Hmmm... I'm not a native french speaker, though my highschool diplome claims I'm bilingual, but I'm willing to take a stab at it. Hopefully someone else can come along and confirm or correct me.1. native hut - you could use "paillote", which translates as "straw hut", or "cabane" which means "cabin" or "shack", or "abri" which means "shelter". I guess it depends on what conotation you want.
2. unreasonably argumentative - "argumentatif" comes up in the dictionary. Or you could use "contrariant" which means "contrary".
3."Garce idiote; Si tu te laisse prendre un coupe de soleil tu vas crie(accent aigu)/hurle(accent aigu) chaque fois que je touche tes nouveaux seins."
It might be "seins nouveaux" instead of "nouveaux seins" or even "seins neuf." I can't remember enough grammar.
"hurler" is a stronger word for "crier", either will work.
"bruler" (with the accent that looks like a hat) is the verb "to burn", but I just looked up "sunburn" and it came up with "prendre un coupe de soleil", so I've substituted that instead.
"seins" is a straight translation for "breasts". I don't know any current slang.