The other problem in Group Writing is copyright.
Everyone one in the group owns a piece of the action. Which means: your character, your beloved creation is owned by 10 other people, some of whom will hate you... for no reason.
I swear I never said they were crazy. Only implied. Still... humor is lacking when people go off the wagon. (grin)
Anyway, that's the one reason I don't do group writing any more. Not that any asked my opinion.
I agree, I think the most who should ever be involved with a project is 2. and those two have to be very close people. I've tried writing with three other people. (Though only 1 at a time.) Twice it failed horribly and the third try still lies to be panned out. BTW welcome.
Posts: 1895 | Registered: Mar 2004
And, of course, there is the mixing of styles.
A friend and I seriously took the effort for a project and when the second draft was done, I took it to an editor. The editor, unlike the two of use, could point out EXACTLY my contributions versus the co-author.
I guess if we were both famous, it could work. But neither of us are, so we shelved the project and occassionally pull sections out as a short story here and there.
Waste not want not.
Of course, we ALSO have the legal forms filled out that will protect us from one another should a short story go big time.