Just thought I'd mention, J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter Books, just made Forbes's list of the world's richest people at a net worth of over one billion dollars. You can see the story here:
That makes her the world's wealthiest author. Steven King used to be, and the last time I heard he was worth 200 million.
In my opinion, she's so successful because her target audience ranges from children to older adults. In addition to product licensing and movies, I guess.
I was amazed when I read the story on Yahoo a few days ago... not surprised, but amazed. Wandering Borders I saw a knock-off that even had similar cover art and lettering - now that is when you know you've hit the bit time!
I don't mind having contributed to her wealth - I enjoyed the books. And her personal story is one such that you don't begrudge her what she's done and earned.
The more I think about this, the more I wonder how much of Rowling's income comes from toys and other non-writing related products--tee-shirts, video games, etc. There's no way she made that much off of five books and two movies alone. No way. However, I'm not going to dispute that she's made more money off of her writing alone than King. She probably has. It's just that I don't see many kids going to school with a CARRIE backpack and matching lunchbox, showing off their toy CHRISTINE at show-and-tell, do you?
[This message has been edited by Balthasar (edited March 03, 2004).]
Ah how fondly I remember the days of skipping off to school with my chums, Carrie lunchbox in hand, Cujo backpack on my back, and Salem's Lot thermos in my Cujo backpack. I was the envy of the whole third grade.
Posts: 1528 | Registered: Dec 2003
This is JB's wife. I have read all of the Potter Books and loved them. I have also read alot of Stephen King's books and loved them as well. But, I think the reason that the Potter books did so well is that both adults and childeren love them. Heck, my youngest brother, he's ten years old, gave me his copy of the first book after he had read it, and the other books I borrowed from my friend.
King on the other hand is usually only read by adults and teens, so he has a lot smaller group of people reading them. J.K could very well have made a good portion of her money on her books. Think about it: here in America most kids, their parents, and people without kids have read the Potter books. Then facter in Europe and England, add Asia, and you have a few million at least. Ok, thats all I have to say.
Andrea, JB's Wife
[This message has been edited by JBShearer (edited March 05, 2004).]
Of course by that score, she would have to be making $1000 a book. So I guess that merchandising is the key here. Can't wait for the HP adverts. So what's your favourite cereal Hermione... Unless you already have them in the US. Can't really see myself buying a Potter Burger myself.
Still good for her, after all she has increased the interest in fantasy fiction, as has the LOTR films. So we all have more chance to be published now.
And yanos brings up the math to make us realize just how much money the average Potter fan must be spending...I think I'm going to be sick (though that might be my indulgence in home-made fudge speaking).
Posts: 8322 | Registered: Aug 1999
Hey send some of that fudge this way... oh come on I need that sugar rush!!!
When you think about it, with t-shirts, school bags, lunch boxes, flasks, etc it is not hard to see how such a total can be reached. Of course my esitmate was based on her getting 100% profit. On a more likely estimate 1 million fans would need to spend about $100,000 ... So I am guessing she has more fans than that...hehehe... either that or they are all very rich
Don't forget the candy too! I saw the Every-Flavored-Beans at Blockbuster the other night. Right next to the Hagrid dolls. Oh! And Halloween too. Can't imagine how many broomsticks and Hogwarts robes were sold last halloween.
J.K. knows how to use her publicity
Fudge hogger!
Edit for spelling
[This message has been edited by RillSoji (edited March 05, 2004).]
Yes, even at 15% commision off the cover, with $25 hardcovers, she'd have to sell 266 million books to make a billion dollars.
Posts: 12 | Registered: Feb 2011
My wife may very well have been right. There have been more than 250 million Harry Potter books sold, in more than 60 languages. Considering all of the hardcopies sold, plus the fact that her paperbacks cost more than $10, merchandising might really only play a small part in her fortune.
Well, people that call me fudge hog are certainly not getting any fudge. Besides, I'm not the one that ate it...I think my brother polished it off while I was still asleep.
JBS, what prices are you using to get those figures?
Umm - if she sold 250,000,000 books (that is 250 million, right?), and only made a dollar a book, wouldn't that be $250,000,000, as in 250 million dollars?
Obviously she makes some percent on all the merchandising, and I think it is her publisher and agent and whoever who know what to do, not that it all comes from her.
Don't forget the calendars, the day planners for school, the notebooks, pens, key chains, dolls, Lego sets, t-shirts, videos, dvds, plus whatever the rights went for for the movies in the first place, etc. Along with what has been mentioned - and some of the Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans are nasty (I have a box on my desk that I gave to my mother's helper, who started reading Potter at age 7, has all the books in paperback and hardback - she is 12 now).
Now 250 million is one hell of a lot of books. I do know personally that the asian market is lapping it up - children and adults.
Posts: 575 | Registered: Dec 2003
Okay, here we go again. Hardcover- let's be generous and say that these account for 25% of sales. At $29.99 a book and a 15% commision, she makes $281,156,250. Softcover- 75% of her sales, $8.99 a book and a 12% commision, she makes $202,275,000. That makes a total of $483,431,250 in total book revenue.
She made about 48.4% of her billion dollars from her book sales.