Okay, lots of folks signed up for the advanced level. I know myself too well now; I'll never meet the early deadlines. So here's the regular group.
Deadlines: First draft: January-ish Second draft: February-ish Official mail in deadline: March 30.
I'm going to keep it loose and unstructured. If you need a hard and fast deadline to keep you motivated, let me know, and I will give it to you. And I'll bug you about it. Otherwise, send in your stuff when you can.
The only rule is if you receive a crit you should return it. But that goes without saying.
The three of us again, eh? Are we all going to actually enter it this time? I seem to recall some attrition in recent quarters for a variety of reasons...
I actually have the beginnings of an idea, which is huge for me. I'm down to the wire girl usually, but my post-Nano euphoria has extended long enough for me to get down some snips and bits and drips and drabs of story ideas and one in particular is calling my name more than the others. (something about a teen getting as a gift from crazy aunt abigail a pre-paid cell phone, one of the dorky kinds. but it opens a portal... )
OK, add me in too. The early group is too much pressure. I have still not sent in my Q1 entry. I am too busy fretting over it and contemplating a major re-write! I will send it in though! (keep repeating...)
That is extremely wierd. Can any of you ladies answer what it is that attracted you, because I would like--I mean--need to know. Posts: 604 | Registered: Mar 2008
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Hope my dictator voice didn't scare any of you away from the early group. Truth is, I suck at getting my stories out early too. Still working frantically on my entry for this quarter as well. Have found in the last two quarters though that I haven't been as down to the wire as I have been in the past. That's worth something, I guess. Plus, this way we can keep the numbers per group a bit lower. Glad to see that you got this group started, Annepin. And it looks like it going to be: Go Girls! Hope you'll let some of the boys in on the fun this quarter. Maybe we'll try for some cross-contamination later in the quarter. Luck all.
Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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I had a good night of rewriting "The Dying Time" last night. Sooo, I hope no one's too sick of reading it, because since I didn't finish it in time for last quarter, I'm turning it in this quarter.
So, I am chugging along and nearly have a first draft. I think this quarter's entry is a better fit for WoTF because it's pretty hard SF. No actual rockets but *allusions* to rockets, bombs and and very dystopic future! 8) No pansy faeries this go-around!
So as to when I will be ready to do the whole critting-thing? Ahhh... end of the month. Unless someone else is ready eariler and then I will try to pull that in.
Ooh, Bored Crow, I liked the Dying Time, that was good.
I will be starting my story before the beginning of February. Honest. I have the idea, the characters, the beginning of the plot. Everything I need to get started.
I just have this other story that I really liked and needs revising. It should be quick if I get my hands on it, but somehow I haven't been able to start yet.
How is everyone else doing? Let's all start and finish in a month and ambush the early timetable group! I don't really know how you ambush someone with a story though...
Why don't you guys just send me stuff out whenever it's ready? I've got a story, i just need to rework it a little... I guess it's proing more work than I barganed for. Heck, rewriting always gets me!
Posts: 2185 | Registered: Aug 2007
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quote:Welcome, ladies! Group members: annepin BoredCrow KayTi LAJD arriki
Any menfolk out there? Or have you guys got it all together?
Well ladies, I think I might join you if you will have me. I have one that I should have had in for Q408 but I was malady-stricken. Time for me to get back on track.I will have my draft ready in the next few days. ~Scott
Hey Bent Tree! Glad to see you back, and still writing! To all: send your drafts out whenever they are available. Me, I have to find a new brain before I can write. I'll keep you updated.
A brand new story tackled me on Sunday and didn't let me go until I finished writing it. So, I think that one is going to be my entry for the quarter. It needs a LOT of work, but I'm excited about it's potential.
So yes, it will be a week or two before it's ready to be looked at.
[This message has been edited by BoredCrow (edited January 27, 2009).]
You should edit out the title from your last post. You wouldn't want to risk getting disqualified for making the title public although the chances of a judge seeing it here is kinda slim.
Cheers to the inspiration though feel free to send it over whenever you are ready for a crit.
Just in the WotF topics, BoredCrow. If a judge happens to see your title, it could disqualify your story.
Posts: 8826 | Registered: A Long Time Ago!
