This is a critique group for writers that will be entering a story for the fourth quarter of 2008 in the Writers of the Future contest (25th year), and do so on an early schedule.
Anyone is welcome to join. If you do though, please follow the directions for such. Currently, the group consists of me: WriterDan
If you want to join the group for this quarter, please repost the current names list in a reply and add your name to the bottom.
Deadlines for this quarter's crits are as follows:
June 1st: Start writing
July 21st: First drafts out for crits
August 14th: Second drafts out for crits
August 31st: Mail-in final drafts for Q04
Note: The official mail-in deadline for this quarter is September 30th; however, this group's deadlines are set up so that all entries can be mailed up to a month before the deadline.
Sign up! And let's get busy writing!
Edited: pushed critique deadlines back a few weeks for this quarter.
[This message has been edited by WriterDan (edited July 07, 2008).]
Also agree with you're a sass-mouth. lol No, really, I think that cross communication with the "On-time" group will be good. I'm open for critting things over there as well. Thanks for making yourself available.
Ok, since no one has joined the other group, I'm hoping its ok to consider me a part of this one. As that, I am very happy and willing to critique stories when the time comes, so please send them to me too. I don't have a completed story yet - its hanging around two k at the moment - but hope to be included in the critique scedule if necessary.
Writer Dan Bent Tree Annepin cklabyrinth stammsp AWSullivan snapper darklight
Hops this is ok. I'm feeling very lonely in the other group
Edited to add: Not so alone now! But my offer to critique still stands.
[This message has been edited by darklight (edited July 06, 2008).]
yeah... I lost a week somewhere in there, so I probably won't have anything for a while either. I'm happy to crit though.
Posts: 2185 | Registered: Aug 2007
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Sounds familiar annepin. So, I'd like to suggest a delay, if that's all right with everyone else. I'm seeing a lot of "not quite ready" comments. How about we push the dates to the following?
First crits: July 21st Second crits: August 14th
That gives everyone another two weeks to get things together with their current story before first drafts are due, three weeks for turn around and "fixing", and then will still allow for two weeks on the back end for final polishing. I knew that this quarter would be tough because we had to compact the writing/critiquing schedule essentially from three months to two. Unless someone has big criticism to this schedule, let's plan on keeping to it instead. I'll change the deadlines on my first post so that there isn't any confusion for new people joining in. Next quarter we can keep to the regular schedule (with crit's on the 7th's of a month).
And as far as sending off manuscripts for critique, you can just email it to everyone in the group. Usually a pdf or rtf works fine. I know that a lot of people have access to Word, but not everyone. So, be amenable to sending your story in a different format if necessary. Mostly, we just want to push to get our stories out for critique by the given deadlines. If you have it ready before then, by all means send it out. Will lighten the critiquing load when it comes.
sorry, I have to revisit this. I actually sent something waaaay ahead of time. wow. the mind boggles. who am i?
Posts: 2185 | Registered: Aug 2007
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Still not quite finished with my story for this quarter. Close though. I have everything plotted out, I just need to get it out in prose form. This quarter has been a mess. Started working on a re-write of my Q02 entry (because I still really think that it has a chance somewhere, despite the fact that it came back from them with a no-win), then I decided to start a different story. Got about ten pages into that and decided that I didn't know how it was supposed to go, but I had another idea that I had completely planned out. So, I started it, and am currently still working on it. Not to mention the early submission schedule. Ugh. And now, after only three major plot changes, I find myself here. But the plot is firm now. Firm! Eff...eye...are...emm! Will get it out as soon as I can. Later, all.
Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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I have a very very very very painfully rough rough rough (did I mention rough?) draft of my entry ready, can you believe it? I know! Crazy (I still reserve the right to write a completely new story for WOTF the last week before the submission deadline, LOL.)
I would actually like to workshop this crazy bad rough draft for plot plausibility, characterization, etc. I'm going to try to work on it in the next week (which is very hard w/kiddos home this summer) and give it at least a gentle buff, take some of the "explain this part of the story" parts out and replace them with actual story text, that sort of thing, but would be up for a critique circle in the next week to ten days if anyone else is.
I'm open to critiquing whatever whenever. Just send it to me with WotF in the subject line and I'll make it a priority.
Posts: 2185 | Registered: Aug 2007
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Hey cklabyrinth, AWSullivan, and stammsp, did you get my submission? I sent it on July 13. Not trying to be a bug here, so if you got it and just haven't had time to look at it, no worries. If it's too boring and you can't get into it let me know that, too! If you haven't gotten it, tell me, and I'll resend.
