Utah’s Daily Herald Profile: Howard Taylor.
The popular comic creator of, “Schlock Mercenary.”Excerpt’s:
‘The syndicates very rightfully turned me down because the only way for any of my earlier work to suck any harder is for us to raise atmospheric pressure. They were very kind in, you know, not actually telling me that in the form letters that they sent back rejecting me.’
“It’s is so fulfilling, to, with your own hands, develop something, and then with your own hands develop the skill.."
"..and you see that you’ve made progress, and that you see that what you love, you now love more; because you’ve gotten better at it. Instead of loving it less; because you’ve turned it into a job. If you’re really passionate about it you will continue to love it, and you’ll love it more, the more you do it.”
He also speaks a little about the benefits of web publication.
Worth the time to watch the 2:36 video.
Thought I would provide a little more info on where the link leads to.
Link provided above by Pyre Dynasty, Thanks.
[This message has been edited by walexander (edited July 31, 2010).]