This is kind of an offshoot of the personality thread that I thought might do well on its own. Here was my thought:
someone mentioned arranged marriages and it reminds me of factors affecting mate selection. Do opposites really attract? I have a theory that anti-Oedipal taboo causes people to be attracted to the opposite of their same-sexed parent. That is, if you are a man you look for someone unlike your mother. If you are a woman you look for someone unlike your father. But if that happens to align with your own personality, you may have difficulty finding a mate. Because opposites attract. Example using U Minn Behavioral Matrix: Father is Controller, daughter is supporter. Not wanting someone like father, she looks for a supporter. But in shopping for supporters she and her potential mates sense the lack of strength that their unions would have, with no one willing to take control. Of if the situation yields a controller trying to find a controller, you are going to have two people struggling for control all the time. Two analyzers will never be able to make a decision. Two promoters will get along fine for about six weeks until they run through the newness of the relationship.
Or, as I keep bringing up, a lot of what is deemed personality may come from filling in the gaps in a group or relationship. Like how in the male hierarchy of chimp troops, someone has to take the lead. Might couples become more opposite as time goes by?
When I did the Meirs Brigg (sp?) after reading the other thread on personality types, I noticed they had other tests available to determine partner compatibility.
I didn't try it out but might be worth a shot to test out. You input your values, ENTJ or whatever, then input your partner's values.
I tend to be of the school of thought that believes that long term compatability as opposed to immediate attraction is based on a match in core values, complementary competencies, similarly high level of commitment to...commitment , and other such non-personality type related factors.
I do believe that people are likely to be initially attracted to a person with a very different tempermental style, but I doubt that attraction can be an important long term factor in the compatability for an ongoing relationship. To my way of thinking, anything that creates an initial attraction that doesn't yield long term benefits to the relationship actually would tend to be a negative factor, as the initial attraction raises expectations of compatability that are later certain to be disappointed.
Relationships are way to complicated to quantify. And long term compatibility does require more similarities than differences, when it comes down to it, although different temperments can be useful. Two introverts would never get out and two extroverts might step on each others toes and annoy each other, but one of each might be able to strike a balance. This is all assuming that they have similiar needs for a commited relationship because otherwise they might just be too frustrated about the differences and get into a fight that sounds something like "You never go out!" "You always go out!" and break up.
So you see? It's not easy. As to initial attraction, I think people who go with the old opposites attract philosophy, when they take it to extremes, are the ones who are forty, wondering where it all went and why they aren't married. In fact, they have probably gone through years of broken relationship after broken relationship, wondering why they always pick losers. For the girls, these are the ones who ignore the "nice guys". Well, if they're going to be that stupid and stubborn, I can't feel too sorry for them.
Anyway, in general I do not think opposites attract at all. I would say that complimentary characteristics can attract, but this is not at all the same thing in my mind.
Also, two people in a relationship have an impact on each other. When I met my husband, he was the introvert and I the extrovert. Over time, he has become more able and willing to socialize, and I have become a better listener, willing to hang back a little, observe, and not always be the initiator (I walked up to him the first time we met!). We have shared intrests - I got him into SCA (medieval recreation, sort of), he got me into tai chi, and ultimately we both decided to do kung fu. We love to cross-stitch while watching football on Sunday (though he is better at the cross-stitch, and I am a bit more into the game). We compromise easily, and found we have many similar views, though we are different people. On our MBs, I test as an ENFJ, and his results are ISTJ (he also tested INTJ once). I'm closer to the I now, and he to the E, but we are still what we were, just modified.
I would have to go with the "complementary" personalities attracting, looking at long haul success (we've been together almost 13 years, and have never had a fight, though we've had misunderstandings). We have different approaches to some things, but that means we can help each other out in a jam! We just get better with age. I've seen the same thing with other successful relationships. I do think opposites can attract, but would not be sure of long-term success. That doesn't mean you can't be different, but different in ways that go together, like pieces in a jigsaw. We complement each other.
I think many of my favorite characters in reading, when there is a "love interest" or two people working together who end up together, they are "complementary" - they need each other to be complete, and often to be successful in whatever the author's goal is for them. They can be different, but that is useful - they approach issues from different angles, so come up with more solutions, or different methods that can be used to resolve those issues.
Hmmm - hope I'm making sense, and sorry to go on about my own relationship, but it helps me understand this and is as good an example for me to use as any!
Okay, well what about likes repelling? Since that is more the problem stemming from the anti-Oedipal paramater. When it is a problem. Some folks find a mate just fine.
Sometimes I've thought of writing a story that is in essence about a couple I knew that couldn't get it together.
Just so long as they don't know you're writing about them....
I do think that there are a lot of "egocentric" qualities--qualities that look completely different from the outside looking in--a person can have which would make them completely incompatable with another person with the same qualities.
Simple example, someone that always needs to get in the last word will never get along with another person that feels the same need. Two control freaks spoil everything. A pair of emotional martyrs will have more problems than either is used to suffering. And so on.
Of course, all of these examples are only attractive to "opposites" that seek a co-dependent relationship.
In many cases, we are very attracted to those that have qualities we find lacking in ourselves. I would like to marry a very wealthy woman, for example But usually, I think that if those attractive qualities are attractive for healthy reasons, then they should be generally attractive. If a financially secure man finds impovershed women attractive and can't stand financial independence in a mate, then that is probably a bad sign (and vice versa--more pity for me). And of course, if there is a quality lacking in yourself that you absolutely need in a mate....
Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, particularly when you're talking about sex...which is where the rule of opposites attracting comes into its own. I'm sure that most of us know a few "same-attracted" individuals...out of hundreds or even thousands of people we know. What is our theory about opposites to make of this?
Yes, codependency is a fairly big problem. I don't know if it stems from the structure of the relationship, though. There is a phenomenon called secondary gain where what someone gets out of an interaction is not what most people would think they would want. Most evidenced by hypochodria (wherein people really do get sick, not just think they are sick).
I think part of the appeal stems from remaining blind to this being the problem, they really have to think they are sick, or a martyr, or whatever. And I think it goes deeper than personality. Or not as deep, depending how you look at it.