I thought I might try this; take some time to search the Net for some SFF galleries, maybe come up with something that will stirr up creative thinking. The problem is I have very little patience going through all the junk on the Net these days.
Does anyone use online art like this? If they do, could someone please give me some starting points, possibly your own favourite web pages for such an occasion?
My two favourite SF&F online art galleries are Elfwood ( and Epilogue ( The former is a bit hit-and-miss if you're looking for something with star quality (I have a page there - says it all), but it's a good source of inspiration.
Epilogue is amazing. Entry standards for artists looking to post are notoriously stringent, so if you want art with a real 'wow' factor it's an excellent place to start. Looking at Epilogue for too long tends to bring me out in spasms of jealousy.
I really like looking at space images - hubble space telescope ones are fantastic. I don't know a specific site, but I'm sure if you google hubble you'd find some great stuff.
Well, a few of my stories have been inspired by someone's artwork for someone else's story. I remember a single page of art in Heavy Metal (remember that, guys?) that set off something that eventually turned into a novel.
I've tried thumbing through some [printed] SF art collections, trying to stimulate the idea part of my brain...but without luck. I guess, with art, it has to strike me spontaneously.
(With art...not with the printed word. Once in a while---not as much lately---I dig out some SF books, thumb through them, pluck my finger down on a random sentence---and bingo! I've got a great title and an idea for a story. (Usually it's a lengthy list with one or two titles I like.))