It occured to me recently that in my favorite novels, when they have romantic relationships that come to a climax in a sexual sense, they don't show the sex. They may make it clear that it happened, but then all of a sudden it's the next morning and they're in each other's arms and I missed the whole thing.
I can read about sex in romance novels, but let's just say that the romance genre, as a whole, is lacking in plot. I guess I want to have my cake and eat it too.
So why no explicit sex in adult scifi and fantasy novels? Why does the wind have to blow and then it's the next morning? What about sex makes us not want to show it explicitly?
It could be trying to keep your eligible audience as broad as possible. Kind of like using excessive profanity. You keep whittling the number of your readers down with each cuss word and each euphemism for penis.
Posts: 1621 | Registered: Apr 2002
Dan Simmons, Hyperion. Science fiction with explicit sex scenes sprinkled throughout. I had just started reading science fiction, and I picked that book up because it looked interesting. Little did I know how interesting! And I was in Jr. High!
MCameron, I was in Jr. High when I discovered the Clan of the Cave Bear series...and thus ended by love of Bruce Coville.
Sorry, Bruce.
On topic, I agree with Rahl. I think that sex scenes are skipped over to appeal to a wider audience. Not everyone likes knowing every little motion and smell of our protagonist's experience under the sheets.
I myself am still on the fence about which is better. I know what I like, but...
I agree - I feel let down when the romance/intimate encounter of the story rushes past the moment. The culmination of a romance embedded within a story should be, IMHO, treated with all the same respect given to ... pardon the unavoidable pun... the climax of the mystery or action part of the story.
I don't mind racy scenes in literature. I rather like them if they are well written. But how far is too far when dealing with the broader audience?
I'm interested in knowing how much is enough for most people. I'm curious as to what other people will say because I'll be dealing with this very issue in my own story I'm writing.
When I hit a sex scene, I usually just skip reading it. They're usually dull, IMO, about as interesting as the details of someone eating dinner. ("He grasped the heavy silver fork in his hand, and thrust it into the roast, gasping at the beautiful juices that ran out of it. In his other hand, he cradled one of the soft heavy dinner rolls.")
Yeah, they can be interesting, and they can reveal character, or advance the plot, or whatever, but most of the time they don't.
Christine, its easy to abuse sex, but I'm sure you would never do that.
A well-written sex scene can give incredible character development. In the gamut of character exploration, sex scenes blow away action scenes. In fact, it's logical to say that a sex scene can reveal more about a character than any other type of scene (take the reader deeper, if you can handle the metaphor).
But the people who pay for written spec fic are often younger, so to reach that market you have to pull your punches. I meant that as a cliche, not a metaphor.
So in spec fic we've seen very few sex scenes that weren't pornographic. This leaves you with a choice. You can either:
1) Write for legacy, expressing yourself as best you can, never mind the markets that will take your work.
- or -
2) Write for the broader "Harry Potter" market, pulling the curtain on opportunities to develop your characters and affect your readers deeply.
Is it ironic that the choice to include appropriate sex is more artistically pure, and the choice to intentionally restrict sex is more like prostitution? I think it is.
[This message has been edited by Doc Brown (edited May 16, 2005).]
I recently wrote a short story with descriptive, plot relevant sex scenes that were meant to be taken on more levels than just the physical. I wrote it with no one but me in mind, just letting the words flow onto the page.
Then I edited it. I guess, in the end, I know what the market can accept. I just wish it were different.
I just finished a trilogy by Mercedes Lackey, who isn't bad at romance in her stories. she's got fantasy plots and themes and almost inevitably a human connection in there somewhere. I give her kudos for writing the only homosexual romance story that really affected me like a romance. But always, always she skips to the next morning and this last time I was just so disappointed.
To put it in an exceptionall crass but accurate way, she did a great job with the foreplay but withdrew at the last minute.
Good point about the young audience. I hadn't thought of that.
I guess, in the end, this makes for one more reason to be a writer. When I write myself, and for myself, I can write whatever I like with no holds barred. So maybe I have to clean it up a bit for the publisher, but that doesn't mean I can't write what I want on the privacy of my own hard drive.
