him. Anyways, Olivia slept with him as a bit of a one-night stand. He wanted to make something of it and she wanted to put it out of mind.
And Stabler's been . . . erratic. Violent, occasionally. Beat up a friend of his, another cop, because they guy was beating up his son. But still . . . he's losing touch with reality and no good can come of his current track.
Posts: 1735 | Registered: Oct 2004
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quote:Originally posted by Joldo: SPOILERS FOR SVU
Can't remember his name. He was partnered up with the old guy. Ice-T came in and replaced him. Anyways, Olivia slept with him as a bit of a one-night stand. He wanted to make something of it and she wanted to put it out of mind.
And Stabler's been . . . erratic. Violent, occasionally. Beat up a friend of his, another cop, because they guy was beating up his son. But still . . . he's losing touch with reality and no good can come of his current track.
The young guy who was embarassingly new to being a cop? Wow, that must've been a while ago, then. I like Ice-T better anyway. Team Ice-T!
Dir en grey Anime A music channel that ACTUALLY PLAYS MUSIC! Opera, jazz, rock and roll, the whole nine yards. All opera all the time. No game show network. Foreign movies with a lot of nudity in them, subtitles and somewhat depressing plots. Samurai movies. Things with swords in them. All documentaries all the time. Shows about people building things and making things.
quote:The MST3K Channell, that MST3K's what is on other random channels.
Now there's a good idea! And it should also make fun of these stupid commercials. A network that has all the shows I liked that got cancelled just to annoy me. A network that has all the shows I hate on it so that they are not on ordinary nextworks.
Posts: 9942 | Registered: Mar 2003
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I love, love, l.o.v.e LOVE c-span2! They have speakers on there all the time that I wish to Bob I could find a transcript of their speeches and post it on here and ask you guys what you think, but I can't ever find the transcript, and I get sad. Posts: 13123 | Registered: Feb 2002
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quote:Originally posted by Lyrhawn: ooooooo Anime.
Make it specific.
A Gundam Channel.
I can't specify it to one type of Anime. I like all different kinds. Right now I'm into Shonen Jump series.
Posts: 1401 | Registered: Jun 2004
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I'd like to have a channel that shows Classic Arts Showcase 24/7. Here in Fresno, the local channel owned by the Catholic Diocese runs it from around midnight to six a.m., and at odd times during the day when they don't have any other programming, but the only time I ever get to see it is when I have insomnia. They show all kinds of cool stuff. I'm not too keen on the opera, but there's ballet and there's clips from old films, including documentaries, really experimental animation pieces from the thirties and forties, and a bunch of other interesting things.
Oh, and an Archaeology Channel. I really, really, really want an Archaeology Channel. PBS and Discovery and like that do some, but not nearly enough for my taste.
Posts: 2454 | Registered: Jan 2003
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The Classic Arts Showcase channel - I wish we had that out here in Indiana, where I go to school. It's great! I also loved that channel because it would show BBC news in multiple languages - I got to practice my German.
Posts: 2409 | Registered: Sep 2003
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