I gave a friend the first few chapters of a story, and he said it was too fast-paced. I agree whole-heartedly, but I don't know how to rememdy it.
My problem is dealing with the reverse. How do I cut detail, to rectify the problem, and still orient the reader? I know writing inside POV is important but where is the good balance between setting the stage and moving the plot?
Posts: 295 | Registered: May 2003
Good question. I think the only way you can do it is to read read read and write write write. I used to write long drawn out scenes--whew--my novels ended up 300,000 words.
The i read an article that sugested a chapter length and that you put in 3 to 4 complete scenes in each 2500 to 3000 word chapter. Whoa. But I tried it and reached a good pace. It's practice I think.
I think too many authors think like television or video games. When watching TV the images and ideas fly by fast. Then when it is time to write they attempt to write at this lightning speed convinced they are boring their reader if they do not. In there lies the mistake. The Chinese proverb: one picture equals 10,000 words tells is all.
Sometimes people write as though they are making notes for a cinematographer to come along later and "see" what they meant. Of course, their writing will be made into a movie! Unfortunately, the reader is left trying to piece together and "picture" scenes that just aren't written or on the page.
cvgurau, why don't you try posting 13 lines in the "Fragments and Feedback" thread. Perhaps some folks would be willing to receive an email with and read those first few chapters... and provide some specific advice?
Posts: 13 | Registered: Aug 2003
Edited to add: On second thought, I'll put that off, at least for a little while. After some brainstorming, I've come up with a way to draw the scenes out a little, slow them down. It'll also make them more interesting, I think. When I'm done with the edits, tho, I'll put them in Feedback.
Thanks again,
[This message has been edited by cvgurau (edited September 01, 2003).]
[This message has been edited by cvgurau (edited September 01, 2003).]