I personally choose not to write about sex too explicitly in my stories, though I am explicit about everything else . . . I think the reason is because sexual intimacy is incredibly special and precious to me, and I have had experiences with reading/watching ugly pornographic things that left a taint in my mind, and caused me to not enjoy sex as much in my personal life. I hate rutting; I think it should be making love.
Also I am one of the ten people left on the planet who strongly feels that there should be no sex before marriage.
I read all the science fiction I could get my hands on beginning at around age eight, so I do want to know that my daughter, say, would be able to read what I've written without getting sex ed. Sex is everywhere anyway; I think the world will go on turning without my contribution to the smut pile.
So do you as readers feel that you cannot enjoy a story that is clean?
I pull the curtain to expand the audience, but also, I'm not writing pornography.
And I don't think I sacrifice character development by doing this. For example, in my WIP, I have 2 sex scenes. No body parts described (and as Beth points out, that does get dull). In the first one, I describe how the POV character feels about it. I honestly think that scene will make a reader's breath catch in the throat.
In the second, I describe around it, and you get two things: the woman is willing to believe anything the man tells her, and the man is a selfish liar who is doing her a very dirty turn. Boy, what a fun marriage they're going to have, when she finds out what "contagious" really means. In this, I didn't need anything more explicit than "nether regions" and "touching her all over" to get my meaning across.
[rant]...and I really get annoyed when authors go the other way. For one thing, the characters are almost never married, and there's often BDSM, murder, incest, or gay sex; often, regardless of the quality of the story, I wish I hadn't read it and put such images into my mind (Kaleidoscope Century, Angel Station, Strange Days, Stars in my Pocket like Grains of Sand -- jeez, Delaney, I thought this was supposed to be SF!).
For another, I was trying to read about spaceships and aliens; if I'd wanted porno, I'd be in a different section!
And finally, I don't find explicit sex to really go with high literary quality: quite the reverse. Tyro X tells us the precise state, appearance, and activity of the various organs. Hemingway says, "The earth moved beneath them."[/rant]
Autumnmuse, we're probably the majority! We just don't get quoted much!
But I see Christine had a question of WHY explicit sex doesn't go as well as explicit other things. I don't entirely know. I know that I would rather evoke other things too (don't tell me every aspect of how you cut up your steak; just tell me that it was the tiniest bit burnt and every bite was perfection). But maybe it just seems undignified to tell every detail -- just like it would be in real life.
[This message has been edited by wbriggs (edited May 16, 2005).]
I seem to have the opposite luck that Christina has -- I can't seem to do a blind buy of a sci-fi/fantasy novel and not have it spoiled by graphic descriptions of intercourse and it's precedents. Personally, I find it distasteful and toss the silly things in the trash. I generally stick to authors who I know I can trust to show a little consideration for other people in that regard. I remember reading that Asimov had said that he wouldn't put anything in a story that he would be embarrassed for his mother to read. I'm sticking with him. Authors like Asimov, Tolkein, Eddings, Brooks, Dickson, Le Guin, etc. seem to do just fine without going down that road.
Posts: 77 | Registered: Apr 2005
Not surprisingly, I'm with Autumn and WBriggs. I don't find explicit sex to be necessary for plot or character development (although it could certainly be used for both, there are other vehicles that work just fine). And as Briggs pointed out, it's rarely in a context that I find either tasteful or morally unobjectionable. As depicted in the novels I've seen, it is frequently out of wedlock, or involving other things I personally find problematic. It's harder for me to find an MC sympathetic when a page or more is taken for description of something that I think is morally wrong. And that's me speaking as a consumer; I'm more likely to purchase and read material that conforms to my worldview. And while I don't necessarily mind my worldview being challenged (that's one of the reasons for reading scifi, after all), I'd rather it be challenged tastefully and respectfully. And again, even if both characters involved in the act are consenting, married adults, I just don't see the necessity of describing the details.
I kind of think of good characters in books as my friends. I might care very much what they think, and might be interested indeed in the exciting thing that happened while they were at work. But I really don't need and don't want to know exactly what they were doing in the bedroom. I'd feel like a voyeur.
