Okay, I'm feeling a little sympathy toward Orincoro - if not toward his style.
What was the point of printing a list of basically good things about himself under the heading "I am apparently what is wrong with America" if not to get people to respond with how, of course, he is wonderful and America needs more of him? I'm sure sopwith is a great person and we likely do need more of him, but it sounds like the nationalistic version of, "Oh, you don't need to bother with me; I'm just your mother." Or, "Call me old-fashioned, but I love my famiy."
Although I'm sure that sopwith intended nothing of the sort, it can have the effect of making those of us who aren't just like him, or may not agree with him, feel manipulated and guilty. As if we had accused him of being "what's wrong with America."
As I said, I don't thin sopwith intended this, but I can understand Orincoro's reading it that way.
Posts: 11187 | Registered: Sep 2005
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quote:Originally posted by Jon Boy: Maybe Sopwith's wrong; maybe Orinoco's what's wrong with America.
Hear, hear!
You cut me real deep pH.
I think I hear the phone ringing hang on....
-species 8472? -yah -oh -no, actually she's here -I can't say THAT! -that's not fair -no she is NOT -Well, if you put it that way i can see... -uhuh. -really? -Oh.
Hey pH. I am disgusted at you.
Posts: 9912 | Registered: Nov 2005
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Although I'm sure that sopwith intended nothing of the sort, it can have the effect of making those of us who aren't just like him, or may not agree with him, feel manipulated and guilty. As if we had accused him of being "what's wrong with America."
As I said, I don't thin sopwith intended this, but I can understand Orincoro's reading it that way.
I did think that was what was intended, so while I might be harsh, well I AM harsh, its for a reason. I would like Sopwith to think about what this list is really meant to say about him. If I judged too quickly, I'm sorry, but I think I am justified.
But I nevertheless retract my asessment of Sopwith's narcisism if this list was truly just the product of a spur of the moment whim that was never really thought to its innevitable conclusion. It happens.
Posts: 9912 | Registered: Nov 2005
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Yes. Because all Christians are fat. People who finish college never get into debt. Underachievers always drive SUVs.
EDIT: Before it is inevitably pointed out, you are correct. You said correlated and I took it to the extreme of saying always and never. I shouldn't have done that, as your statement is ridiculous enough as it stands that there was no need for exaggeration on my part.
Posts: 1612 | Registered: Jan 2003
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quote:Originally posted by pH: See, I always think Orinoco, like Orinoco Flow... Sail away, sail away, sail away... Wait, that's not it? -pH
It is in fact based on that. It was originally that, however many years ago I lost the code to my "Orinoco" AIM screename, and had to devise an alternate which would be recognizable to friends, so that the change would go unnoticed (also a helpful tip for stalkers attempting to masquerade as somebody's actual friend.... I've said too much. J/K I've never tried that. Seriously.)
Anyway Orincoro it became for some reason. I only noticed when people here started saying Orinoco that it seemed like an ingenious play on "Hatrack River." Alas no, I have been Orincoro since 2000 or so.
Posts: 9912 | Registered: Nov 2005
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I smoke. I've lied before. I've told the truth when I shouldn't have. I've given money to a beggar. I've turned my back on someone in need. I waste time when things have to get done. I've been known to be lazy. I've held a grudge or two. I've shot my mouth off. I've held my tongue when someone needed me to speak up. I've voted for a candidate or two that I didn't know. I've let someone's appearance prejudice my opinion of them. I have been vain. I have planned for tomorrow, but never followed through on it.
Posts: 2848 | Registered: Feb 2003
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And who by fire? Who by water? Who in the sunshine? Who in the nighttime? Who by high ordeal? Who by common trial?
Posts: 14017 | Registered: May 2000
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Hey! That BMI calculator is incredibly insulting! I am not obese. I mean, yeah, I'm a little soft around the middle, and I'm approaching A cups, but obese? I don't think so. 6'2" @ 240lbs is not obese.
Posts: 2596 | Registered: Jan 2006
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BMIs do not work a lot of the time. For example, As a 6'1" 190 pound 22 year old male, I am slightly overweight? It fails to take muscle mass into account.
It's interesting that you list "giving money to a beggar" in a list of otherwise negative actions.
Posts: 367 | Registered: Apr 2004
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Sorry. My post was intended to point out that while some people view it as negative (for the reasons you listed), others view it as positive (for, in my opinion, much more rational reasons).
Posts: 367 | Registered: Apr 2004
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quote:Originally posted by vonk: Hey! That BMI calculator is incredibly insulting! I am not obese. I mean, yeah, I'm a little soft around the middle, and I'm approaching A cups, but obese? I don't think so. 6'2" @ 240lbs is not obese.
actually that's quite a hefty build if I do say so myself- 6'00 210 and I'm not a small man
Posts: 9912 | Registered: Nov 2005
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According to that BMI calculator if the ratio goes up .1 more, I am OVERWEIGHT. Thus, doomed to societal consternation and prone to be videotaped from the neck down innocently walking down the streets of Chicago to be used in the news reporting on the 'obesity epidemic'.
But for now, as long as I stay at 24.9, I'm HEALTHY and I get a pat on the back.
Sopwith, I don't understand how you can list all those attributes equally. "owning an SUV" seems to be an entirely different kind of trait that "raising your own child".
Yesterday I had to deter a 6 and 10 year old from BEGGING because they had no food. You should be proud of yourself for being a stable, loving parent, and giving your child support and love.
EDIT w/ respect to Bao: were being flippant? Well, I guess I exhausted my critical reading skills in class today. Still, the idea that anyone finds anything wrong with being a considerate and loving parents makes me extremely vexed.
[ April 14, 2006, 06:58 PM: Message edited by: Kristen ]
Posts: 484 | Registered: Feb 2006
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Oh please, everyone lay off Sopwith. He was just having fun making a list with things about himself that some group or another have said negative things about.
I don't think it was intended to manipulate as some have suggested, be a comprehensive list, or even all be important things. 'Twas just a little fun folks.
P.S. That BMI is a joke. I hope people don't really take it seriously. I'm 6'3, 192 lbs and I have a BMI of 24.9. I work out 4 times a week-10 minutes of running and about 1/2 an hour of circuit type weight lifting. Muscle is 22% more dense than fat. You can get skinnier and still gain weight. I'm sure everyone out there knows that, but just didn't want anyone going anorexic.
Posts: 1412 | Registered: Oct 2005
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Sop just reading your list made me list a thousand things about myself that made me worse than you .
Posts: 1158 | Registered: Feb 2006
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Looks like i'm still under weight. You know, you'd think that eating like a pig would pay off sooner or later. Dang that metabolism of mine!!
My stance on the marriage thing is this:
Marraige between a man and a women is sacred. I don't really mind if homosexuals go off and get married, but I don't consider that type of marraige sacred.
[ April 14, 2006, 07:45 PM: Message edited by: Julia ]
Posts: 33 | Registered: Mar 2006
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I love's demotivators. For some reason that's what this thread reminded me of. The one I'm most laughing about right now is this one.
Dysfunction The only consistent feature of all your dissatisfying relationships is you.
I can't read it without cracking up. So true, so true!
Posts: 6246 | Registered: Aug 2004
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