Hi Honu,I'm not big on battle scenes so take my suggestions with a grain or more of salt. It was the special effects more than the battle that hooked me in the opening of the first Star Wars.
Where action is involved, I prefer short sentences. Consider your first paragraph.
//Two of General Nurg's finest were doing their damnedest to kill me as I flew my Wasp as fast and low to the ground as my ground avoidance program would let me.//
I would prefer to chop up the paragraph, maybe something like
Two of General Nurg's Rhinos came about for a second pass. I squeezed my Wasp closer to the ground than prudence demanded. How could they miss me on the next run?
Similarly, I would prefer more action and less background in the next paragraph:
//I'd cut my flying teeth on Wasps, and flew them well. I'd also learned a trick from fighting the Tarans, another space-faring race we warred with, and installed it on my Wasp. I waited till they both were on my six and punched out a line of bomblets. They weren't powerful enough to penetrate the Rhino's shielding, but they didn't need to be. The explosions pushed them into the ground. At Mach five, the ground took them out.//
For example, the "and flew them well" comment adds nothing. The next sentence also slows the action. Perhaps they could be combined and shortened to something like " I'd tested the limits of the Wasp in the Taran war. Taran pilots are tricky, but the Wasp is a great ride."
Then you might continue with something like " I waited until they were on my tail and then I pulled 9 G's while punching out a line of..."
I think you get the idea of my personal preferences. Why am I encouraging you to cut back the background and chop up the action? Because so far you've tried to bait me with action, but no real story line. Is there something important about this war or this mission that I should know? That will hook me better than an air battle. Cutting the narrative background gives you an early opportunity to capture me with the story situation setup.
Since I don't really know where you plan to go with the story, I don't think I can offer any suggestions beyond the comments I already made. Anyway, I hope my suggestions were not too far off the mark from your intention, and that you can get something useful from my rambling.
Best of wishes with your writing.