Seems a bit cluttered to me. A few tips:'The commander bellowed, "Colors out".'
NEVER refer to a quote, unless it is something that the character is thinking. Try
'"Colors out!" the commander bellowed.'
'...a blue field with gold sunrays emanating from the base.'
'a blue field with a golden sun.'
'Allion Ne Sailon in the fourth rank of pike men waited.'
''Allion Ne Sailon waited in the fourth rank of pikemen.'
'Like most of the four hundred soldiers in his unit this was his first battle.'
Place a comma in between 'unit' and 'this'.
'The commander, Anjir Voc Sand Towers...'
Is Sand Towers part of his name? If it is actually a title, try this:
'Anjir Voc, Commander of the Sand Towers,...'
'He knew that this was not a battle that would ever be recorded in history books.'
'He knew this battle would never be recorded.'
' unnamed knob of rocks...'
That's a pretty wierd description. What, exactly, is a knob of rocks?
'But unlike the last time he would win this one.'
This is a strange fragment. Try something like, 'He would win this one, though.'
Now, only use these comments if you really want them. If you don't then try to change them to something that suits your style. However, as stated above, this opening doesn't hook me. Try to make it a little more gripping, say, in the middle of the battle.