07-21-08 Did You Write? . Another week has passed. It is time to fess up about your week. The purpose of this note is to prompt myself and the rest of you, to try to write each week. By reporting your production or lack of it, hopefully it will cause you to produce something before you have to confess your sins. I consider anything new that you write, as writing. I also consider any editing, even if it is someone else's work, as writing. Poetry is also writing. What else is writing is really up to you, but I also consider articles, blogging, writing assignments, world building if something goes on paper, E-mails if they are long and pertain to writing. Just about anything that involves a lot of words could pass as writing if that is what you consider writing.
As for me, I did not write. No chance due to my injuries. I did write three story ideas, all three written one handed. That is tough. The story ideas were shorter than normal, and tell what the story is about rather than spin a story around the concept like I normally do. Today, they removed the cast and put the finger in a splint. I still cannot fully touch type, but having extra fingers on the keyboard makes a big difference in my typing. The left index finger keys is what is messing me up. Writing in the word processor does help in my typing. It flags misspellings and capitalizes each sentence. That makes all the difference in the world. Because I am able to type a bit faster now, I posted two ideas tonight and now have 19 story ideas posted for the month, when I am supposed to have 21 posted. I have 29 story ideas on my compost pile right now.
Next week the stitches come out of my hand, and then I learn how to re-use that finger.
The moons aligned for my novel. All the elements finally came together in my plot and plannig so I have been able to clip along without concerns of major revisions.
Shorts are still being turned out about once or twice a week. I can't complain. I did write.
I spent most of my time finishing up my young adult novel. This is a recording.
Other large chunks of time and effort also went to one of my SF novels, and a new SF short story I really have no business working on until I actually complete its prequel.
Finally finished a long chapter that rounded out at about a week. Spent a lot of time scribbling new ideas in my side-journal. So yeah, though what kind of quality is debatable.
Posts: 487 | Registered: Mar 2008
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Yes, I wrote, but I got more to do. I finished the round of edits on my novel, the final 2 chapters and began the final round. The final round is going quick and easy, no major rewrites here. I am adding a few scenes here and there, and expanding some descsriptions in travel to better lay the land. When all is said and done, the book will have grown from 96,000 to 102,000 I assume. But 100,000 was the goal.
A terrific week, where I got rolling on the story I'd only been outlining before. Some days I was able to double my usual five-hundred-words production, and I was able to squeeze out some stuff even on the days where I was hellaciously busy. New and unexpected incidents in the narrative emerged as I got rolling.
I wrote an ~2500 word short story and started my outline for NaNoWriMo. I have high level plot summary with characters and a major conflict. Now this will likely change between now and Nov. but a good start nonetheless.
I also participated in the 13 line challenge, and created and posted two blog entries on (Anyone interested in restoring vintage Airstream trailers, check it out.)
I read Stephen King's on writing last week and am trying for 1K words/day moving up to 2K words/day by Nov.1. This is my second week. I am doing about 60% of that.
1k words a day. Wow thats a lot. I wrote a little everyday, though less than i should have. That would be a nice goal, 1k words a day.
Posts: 968 | Registered: Jul 2008
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I wrote this week about 20 pages of my story The Vampire Hunter story. But that was about 20 pages of rewrites, I think that counts as I am rewriting the entire story from the ground up.
But on fanfiction side, sadly, I lacked in that department because of my dealing with my original story, which I am thinking it may be only a day or three away from being completed and then I can go back to my fanfiction stories which I know I will be able to write without wanting to bash my head in constantly as I did with my TVH story.