My mother told me on Saturday she believes Moses (the Biblical one) earns a Nobel Prize for peace.
I gently explained to her that in spite of seeming like the best guy in the Bible, he's possibly the worst one. He's ruthless, genocidal, flambuoyant and a freakin' crackpot at times.
Let's go over his biography:
Born to a people that was stereotyped because they didn't give those who became their "oppressors" any food (because of that other bastard, Joseph), But the emperor (Phareoh) was nice enough to let him in and raise him as a son in the palace; that is a welcoming gesture, and affirmative action, so what does Moses do? Runs off killing a policeman and then daring to seperate two people from a fight - when he's commented about it "who're you to speak, murderer?", he flees.
Instead of returning and apologising to his father about causing some havoc (as any young oligrch might do), he starts a violent revolt, destroying the nation which once embraced him as a son, leaving nothing remaining behind, really. After the battered army chases him asking why the hell did he do it, he tricks them into drowning.
Leading "his people" through a desert, he starves them, dehydrates them, and when he vanishes for a while and returns only to see them with a statue, he kills-off a tribe.
After wasting their time in the desert, and not evn listening to their complaints by setting a useless system of bureaucracy that only screws-up his people even more. He spends YEARS doing nothing, but kill them off.
He asks the Ammorite tribe whether he can pass through their land to get to the land he wants to really bash, conquer and loot, they say "sorry, but we can't really trust millions of people, many armed, travelling through our land - just not our policy", so he destroys them all and loots their lan, as well as their friends' (the Bashanites') land, conquering it by force, without any real reason. Nothing is mentioned about what he did to the Moabites, but he somehow ended up in their land...
He destroys the Amalekite tribe on the way, and doesn't treat people nicely, and asks thm to hold his hands for him.
His legacy is carried on by Joshua. I don't have the energy to tell you all the bad things HE did to the Cana`anites.
But Moses, I ask you, MOSES deserves a NOBEL PRIZE for PEACE?!
People forgot how to read the Bible, don't you think?
What about the geat hero Hiskiyah? When the Assyrians came by with their army to warn him off and tell him to stop the revolt that was going on - they mysteriously die, all friggin' 185,000 of them, from a plague!
But nobody seems to remember that at the time Hiskiyah was sick...
Nobel prizes my arse. The best guy in the Bible is probably Nebuchadnezzar.
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>>he starts a violent revolt, destroying the nation which once embraced him as a son, leaving nothing remaining behind, really. After the battered army chases him asking why the hell did he do it, he tricks them into drowning. <<
Welcome to the no-spin zone. . . Posts: 14554 | Registered: Dec 1999
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I don't know that you could call the exodus from Egypt a 'violent revolt.' The disasters were all "natural," (or supernatural, if you wish; in any case, Moses wasn't out there with a vial of anthrax, destroying all the sheep and cattle) and the Egyptians, according to the text, GAVE the Israelites their gold and precious things when they left.
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You know, lots of people who have won the Nobel Prize for peace did things that were illegal and possibly immoral.
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There is such a thing as self hatred, but I didn't accuse Jon of anti-semitism; I accused him of lending fuel to the arguments of the anti-semites.
Jon was just trying to be clever. But I think that he went too far and crossed a line into offensiveness.
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I don't think Moses' actions would (hypothetically) qualify for a Peace Prize, but I don't think that means he was a bad guy. I think he was pretty great, actually.
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Tante - you're right. I crossed the line and wasn't thinking about the fueling of anti-Semitic "arguments". I apologise to all who might've and did suffer in any way from my post.
All I was trying to do is show how you can reflect the Biblical characters in so many different ways. I reckon, honestly, that Moses was a rather bold man, going over so quickly from one sidto the other. I think he was too bold and a little aggresive at times, but did it for what he believed was the most noble cause possible.
I should've stated more sarcasm regarding the whole issue, but I didn't. I don't mind deleting the thread if any of you want me to.
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Of course, this conversation is utterly dependent on the very unlikely proposition that what the Bible/Torah reports to be the true story of Moses (if such a person ever existed) is historically accurate...
Posts: 5663 | Registered: Jun 2000
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Or on the willingness of the participants to discuss the story the same way they would a work of literature, holding historical claims in abeyance.
Although I guess that wouldn't work if the question was whether or not to award a Nobel Prize. Never mind.
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quote:Originally posted by dkw: Or on the willingness of the participants to discuss the story the same way they would a work of literature, holding historical claims in abeyance.
That can be tricky. I had an English class in college that was focused on epics. We read Exodus, and my friend in the class wrote a paper discussing God as a character - and the professor took points off because of it.
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I got the impression that JH was just experimenting with seeing a well-known hero story from someone else's point of view. This does not stike me as a bad thing to do.
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Nell, that's pretty outrageous. If you look at Exodus from a literature standpoint, you'd *have* to include God as a character. It's not like he's never mentioned.
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Everyone forgets poor ole' Abraham. Now that fellow? He was a good fellow, that fellow.
And this whole bit about Moses reminds me:
(Paraphrasing) "I give you the Fifteen Commandments!" (drops one stone tablet) "Ten commandments, I bring you the Ten Commandments!"
Posts: 6026 | Registered: Dec 2004
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quote:Originally posted by Jonathan Howard: I think he was too bold and a little aggresive at times, but did it for what he believed was the most noble cause possible.
What is the relevance of this? So he believed his genocides were in a noble cause; that doesn't make them good things.
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Ender committed a type of genocide, as well, you know? Except the more techinical term is xenocide. Ender felt guilty for the rest of his life for what he had done, do you not expect a similar reaction from Moses? Perhaps not openly, but I am sure even he had doubts as to the morality of the atrocities he was committing.
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jeniwren, that's what we thought. The professor seemed to feel that approaching God as a character rather than as a deity in something we were reading for a literature class was inappropriate and disrespectful. I believe she eventually got fired (but not because of that - it was part of "cutbacks").
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It's worth pointing out that Ender is a fictional character who didn't know what he was doing. Moses may or may not be fictional, but he certainly knew exactly what he was doing, and I don't see any signs of remorse in his later actions.
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Yep. I had a great-uncle who was a Jewish Nazi. Once the rest of the family figured out he lost his mind and would probably use them to get a promotion, they came to American and de-German-fied our last name. Good times.
Its hard to dislike Moses when its so much more fun to watch "Prince of Egypt."
Posts: 1733 | Registered: Apr 2005
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Nobody pointed out that Nobel Prizes are never awarded posthumously? Moses missed his chance, methinks.
Though someone said once that in a world where Henry Kissinger can win the Nobel Peace Prize, anything can happen.
Posts: 6246 | Registered: Aug 2004
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quote --------------- quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can you be Jewish and anti-semetic? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yep. I had a great-uncle who was a Jewish Nazi. Once the rest of the family figured out he lost his mind and would probably use them to get a promotion, they came to American and de-German-fied our last name. Good times. ----------------
And then that Hitler fellow, he was Jewish too. He had a Jewish Grandmother at least.
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John the Baptist was the one who baptised Jesus, was jailed, and later beheaded (unrelated events, mostly); John the Beloved (who wrote the gospel of St. John and other books of the New Testament) was one of Jesus' apostles.
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quote:Originally posted by Jonathan Howard: And Moses changed his mind, apparently, just after God spoke to him.
True. He seems to have gone from being a shepherd in Midia to a deliverer in a short time. But all that means is by that time Moses had enough faith in (and experience with) God to trust and obey.
I hope I would quickly change my mind on something if God spoke to me about it, too!
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