Wow! another month has passed, So has another week. Since I am interested in seeing if we can write sometime during a week, I will not ask how you did this past month. It is a question I cannot answer myself. I would have to dig through the past notes and see what and where I wrote. My hope is that you remember this note is coming, and you write SOMETHING just so you can report that you did write. I know I have to write this note and don't always get to write. This subject is a place to brag about you accomplishments, cry about your failures, and otherwise tell about what is going on in your life.
We all know that writing fresh work is writing. Many of us forget that few, if any of us are able to write perfectly the first time. Because of this, Editing is also writing. Here, we also include poetry, writing assignments, technical reports, world building as long as something gets on paper, articles, blogging all as writing. Even E-mails, as long as they are long and pertain to writing, is writing. There are more, or for some, less, as to what can be called writing. It is up to you to decide.
As for me, I did write. I took a waxy story a bi further, from page seven to page 9, adding 680 words. This story involves my friend who died at the beginning of the month. It is coming along. I should note that at the memorial this weekend, I gave her daughters the memorial platters I made, and they gave me the teddy bear I gave her, a key character in this story. I now have six teddy bears to work with in future Waxy stories. I have not worked out this one's personality yet. I will do that with my writing partner this month.
I did fairly good on my story ideas. I wrote 31 story ideas this month, for the 31 days. It added up to 62 pages of pure drivel. I expected more but had a bunch of ideas that would not get off the first page. It did add up to 38,485 words. I will be posting this month's first story idea tonight. you can find my story ideas at scroll down to Writer's Roost. Or directly one could go to Each month has the title like June 2009 Writing Ideas Go the last page (there are six pages noted) to start reading the Waxy Dragon stories. Work your way to the present.
I will be on Vacation for the next two weeks. I won't be here to post this DID YOU WRITE note. I am visiting my writing partner and her family. We will be talking stories, but I doubt I will get much writing done. I was up there in August and did almost no writing then, either. Of course, I had a problem hand, but could easily have written even then. I most likely will fall way behind on the story ideas too. If I end the month behind, I will make it up the next month. Until I can post again, you will be on your own.
I did! And still am, save for the momentary distraction of visiting Hatrack. Now, back to my story....
Posts: 21 | Registered: May 2009
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Nah. Tuesday to Sunday I was too sick to write. But I'm over it (maybe) and I hope to resume sometime soon. Seemed to be going well when I left it. But I wish I had a few other ideas to play around with.
Posts: 8809 | Registered: Aug 2005
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I did, but with terrifying potential consequences. I managed to pound out a little bit on my main WIP, but found myself with a lack of time to really get into it (I moved and changed jobs this month). Just to keep my "writer's wheels" moving, I started to flesh out a new story that is approximately as disjointed as possible from my main WIP: The main is very much fantasy, the new one is strictly sci fi. The main's MCs are adults, the new one stars primarily 18-year-olds. Large cast v. small cast. Multiple timelines v. one timeline.
Anyhow, the differences were intentional, and I've had fun with the new one. The terrifying bit is that I fully recognize this as the way old WIPs die (for me at least). It's actually always been an improvement in the past, but I was kind of feeling my current main WIP as the one I really want to go with and try to finish and publish. It's hard to put the genie back in the bottle, though, so I worry.
Oh well. I'll find a way to keep them both alive -- just a cautionary tale. "Did you write?" can be a double-edged sword.
Yep, I wrote. And I only have a few pages left in my current commuting notebook, which means I get to go notebook shopping this weekend! Posts: 715 | Registered: Nov 2007
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I did a lot of rewriting and am spending a lot of time doing the Midsommer Madness thing. I have started a new story that is a bit more steampunkish. The novel for MM is more pre-steampunkish. I got some items that have been hanging around in WIP submitted. So a lot going on and I did indeed write.
[This message has been edited by Owasm (edited June 02, 2009).]
Er... yes. Though my wordcount doesn't show it. I am at a critical juncture in the writing of my novel. I have over 55k written and need to find an ending for it. My original story arc has proven too large for a single novel so I must find a good spot to end this one. I started writing this about 18 months ago and am still going strong, but as way leads to way I have had to go back and rewrite many sections to fit later additions to the plot. This has led to my wordcount staying the same, or even dropping, while I am writing at a steady pace.
I am happy with the changes as they have improved the story, and that matters more to me than the number of words written and saved.