I was looking at some guidelines for contest entry today. They ask for "no less than 12 pt. Serif font" I use Microsoft word and have been using 12 pt Courier New as I read somewhere this ws a good font to use for manuscripts. I do not have Serif in my list of fonts. Is thhis a generic term? Thanks Marianne
Posts: 173 | Registered: Dec 2002
Serif fonts are those which have what I call "curliques" on the main strokes the letters. Times is a good example. San Serif have no curliques. Arial or Helvetica are examples of San serif fonts.
Courier is a monotype font, which means that each of the letters takes up the same width. (Courier is also a serif font). Programmers like Courier because it makes the indents in their programs line up nicely.
In general, serif fonts are easier to read for big blocks of text, especially in print, and san serif fonts are good for headlines, topic lines, paragraph headers, etc. Of course there are always exceptions.
So the answer to your question is (IMHO) "use Times." Or Times New Roman, if you're on a Windows computer. It's serif, and pretty much a standard font on most platforms, so it's easy to pass your file around and have it open elsewhere.
No, don't use Time New Roman. It is not a mono spaced font. And you want a mono spaced font--one where each letter takes up the same amount of space. Courier new is a good one and so is sans serif which word should have. (mine does)
Once when computers first became popular for writers, times was what the books ect sugested since it was dark and easy to read---but copy editors and those who do word count ect want a mono spaced font. So times is out.
[This message has been edited by srhowen (edited January 06, 2003).]
I used to submit in Times, always. It just "looked" nicer. I still use times for my query letters, along with an embossed letter head. But all my submissions are mono spaced, and if I get a submission to the magazine in times---well I will read it if the cover letter grabs me, but in the long run I want the mono spaced.
I understand about mono spacing, but for the life of me, I don't understand why editors would want a less readable typeface that's so light. If I were reading hundreds of submissions, I'd want to forestall eyestrain. Surely they can change the font once they buy a story, or have the author then submit a disc with a mono font. Personally, I find reading in mono uncomfortable.
Posts: 1810 | Registered: Jun 2002
Hmm, all my stuff is in New Courier 10 point. I just did it because I liked New Courier, and it's easier to fit words onto the paper on the smallest legible size. I've yet to submit anything, though I have about twenty of what I call "quality" short stories lying around. Any idea where I can dish them out? Some are science fiction or fantasy related, but most are based on comedy.
Posts: 58 | Registered: Jan 2003