I think there is also a question of branding, something discussed before. If you use explicit sex scenes, then that label will be slapped on you and the rest of your work will be assumed to have them, some might even be upset if it doesn't.
There is also the posibility that some authors are not comfortable writing them. Since sex can be very personal to some people, they may not feel it is their place to make it something public.
I could see my work going about halfway if it was primary to the story. Regarless, I don't want to do anything that would slap me in the realm of Porn, or Harlaquin...
You know, there is a market out there, a big one, for erotica and speculative erotica... there are paranormal romance markets. It's out there. Write it and find the market, but don't let the markets curb your writing.
Posts: 1621 | Registered: Apr 2002
I have yet to read a sex scene that doesn't seem just silly. I mean, really, "She moaned as his manhood..." His manhood?!
So far I've been happier when the main characters are given a little privacy because my imagination is usually more romantic than the words on the page. Or perhaps it's because I personally lose the use of language when I'm in the throes, so penetration POV doesn't seem very real to me.
Have you read Anne Rice's take on Sleeping Beauty? I can't remember the nom de plume she used, but the books verge on soft-core porn.
[This message has been edited by MaryRobinette (edited May 18, 2005).]
I'll just quote something I said in another thread.
quote:When you're talking about love and trust, or hate and invasion, or whatever, the most important part is emotional and mental, not physical. Once you establish that an exclusive relationship does exist, there is no need to go into detail. Or if you are talking about an attack, there is also no need to go into great detail. In fact, talking about emotions and thoughts is the strength of writing over other media. I say, exploit it.
Okay, I'll also quote something I wrote in a more contentious discussion of the subject. If you want the rest of this thread, you'll have to find it yourself.
quote:A sculpture of the human body, or the anatomical sketches of Da Vinchi, are technically less accurate than an actual corpse filleted and covered in plastic. But the act of doing that conveys contempt for the body, even hatred. The act of mummification, while strange to us, can be seen as a affirmation of life after death, while the lines of Da Vinchi's drawings communicate a sense of appreciation.
When we portray sexuality, we are acting upon it, and upon the way that our audience percieves it. Do we present it as a contemptable act? Do we make it a subject for mockery? Or do we communicate some form of respect or care, even dignity and reverence?
The most accurate portrayal has to be true the the point of view in which it is portrayed. I made the point above about people in less sophisticated societies. Less detail is more accurate, sometimes. And a lot of detail? It communicates concern and interest primarially in the details mentioned. Are we portraying a character as being mostly interested in positions and techniques? Or is the character more concerned with emotion, passion, trust? Does the character think mostly of how to best accomplish pleasures? Or is relationship and togetherness more important?
What we concentrate on in our portrayal is what the audience will percieve as the driving motivation of the character. When we make the climactic moment the resolution to stand together against all difficulties, a decision made while driving home from a disastrous evening and sealed with a forgiving word and a kiss, it has a dramatically different impact from portraying the climactic moment as the discovery that this sexual relationship can produce a fifteen minute orgasm.
I can only speak for myself, but I don't write detailed sex scenes into my stories because frankly I think sex is silly. Fun when you're actually doing it, but silly.
The only thing that can make sex not silly is context, and to create a context in writing - to make the readers feel enough that the gross physical manipulations don't seem laughable - has so far eluded me.
There is a market for fantasy and science fiction with a romantic edge - Luna Publishing. The couple of books from them I have read were more sensual, but also fairly well planned and plotted fantasy stories.
I too am often turned off by graphic or explicit scenes, especially violent ones. But I have read love scenes that were needed and were done decently. OSC's Treasure Box has a couple of examples. Also, I had no problem with OSC not showing us every detail when characters in Enchantment "got" together.
Ok, I'm afraid I had to stop after too additional posts and reply to a few things. I may have to edit later.
quote: I think the reason is because sexual intimacy is incredibly special and precious to me, and I have had experiences with reading/watching ugly pornographic things that left a taint in my mind, and caused me to not enjoy sex as much in my personal life.
I think the reason I don't enjoy sex as much in my personal life is that people spent so much of my life telling me it was dirty, personal, not to be spoken about, and not to be had. The only information I could get on the subject came from questionable sources because real people with real experiences never shared them.