Darklight, I just want to make sure I'm not missing your crit.
I sent it back with the crit on the 15th. It was listed under stammsp or Gina (or Michael as it seems to automatically attach that name to everything.)
Got my story for NEXT quarter all plotted out in detail (ala midnight scribbling on the pages of my trusty writing notebook). Maybe the freaking thing will leave me alone now so that I can finish the story for THIS quarter. Will try my best to put it out by the end of the week. I'm up for critting anything that anyone currently has ready. Am excited to see a few more make the rounds here.
Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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Okay, so I got my story for this quarter out. If anyone was expecting to get it, and didn't get it, let me know. I just used the email addresses that you had on file with Hatrack. Glad that first draft is out. Phew!
Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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If you have a draft or are close, I think you will be in good shape. Just post here on your updates and you will likely find the help you need. And thanks for your kind offer.
Posts: 1888 | Registered: Jan 2008
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We're actually pretty flexible here, Icared. If you're ready for a crit from us, send your story along. Otherwise, you can work to have it done for our second round of crits on August 14th. That'd at least give you one crit from the group, and some help on getting it better for the contest (which, trust me, we ALL need. ). If you do decide to jump in, add your name to the list in a repost and get ready for some fun. Either way, luck with your story for this quarter.
Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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stammsp, I did indeed get it. I even emailed you back about it! geez, my brain needs a tune up. Anyway, my apologies, and thanks again for the crit.
Dan, I got yours, will try to get it back to you by this weekend. Icared, if you've got something you want critted, feel free to send it along.
WriterDan I have just sent you my comments on your story.
Thanks a lot for the offer, guys. But I am far behind on the schedule, I just started writing the first draft and this upcoming month does not look promising. I will just try to make sure I have this by the end of September and catch up to you for 2009 Q1.
Icared, there's actually another group here that is working for the September deadline, instead of an August one like us. They're posted here too, and I know that they're in need of a few more people. Check em out if they're more on par with your time line.
Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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Um. Can I join this group? I'm going to submit for Q4, but I realize I'm jumping in late. I should have my story written, and hopefully somewhat clean, by the time you send out your second batch in early August. I could also provide some feedback that might, hopefully, prove useful.
Sorry for the delay folks. I've decided to rewrite my 4Q story in first person/past PoV. Unfortunately it took me six thousand words to figure that out.
Gimme a couple days to crank out a story and I'll get it to you.
In the mean time, send me your stories and I'll gladly give them a look.
I know this is late to be asking, but may I join? My story is one I wrote in one week and am now polishing. I'm willing to critique your stories in return. I am a bit of a harsh critic, I realize. I focus on somethings other people ignore. Well I think some of you already know that. I've critiqued your stories in the past.
Posts: 1580 | Registered: Dec 2005
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Crit&Submit: Writer Dan Bent Tree Annepin AWSullivan snapper Zero arriki
Crit Only: stammsp darklight
Unknown: cklabyrinth (No submit, open to crit?) KayTi (Our group or regular submission group?)
Next round of stories for second (or first ! ) crits should go out by Aug 14th. Try to make it. We're pushing for the Aug 30th mail-in deadline. Let all try our best to make it.
And just a quick send out for all those that gave input on the first draft of my entry: wow, thanks. I really have a good grasp on where things are going now, and I really didn't feel like I did when the last line of that draft was out. Thanks again.
Yeah, just send it to everyone on the list, arriki. And also, if that's actually the title of your story in that last post, I'd suggest editing it out. Public forum and all, so stating that might be cause for it getting dq'ed if...ahem, when, you make it to the final round. Looking forward to reading your story.
Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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I emailed the 8 of you. so far I've had one bounce -- Bent tree is your email --
I want to apologize. I've been through this four times and I'm still finding typos. I'm sorry. I have trouble typing still. It's driving me batty. I'm not used to this.
[This message has been edited by arriki (edited August 06, 2008).]
Don't worry about typos, arriki. For the most part what the critiques are for is high-level stuff, like plot, character arcs, feel of the melieu, etc. Some will point out typos (hopefully in gentleness... ), but really we're working for the big stuff here. Will get my crit back to you as soon as I can.
I can open it -- but only at home, where I can't get much reading/writing/editing done. rtf, pdf, or doc are all better formats for me. I prefer rtf, I think that is the easiest.
Posts: 2195 | Registered: Aug 2006
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BTW I don't know who all has read AW Sullivan's yet, (I'm a little over half way - reading it right now) and it's gooooood.Posts: 2195 | Registered: Aug 2006
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