Okay, this is for real this time. I shall be leaving you all . . . for good.
I simply don't have the time between my growing family, reading, writing, and my writing group to continue on here. It's just too tempting to start pontificating . . . and pontificating takes up valuable time.
Yes, it's probably a bit silly to say goodbye to any on-line forum, but I'm the kind of person who needs closure. There has to be a last page. There has to be a "The End." I just can't let it fizzle.
In fact, I've found a lot of my fiction is trying to put closure on friendships that just fizzled out. That's kinda sad, I think. I sure as hell don't want to be writing about fizzled virtual friendships sometime down the road.
So this is it. Farewell.
[This message has been edited by Balthasar (edited April 05, 2004).]
The only thing I've got to hang on to is the hope that you'll snap-back and come visit. You've been an asset to me, as well as others -- I presume. You will be missed. Good luck in all that you do.
Posts: 1621 | Registered: Apr 2002
Hey, now there will be only one person here who I really piss off--no fair.
You have had valuable insights into many things. But if you feel it is time to move on, maybe it is. I've often felt it was time to move on, and I have come back.
I limit my time on BB's and often have long periods where I don't show up at all--rewrites, and the magazine--my family, and a "day-job."
Your counter points, which make more logical sense than the other here who is my devil's advocate, have been valued, and a value to all those here to learn.
You know, I've only been part of this forum for a short while, and don't post nearly as often some others among us do, but it's almost like we're losing an old friend here.
Yours is one who's comment are always respected (sometimes feared) and certainly you are among a handful who always had interesting comments on various topics.
so at any rate, I wish you well. Thanks for everything.
I wonder about that whole "closure" thing. I never bother to say goodbye, unless someone asks, or if I show up again later (uh, by the way...sorry I had to leave there for a while ).
Part of this is simply a matter of my belief. The soul is eternal and all that, you know. It isn't logical to say "this is the end" when there is no end. One of these days I'll meet Balthasar and chuckle, "Oh ho ho! Leaving me for good, eh?"
I'm always meeting people that I haven't seen in years, just because it wasn't particularly convenient. Since that's the only reason that I won't be seeing Balthasar for however long I won't be seeing him, I suspect I'll be seeing him around again at some point as well. Maybe not here, perhaps not even online. I won't go on to elaborate lengths to describe the spheres where I may not see him again, but whatever places we do not meet, I'd lay odds, IPIC, of seeing him again sometime.
And then we'll discuss this illogical notion of "closure"
I'm sort of wondering to whom SR is referring when she claims that she will only piss off one person. She can't mean Brinestone, can she? I agree that Balthasar is probably more logical than Brinestone, but I had not thought of her as a devil's advocate to anyone.
Maybe the key is "really piss off", which would mean Infyrno. But everyone really pissed Infyrno off (I think he chose that name specifically planning to get unreasonably angry about everything). SR wasn't even close to being the one that pissed him off most. Besides, I haven't seen him in a while.
I'm going to guess rjzeller is the one. The oracle never told me I would find the one, so I might as well just guess, right?
LOL--OK, maybe I should say really, that would only be one person, if I just say piss off--well then there really are two left. That I think of when I write a post--OK who is going to get on me for this one?
Balthasar offered good points without the po'd emotions, but none the less I often felt I pissed him off.
Brinestone, yup piss her off big time, even though that is not my intention. I am often taken for trying to do it on purpose, when I am as I am my words come out that way.
LOL and Survivor you know darn well who the last person I irk is. Look in a mirror my friend.
Agh! Not the mirror! I'm...I'm...I'm hideous!
Very well, you wicked wench of writing. I looked in the mirror, now you a brautwurst! The pale mottled flesh of unclean animals shall teach you to cause me to behold my own visage!
Okay, seriously. Where did you ever get the impression that I'm ever pissed off at you? When I get PO'd, I use intemperate language.
Good-bye Shane! good-bye! we'll miss you! Shane! Shane! Man that movie almost makes me want to cry. Kinda like Old Yeller, or Where the Red Fern Grows.<sob> Just gets you right here *fist softly to chest*.
Seriously, See ya Balthasar. Enjoy!
What am I doing, he is already gone. At least he said he was going. But then why right a goodbye post? Is he reading it? How long will this go on? Is it some sort of riddle? He keeps saying he will go, and we keep sending him on his way... Oh bother.
Best wishes, stay-at-home dad, from a stay-at-home mom. Good luck with the baby-to-be, and writing stories instead of posts, and your name. I hope it works out for you (we'll be watching for the published works of Simon Balthasar)!
(I'm sure he's reading - but he doesn't have to post/respond - that would kind of mess up his point.)
No, my post was a bit vague, apparently. I'll be around to plague the lot of you for a while yet, TruHero. Sorry to get your hopes up. I was including all of Balthasar's little ones, and his wife in my good wishes. Of course, I meant only Balthasar should keep writing. Unless of course his wife and little ones are in the habit as well. Please ignore me. I'm a tad dizzy. Have the grandkids this week. <eyes going round in circles>
Posts: 1810 | Registered: Jun 2002
I hope you mean the book rack and not the Inquisition' mind. <raises elbows twice and exits stage right>
Posts: 1810 | Registered: Jun 2002
My writing group has disbanded, so I'm back. And I think I'll take Survivor's advice in the future and NOT announce my sabbaticals. I feel the fool (well, not really) returning after such a forceful farewell.
PS -- Shawn, you never pissed me off. Just because I disagree with you (or anyone), and just because you disagree with me, doesn't mean I'll get pissed off.
PPS -- I'm very much looking forward to meeting you, Survivor, in the next life. It should be loads of fun.
Welcome back! I think we all know that 'life happens' and we accept it and move on. The nice thing is that so far, whatever happens elsewhere, this group is here for us. For you.
Hope your family is doing well - the baby doesn't arrive until July, correct?
You'll have to forgive me, I was on vacation. This warms the cockles of my cockles. Good to have you back! I knew it wouldn't be long. This BB is just like Heroin, you can't quit, not entirely Posts: 471 | Registered: Sep 2003