Now, I have two further comments. First, on the personal side: I've heard this argument before, but I don't buy it. What's more personal than the third person limited point of view in which we get every thought, every feeling, every reaction? There's a narrator in my head! Isn't that awfully personal?
As to the pornography....
quote: I'm not writing pornography.
There is a difference, and a significant one, between pornography and erotica. You're probably going to be in one or the other category if you describe much of a sex scene, but pornography is dirty, without emotion, it's *ucking, basically.
Erotica, on the other hand, is the culmination of strong emotions in the physical. It is making love, as autumnmuse put it.
Perhaps this distinction is not significant to anyone else, but it is to me. I would never write pornography, either. I would, however; write explicit and erotic sex.
Sex scenes in books or movies UNLESS a specific event is occuring that must be included to advance the plot or reveal a very important aspect of a character is nothing more than group voyuerism.
You may be absolutley facsinated and absorbed by the details of say Albert Einstien- but would you willingly stand at his window and watch him have sex?
I think if one were writing a coming-of-age story, perhaps including some awkward moments during sex would work very well. And in such a story, the sex scene would naturally be very, very quick.
Anyway, it would seem that many of the "erotica" markets pay very well for erotic fiction. And if they're paying well, that must mean there is demand for it. This doesn't mean you have to write erotica, though... But you could if you wanted to.
During the last flash challenge (FC6), I was very proud of myself for NOT writing a sex scene between two women. Oh, I had one in mind, but I knew it would have been utterly gratuitous. Rather, I strongly believe that if something -- anything -- doesn't add to the plot or character development, it's not needed. So, I didn't write that scene. But I knew what happened.
[This message has been edited by HSO (edited May 17, 2005).]
And after I've finished reading all the threads, I have a few additional comments, especially based on Survivor's cross-postings.
First of all, let us make it clear that in no scene, from sex to murder, does the author spend painstaking moments describing every teensy tinsy little thing that happens. That would be boring.
Second, a really good sex scene spends more time describing how the character is feeling (emotionally and physically, which get inttertwined in a sex scene) than on the specific movements of the bodies. You might mention that he touches her breasts, but the instead of going on about exactly how, with how much pressure, and for how long, you stop and say that the woman feels an amazing warmth spreading through her body. (If you've done a good job with the relationship buildup, we should feel that this is more than passion, but also love for the person she is with.) The added benefit here is that the reader can imagine his or her own preferences when it comes to these details.
Third, I keep hearing a lot of problems with the relationships that culminate in before marriage, for example. If you find this morally wrong, then don't you have a problem with this anyway, even if the sex is not described explicitly? As to more black and white morally dispicable things such as violent sex (rape), I agree that this would be painful to experience with the character, but perhaps getting a taste of what she I said, a good sex scene concentrates on emotions. In this case, though, she doesn't feel the warmth. She feels bile in her mouth and she's afraid, in pain. You can make it seem really explicit by simply going through those ranges of pain and fear. Actually, though, the closest I ever came to describing a rape scene was to describe an *attempted* rape scene in which the woman gets away in time.
Fourth, the silliness. This is a cultural thing, I'm afraid. I can't help you. The culture is the reason that when my husband and I attended our pre-cana class (The catholic church has you do either a full day, a weekend, or several evenings, depending upon the parish.), the couple that did the sex talk giggled every time they said "sex." It drove us nuts, actually. Here they were, supposed to be talking about intimacy within the bounds of sanctified marriage, talking to adults about to get married, and even they couldn't keep a straight face. I was disgusted with them, actually. I have no idea what they even said as they spent so much time giggling. I think they suggested that we talk to our partners about it. Good advice, but the giggling made it awfully hard to take seriously. The undertone was, "This is a dirty subject barely ok if you're married."
quote:Sex scenes in books or movies UNLESS a specific event is occuring that must be included to advance the plot or reveal a very important aspect of a character is nothing more than group voyuerism.
Everytime I make a post someone else comes in and says something else!
Seriously, though....
Let's talk about advancing plot. If romance is neither a main plot nor even a sub plot, then it would be pointless to put in a sex scene.
