Those guys at Nasa have way too much time on their hands! They must be visitng the bars at lunchtime. The Mars Bars, that is.
Posts: 2710 | Registered: Jul 2004
My favorite part was the line about "the possible existence of past life and the sustenance of potential future astronauts."
Posts: 8322 | Registered: Aug 1999
I wonder how long "Mars" lasted after they got the picture? I wonder if tomorrow's APOD will have the headline "Mars Disappears! Possibly Eaten!"
I LOVE APOD! My son has a three image desktop on his computer screen of that star that keeps exploding and collapsing. Apparently the thing is so big that the explosion of the star is unable to escape the gravity field, so it collapses and explodes all over again...and again...and again...
Posts: 1672 | Registered: Apr 2004