Buhwaaaaaaah!I want to cry like a baby.
I must have this rewrite done and ready to record the audio book by Aug 1st 2005.
How do I do this?
I sit and obsess over each sentence of the initial draft and am moving slower than molasses on its completion?
How is this done!
I've finished so many stories but never gone all the way with a ready for the public rewritten, fixed up dressed up baby.
This story to me is magic but how do I frikkin finish it.
Buwahhhh, Buwaahhhh!
Are there any books that outline how the great masters did a rewrite? By the numbers? as in...
1. William sat down.
2. Counted paragraphs.
3. Chanted secret song.
4. spun around three times throwing salt over shoulder...
How is it done?
I've got to finish this well before Aug 1.
Help me....
Help me....
Buwaaaaaahh... buwahhhhh....
:| Muogin