If it is a main plot or a sub plot, then the sex is often the climax of the whole dang plot! And at the same time, it *is* really fun to watch. (Come on, let's be a little honest.)
Most of what I was going to say has already been said.
I'd like to add though, that I love writing sex scenes. I think it's fascinating how personalities and circumstances change what could easily become boring into the best fun that exists on the planet. Still, I find I just don't need them in most of my stories. They usually aren't necessary to the plot and tend to bog things down with unnecessary details.
On a side note, have any of you looked at Harlequin's Online Reads (don't ask me why I've been reading them)? No sex scenes. Not even when it gets racy and uses a sex toy as a plot device. It's probably because they would need to put up a "18 or older" warning at the front like a porn site, but still... it makes me wonder.
In the epic of Gilgamesh -- the oldest known work of fiction! -- Enkidu is seduced by Shamhat, and they Do It for six days.
Imagine this:
Day 1.
Enkidu grasped her _______, and she moaned. Then she ... (500 more words)
Day 2.
(500 more words)
Day 3 ...
It was a powerful image, the six days thing, showing Enkidu's super-human wildness and Shamhat's determination to subdue him by Giving Him an Education, but if everything got described, I'd skip to the end. Yawn.
quote:Also I am one of the ten people left on the planet who strongly feels that there should be no sex before marriage.
Not even close! Whatever gave you the impression that you were in the MINORITY on this one? Now, there may only be ten people left in this country (other cultures are difficult to discuss in this case) who actually waited, but you are clearly in the majority of the people who believe that one should wait until marriage to have sex.
Here's the thing: A combination of religious and logical principles do suggest that waiting until marriage is a good thing. This has been the teaching for a looonnnnggg time. (I won't presume to suggest that I am familiar with all of history, though.)
I do know one thing about history: Puberty used to happen closer to 17 or 18, about when people used to get married. Now, puberty happens at about 12, whereas marriage happens, on average, at something like 26 or 27. why aren't people following their beliefs? Why do 80% of women cry their first time? Perhaps it is because we are given 14 or 15 years of the most powerful temptation imaginable, often with no end in sight.
Sort of an aside, but I was rereading through these posts and I just felt the need to say that
There is a lot of leeway given in Gilgamesh. Since we only have about a 40% to 60% complete dictionary of Ugaritic writings. Thus a great amount of guesswork towards specific meanings. In Gilgamesh the seduction of Enkidu was a paramount plot device because Enkidu's death is necessary thus the seduction was necessary. Because while Enkidu was a beastial man he was invunerable- but once civilized he became vunerable. Similar to the tale to Samson, Herecles, and other great men of myth, legend, biblical history.
Rather than the gods trying to destroy Enkidu- if there would have been a scene of sex for six days with no other purpose it would be useless save as sex for sex's sake.
In Mario Puzo's books sex is very much a important part of the books- becuase it showed the other side of mafia men- their gentleness or sadism etc. But he didn't ever go so far as to decribe the juices, sounds, and grunting actions.
Shogun was the same way a lot of sex scenes but done tastefully without vulgarity.
Real sex from real life is not pretty- it's filled with awkwardness, physical flaws, rashes, cramps, smells, bodily accidents, bizaare conversations, threats, pleads, promises, and insults. When writers write sex scenes they don't write real ones- they write fantasy scenes where everyone is pretty and sexually responsive.
It's like fight scenes in movies where a 16 year old girl weighing 80 lbs is able to beat up six two hundred lbs trained mafia men. It's just not beleivable and after a while you get to where your sick of it.
Christine the average age of puberty and marriage was 13. Most girls in middle or low income cultures were married by 13 to 16. It was not untill the mid twentieth century that marriage age went up to 17, 18, 19 etc for girls. Even in the usa most girls born to low income status were married off before the age of fifteen. As it was considered the sole purpose of girls to bear children and as early as possible. Remember life expectancy was only about 40 to 50 for men and about thirty for women on average untill the twentieth century. This was because low income women were more likely to die in child birth, succomb to malarial deaths, parasites, and other health issues to do poverty and bad hygiene. In West Memphis Arkansas as recently as 1970 the average age of a girl's first marriage was 14 and that was only legally stopped in the 1980's.
