I am considering taking a writing class, and my best option I think is to take one on-line. Does anyone have one to recommend? It would help if it did not cost the world, and had some flexibility in deadlines.
Also... would you recommend that an aspiring writer take a class in grammar first, or could such a person jump right into creative writing, or even genre writing?
I've been taking an online class that I feel has helped me a lot.
The teacher has just begun sending out a free weekly newsletter with writing lessons. You could subscribe to that, and if you like it, then you could sign up for his next online class.
E-mail calebwarnock (at), and ask to receive his newsletter.
As for taking a grammar class first, there's no need to do so.
Thank you! - I did send an e-mail, and got a very helpful reply, along with the most recent newsletter. The newsletter appears to be a great resource for beginning writers, and the current discussion of writers workgroups was thought-provoking. I believe I probably will try his class - the format and topics work for me.
Posts: 465 | Registered: Aug 2003
I would be careful about online classes. As with classes given in person, quality may vary.
I recently took (and quit) an online writing class. The entire course basically consisited of three things:
1. Essays by the instructor
2. Silly quizzes designed to see if you read the essays
3. Writing forums in which posting work is "optional." I posted several pieces and always received the same general and not very helpful feedback, such as "nice job" or "good story."
I'd be interested to hear if anyone has had personal experiences with classes that they'd recommend?