If you're into horror at all, try the message board at Shocklines: They talk about pretty much everything under the sun there, and there's a ton of people on the board, so it's ever-changing.
...and feel better soon!
[This message has been edited by Alethea Kontis (edited January 17, 2007).]
Critters is an all SF/F/H writer's workshop run by former head of SFWA Andrew Burt. The format is a little different than this one though. You place your work in a queue and before your story is critiqued you must collect enough points. You have to critique about 3 or 4 stories before your story can be critiqued. Click Here for the workshop rules.
[This message has been edited by Donelle (edited January 17, 2007).]
They have weekly "flash" writing challenges plus longer writing contests and a great community. It's a great way to force yourself just to write and edit/fuss later.
You won't see much on the site, I'm just getting started, and the two critique groups that use my site have private forums (not viewable unless you are a memeber of the group), but I am open for business.
Any critique group that wants a private forum space for your group, email me. It's completely free, no obligation, no strings attached.
[This message has been edited by Jammrock (edited January 17, 2007).]
Critters has a newsgroup (forum) on the SFWA site, too - you can get to it via (there's a link there). You don't have to have work in the crit queue to post there - I critted some stories and decided I didn't want to wait to be critted, so I post my novel for critique at, which has a public forum and a private section for critique groups.
It is not really THAT active right now, but this is a site operated by WRITERS WRITE.
In the science fiction/ fantasy board, you will find my daily story ideas. Other forums have more activity and taken together, you can find answers to a lot of writing questions. I will warn you that new strings have to be approved by the authorities before they can be posted, but one can respond to posts as long as you are a member. Membership is free.
Tracy and Laura Hickman (mostly it's Tracy, It's extremely rare for Laura to show her face) have a forum about their podcast. It has a relatively active writers section.