I don't know where you got the puberty stat, but I would really double check it against birth and marriage records. The stat is somewhat true for upper class females who did not endure the social stresses of the lower classes. For southern aristocracy girls married around 19 to 25 while the commoner was married off starting around twelve or so.
JB Skaggs
[This message has been edited by JBSkaggs (edited May 17, 2005).]
In some cases, it could be that the author has no way of knowing how to write it properly. I get that way when I'm writing action. If I don't have a clear enough image of what is happening, all I end up with is the exchange of fire and a few swoops and spins and it's over.
With sex, it's pretty much the same. Either it seems to come out awkward and laughable, or it's gross and pornographic.
If the sex is important to the story somehow, then by all means put it in but it should be appropriate to the tone of the story. A well-written rape scene could add a deeper level to a story involving rape. Likewise a story involving romance could be "more real" if it involved a loving, respectful erotic scene.
Of course, once you start adding sexual elements, you start reducing your audience. There are people out there who will flip past the sex you put in -- regardless of how "beautiful" you make it -- and there are people out there who will just put the book down and not pick it up again. That is just the reality of the market. It may be somewhat cultural, but unless you are writing for a foreign market, that is the reality.
I can't help but think of the sex scene in the second Matrix movie. Neo and Trinity are a married couple, doing something that is perfectly normal for a married couple. I'm sure the scene is even supposed to have some deeper meaning in the context of the movie, but I personally haven't been able to figure out what it actually is. I aslo have a hard time watching that scene. Not because the context is wrong, but more because here is something that is a private, special, intimate moment and watching it makes me feel like I'm intruding or like a voyeur (except without the thrill).
Thank you, Robyn Hood. I just understood something I haven't been able to figure out.
I can't stand to watch sex on screen. I love to read about it though.
I know why. When it's on screen it's clearly someone else, and I feel like I'm watching something I shouldn't.
A well written sex scene, as part of a larger well written novel, makes me feel a PART of the scene. I'm not watching, I'm participating.
I have a feeling that I will continue to leave sex scenes out of the stories I try to sell. In the end, as much as I like writing, my dream is for respectable publication. (In that I want people to read, enjoy, and respect my stories.) I am not ashamed that i enjoy writing about nor reading about sex, but I recognize that if I add sex to my books then that is all I will be remembered for, when, like in life, it is just a part of the story.
Oh, and JBSkaggs, the age of marriage has varried widely by culture but I can assure you that puberty has gotten earlier and earlier over the centuries. Your information is incorrect. I got mine in a psychology class years ago and am working on backing it up with a source I can cite to you....
Posts: 3567 | Registered: May 2003
geeze, I should just shut up, because it doesn't look as if anyone is going to agree with me and this will just turn into a stupid fight - but I'm not willing to let the above statements about the immorality of sex outside of marriage stand. I reject the authority of Christianity in determining my sexual morality for a number of reasons. If that's the moral code you want to live by, fine; just don't assume that it's a universal truth.
You don't have to agree with me; I just wanted my opposition noted.
Christine, you're kinda weird sometimes. Why on Earth would you feel different about explicit sex in a movie and in a book?
Given some other things that you've said, I think that you have different ideas about "explicit" in a book than most other people here. But that just makes your original question even more puzzling. I have read very few books involving sex that aren't "explicit" by the standard you seem to use.
For the record, I have no problem with "explicit" sex in movies when it's a "we just had sex and now we're lying in bed together talking about us" kinda scene. I also don't have a huge problem with "artistic low-light shots of various body contours set to dramatic music" sex, though I think it's a bit cheesy (okay, it's a lot cheesy).
And I have no problem with the equivalent in books, which is what I think you're talking about.
I guess that you're just really sheltered or something, and I want to find out what books you've been reading.
I've also got the source in my adolescent psychology textbook but I can't seem to find it. One of these days we really need to unpack our books. I can even picture the page it's on, but I'd like to be able to cite the title and author for credibility. Sigh.
Anyway, these web sites ought to be a place for you to start.
By the way, JB didn't give any information on puberty, he just said that you should double check yours.
