Dear Hatrackians,This story broke about a month ago.
Richard Ridyard (or so he calls himself) has been plagiarising from popular and up-and-coming writers all over the internet. He may have stolen stories or story passages from you. Fortunately he's been found out and stopped in his tracks. In 30 minutes of searching I only found one of his stories still online, and hundreds, if not thousands, of blogs spreading the news about his crimes. His email, blogs, etc, are no longer available. But you should read this:
I actually found a reference from 2007 to a young man named Richard Ridyard in the Liverpool Daily Post, who would be about the age claimed by Ridyard in his author profiles, here:
(scroll down the page to the section titled "Liverpool College")
Wirral, where this Ridyard claims to be from, is near Liverpool. Might this be the same Richard Ridyard? And might he have gotten all those impressive A's by plagiarising?
If someone here lives in or near Liverpool, it might be worth contacting the Liverpool Daily Post or the authorities to find out. They have no email contact information on their website. You would have to phone. Their editorial contact information can be found here: