This is the group for Q01 with a regular timetable. Now we may end up combining the groups later anyway--like last quarter, and people can jump back and forth as wanted. But for those who aren't going to have a story ready by the beginning of October and/or want a bigger break to work on novels and stuff, this is the original timetable group.
Deadlines for this quarter's crits are as follows:
Nov 7th: First drafts out for high-level crits (plot, character arc, etc.)
Dec 7th: Second drafts out for low-level crits and line edits
Dec 30th: Mail-in deadline for Q01
[This message has been edited by Christopher (edited September 20, 2008).]
Don't know if you're signed up for Dave Wolverton/Farland's writing newsletters, but if you're not you should be. Drop him an email at: dwolvert "at" and say "Kick Me". Then you'll be on the list too.
Today's message was about short stories, and I thought it very applicable. So, I figured...what better place? Here's a copy of what he said:
******************************************************************* Moved to the Writing Class section. *****************************************************************
Looks like he's going to be putting up some more info for us, so be sure to check it out. I think I'll probably post this stuff and whatever else he has to say about short fiction here, in the early submission group, and then look for one more place that will be a little more permanent. Hope your stories are all coming along smashingly well. Happy writing.
[This message has been edited by WriterDan (edited December 02, 2008).]
At the bottom of the email, he says to feel free to share the information with friends, and there weren't any qualifiers on it. I figured this was the easiest way to share it with the groups, and I've stated that it came from him. Do you think that I need to be more careful and specifically ask about posting it here? If you do, by all means I will. Just seemed like it'd be okay to me.
Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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He doesn't that I know of. I actually shot off an email to him about it all. Will post here when I get a response.
Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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Permission granted. Is there somewhere that we could post this info semi-permanently, Kathleen? That way I can just reference a Hatrack discussion link at the beginning of each new quarter with the info.
Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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It's an email service that David Wolverton/Farland does. They come out semi-frequently and contain information about some piece of writing. The ones he's working on right now concern short stories, and I'm going to be posting them all in a topic within the Writing Class forum. Directions on how to get your name on the list are included in that post. He really gives a lot of good information in the emails, and has already covered a wide array of topics. You should check it out. Heck, every writer should. Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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So, how are things going over here peoples? It's been nearly a month since your last post, and so I'm here to kick a little fanny. First crit deadline is coming up for your group in 2.5 weeks. Everyone getting close? Things are going well in the accelerated timeline group. Just wanted to make sure this one kept moving too. Later all.
My update: I have a major deadline at work this coming Thursday. After that I'll be back in the hunt.
Posts: 255 | Registered: Aug 2007
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Oh, and by the way, please post again and let us know if you're still interested in this "Regular Timetable" group.
NOTE: I, personally, don't have a story ready. I spent all my time finishing my middle-grade novel, which I did . And if I do say so myself, IT ROCKS! Yea, for me! Now, that aside, send me your short-stories. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone came up with.
[This message has been edited by Christopher (edited November 07, 2008).]
Congrats on your novel finish, Christopher - great news! I've doing a mid-grade novel for Nano, though I know I'm going to have to go back and clean up language/words to bring it down a bit. Right now the only mid-grade aspect is the 11 year old protag. LOL
Meanwhile, I was coming to post to this thread as I did on the other one to say I'm out for WOTF this quarter. My last quarter entry got entered for this quarter as it turns out. Not necessarily a bad thing, as it frees me up in December for crits and things, but it was a surprise. I am not available until Dec, but keep me in mind if you need critiques or reads after that time.
I have a problem. The story I started writing has turned into *much* more than a short story. It'll be at least a novella, maybe a novel. I'm not sure if it can be paired down or if I need to find another subject for this quarter.
So, I was curious if anyone here is willing to swap stories. I'm finished with a fourth draft of my story for this quarter, and things look to a bit sparse in the early-submission group right now. How are things moving here? Additionally, I'd be willing to send crits to anyone that needed it here in this group. Lemme know.
Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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The second round of HM's are up on the WotF blog now. Looks like we have at least arriki and tnwilz to congratulate. That is if I'm right in guessing that they're misspeled Tracy's last name on the blog. Semis and finalists were getting called today, I guess. That's the word anyhow. No calls for me. So, I'm gunning for an HM or it's back to a big zero again. Anyone else see their name on the blog? Check it out and let us know! Blog says that announcements for the rest of the honors of 2008 Q04 will be up in the next few days. Keep your eyes peeled for em. Later.
Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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