It is true that the average age of puberty in girls (measured by initial menses) has dropped a few years. It is also true that it was typical in many cultures for a girl to be married off well before she went through puberty. Thus there is no contradiction here.
No, Survivor. When I mean explicit, I do mean explicit, but I like alot of emphasis on emotions in a well-done scene. I also want to hear about breasts, penises, and the like and what they're doing.
I do not want to see it.
Among other things, I like to be able to imagine myself in the place of the woman which I can't do in a movie. Also, as a woman, I prefer auditory turn-ons as opposed to visual.
I mean, I'm sure I'm weird, but I don't think I'm weird in this case. I do see a great deal of confusion in what constitutes explicit sex. Many people here read this topic and immediately started thinking of the worst porn they ever read. That tells me something, which promted my explanation of what made for a good sex scene.
But yes, you do need some of the body parts in there.
P.S. I don't have a problem in the sense that I have a moral problem with explicit sex in movies. Go, watch it, have fun. I just won't join you.
[This message has been edited by Christine (edited May 17, 2005).]
A fascinating read on this topic is about R.H. Crumb- who was a nobody, who was in conflict with himself and his art- until he realized he was really a sexual weirdo (as he said a masturbatory pervert) with very weird sexual messages to express. And whether you agreed with him or not- once he began doing what he really was his career took off- becoming one of the most read comic artists in the nation.
Christine if you feel strongly that you wish to write erotica then do so. You may be a very gifted in that arena and be able to express sex in a way that is original and interesting. If you have the desire and the skill do so.
But as with everything weigh the costs such an excursion would have on your reputation.
Stephen King survived explicit sex scenes about children without being labeled a pedaphile- while Piers Anthony did not. So the point I am saying is if you do not wish to be labeled a an eroticist or porn writer then weigh the costs carefully.
Okay...I'll just go with thinking that Christine is weird
No, let me explain something. I don't care whether you call it porn or erotica. It's the same thing. Erotica may be a more accurate term, since it concentrates on the specific characteristic of such art. The point is that to the extent that a work is successful in arousing the sexual response of the audience, it will necessarily be less successful in communicating any other response.
Christine may boast that women are different in this respect, but I don't believe the evidence supports this notion. Horney women are just as notoriously stupid as horny men. That blood flow has to come from somewhere, after all
My argument isn't that turning the audience on is wrong (though I do happen to believe that, since I'm against needless stupidification generally), my argument is that eroticism tends to denigrate any other artistic value in the audience's perception. It's an unavoidable fact of human physiology. Humans become far less alert and intelligent when sexually aroused. They don't think well, and their sensitivities become realigned towards more sensual subjects.
Whether or not I approve of the morality of this is not relevant to the discussion. What particular things turn you or your audience on is also immaterial. The point is that turning some things on turns other things off. It's a simple matter of resource allocation and biology.
I’ve always had a problem with this sort of thing myself, but not just sci-fi, but any action/adventure story where there’s a romantic element.
If the writer is good, you’re hoping not only do these two people get together, but also that they live.
So, when the finally do get together and then constumpate their relationship, they shut the door on you and it’s a bit unfair.
I’m not saying we as the readers need graphic detail, sitting on the edge of the bed with a tub of popcorn cheering them on, but, c’mon, a little something-something is in order.
As far as the morality debate, I don't think the writer's personal view should play into it. Would your character do this? That's the question that would need to be asked.
I’m much more open to reading sex scenes then watching them as with prose it’s easier to put some art around them. No matter how tender or how pertinent to the plot, on film sex scenes will always feel a little sensationalized. I’m not saying that can’t happen in prose either, but it doesn’t immediately seem that way. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding the scene itself, if a film character shows her breasts while making love or otherwise, then an actress (a real living, breathing woman) has shown her breasts.
[This message has been edited by JOHN (edited May 17, 2005).]
Sex scenes don't need to arouse the reader, they can be very clinical. I believe Tom Wolfe's I am Charlotte Simmons is full of such scenes.
It's amazing that this subject has drawn such controversy! Why do so many Hatrackers have a problem with sex in fiction?
Of course our society frowns on sex outside marriage, nearly all societies do. Our society does not approve of shooting people, either, yet when NewsBys asked a gun question nobody said "I am morally opposed to shooting people." When Eruve asked about multiple villains, nobody said "I am morally opposed to evil."
We're talking about fiction for crying out loud!
Fiction has murder, treachery, war, pain, suffering, seduction . . . and sex. And more. Any of these can be gratuitous or essential, tasteful or offensive, and appropriate or inappropriate for children.
Reminds me of "South Park, Bigger, Longer, and Uncut"
For those or you too offended by cussing third and fourth-graders to watch (and I can't say I blame you, but I assure you if you can get past it the satire is hilarious in most episodes), let me recap: Basically, American parents get offended at a Canadian TV show with a lot of fart and poddy jokes. So they get the army involved, recruit new troops, and (with many big guns) go to war.
The satire here being the extreme violence is ok, but heaven help us if we cuss, fart, or talk about sex!
Doc, because most of the time it is thrown in for no purpose. It is a something that really interupts the story.
Anything that detracts from the story is a problem and for the majority of works out there eliminating the actual display of sex does not eliminate one aspect of the story except the curiosity to watch someone have sex. But including the detailed sex scene turns off a large portion of the audience, and reduces the stories continuity.
I guess for me watching the coarsening of society, that I have begun to really detest public sexuality.
Example here is a conversation in front of my house by three 13 year old girls in front of their families:
"I was like so f--king amazed at him," girl 1 said. "I know he turned out to be such a g-d d---med d--k- I mean he got what he wanted, " girl 2 said.
Girl 3 responded, "Well that's why I only let him feel my tits- I knew he f--king you both. But God he was so cute!"
Girl 3 later on came to my house and asked my "daughter" to go out with her and wanted to know if she liked to finger herself.
This type of language and behavior is rampant everywhere I have lived in the past five years. From Oregon, West Virgina, Tennessee, and Arkansas. My wife when we started dating six years ago did not know that d--k was a curse word or b---h.
For me I do not want to be part of the coarsening of my culture.
What is happening to class or style in America? Or as one wit said "As Britney Spears has proven it has never been more profitable to be trash."
While sex in society is always going ot have something to do wtih sex in books, I fear we are coming dangerously close to getting off-topic.
quote:Anything that detracts from the story is a problem and for the majority of works out there eliminating the actual display of sex does not eliminate one aspect of the story except the curiosity to watch someone have sex.
This is a strong and valid opinion, but I do not share it. (At least, if we've sampled the same selection of books, which we probably haven't. I don't think we like the same things. ) Just because you can take out a sex scene without actually skipping over relevant plot, doesn't mean you should.
As to your daughter and her friends...all I can say to that is that they're probably curious. I remember being that age (it was only a decade or so for me) and I have to tell you, more than anything else I wanted to know what it was all about. No one would tell me because that's not something we talk about in "classy America." If class and style mean we can't talk about real things, then maybe they're overrated. I began to wonder if I was the only person feeling the things that I did.
So I turned to romance novels because at this time, they're the only thing that talks. It was not the right move. For one thing, if you want *real* fantasy...go read a romance novel. They take the cake when it comes to things that couldn't possibly happen. But I didn't know better, so I thought that was the way it was supposed to work.
Because no one would talk about it. Sigh. I'm going to read a book now.
Sex shouldn't be a big deal, its almost as ordinary as breathing and there's nothing wrong with it; everyone does it why try to hide it?
Posts: 18 | Registered: Dec 2004
1. If you can't sufficiently develop your characters without an explicit sex scene, you aren't much of a writer.
2. If you want to write explicit sex scene, go ahead. Just don't claim you're somehow a better writer, more artistic, more filled with integrity, more enlightened, blah blah blah, than people who choose not to write explicit sex scenes.
3. Yes, sex is part of people's lives. So is urinating and defecating -- in fact, I'm fairly certain the average person urinates and/or defecates more often than he or she has sex. Therefore, you can only use "it's part of life" as an excuse for including sex in a work of fiction if you also include urination and defecation proportionally. If you're not doing that, then "it's part of life" is not your real reason for including the sex.