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Well I'm still on target, but with a different story, which I think is a better match for the market anyway. It's already written, but needs work yet. I need some early readers to help me with the high-level stuff - this works, this doesn't, ditch the backstory here, beef up the backstory there, this character is as thin as plastic, etc.
I'll hopefully have it ready for a reading round (can hardly call it critting when I know I've still got work to do on it) soon. Maybe even this weekend?
Yes, January-ish is fast approaching! Time to buckle down. I'll try to send mine out this weekend (crossing fingers and knocking on wood.)
Posts: 2185 | Registered: Aug 2007
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I am definitely going to miss the January-ish deadline, probably by two weeks or so. But feel free to send your stories whenever they are ready.
Posts: 51 | Registered: Jul 2008
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Yep, me too on the missing the jan-ish deadline. I just dug out from under the slew of crits I promised in jan and now will start writing again. I do have a story that is close, though so it may be just a week for me.
I'm still banging away on my story, which sucks because I'm part of the Early Submission group. Anyhow, I've only received two stories from my group for critique swapping, and so since we're into February now, I thought I'd offer up my critiquing services to you all too for what little help I might be able to offer. So, throw me on the list to email if you'd like another opinion. Later.
Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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I finally started writing my story and it is progressing faster than I had expected. I am not liking everything I wrote, but I promised myself not to stop until it is done. I hope six weeks will be enough to get it right.
[This message has been edited by Icared (edited February 04, 2009).]
I don't know what it is with me and this time of year. I always slack off. I'm wasting time doing 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles,instead of writing. Am I letting my mind lie fallow?
I am going to try and get some advice on the ending of the basement story. If I can find a policeman who would tell me what the police in the real world do when faced -- with the problem those in my story are. Maybe that will get me started again. Give me a firm direction to take with this rewrite of the climax.
Never too late, I'm sure, Tracy. The group isn't quite to the first draft switch yet. Coming up soon. Glad to have you around.
Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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Remember, this group is for you. If you'd rather take longer and just get one draft critted, so be it. Or you can always solicit a draft last minute. In my experience people are usually more than willing to help.
Just wanted to give you all a nudge. I am more than half way done with my first draft. Though I still have close to 4K words projected to the end of the story, I think at this pace I will definitely be ready to send it to you on the President's Day. How is everyone doing? Send in some stories!
Posts: 51 | Registered: Jul 2008
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Thanks for the poke, Icared. I just need to sit down and sort out my thoughts for redrafting my story. I've been failing to find the clarity about it that I want, but maybe I just need to sit down and tinker with it.
Posts: 2185 | Registered: Aug 2007
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I have a draft to send out. Tonight it's getting batted around by my in-person writing group, but is anyone ready to crit?
I definitely am, so please feel free to send me anything y'all have. (especially you, Icared, because I totally spaced on reading the last story you sent me until it was too late for the deadline...) ::guilty face::
I am always ready to crit! Seeing a story other than mine is always mind refreshing . So send it my way whenever you want BoredCrow.
Posts: 51 | Registered: Jul 2008
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I think I got a draft from you, BC, didn't I? I just haven't gotten to it yet. If you've got a more recent version go ahead and send that. I plan to work on these this weekend.
(Miraculously, everything is going to happen this weekend. Stories are getting critted, stories are getting written, the garden is going to be de-weeded, the kitchen is going to be cleaned, the laundry is going to be done...)
I just deleted the wrong copy of my story and cut the las eight thousand words from it. It looks like a day or two of overdrive.
Anne, I'll send you some magic to help you with your weekend if you say a little prayer for mine. The story you have is for something else so feel free to put that one on the back burner if you are busy. It can wait.
If the stars align and my fingers hold up, I might have mine redrafted by tommorow.
Well, this way I won't incriminate myself if tasks don't get done, right? Me to hubby: "What? I said the kitchen would be cleaned. Maybe you were supposed to do it."
quote:Anne, I'll send you some magic to help you with your weekend if you say a little prayer for mine.
Thanks, guys. My writer's group found lots of huge mistakes, so I'll fix those before I send the draft out again. Posts: 554 | Registered: Jun 2007
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Well, this way I won't incriminate myself if tasks don't get done, right? Me to hubby: "What? I said the kitchen would be cleaned. Maybe you were supposed to do it."
LOL. Anne ,this literally made me laugh out loud. Too Funny.
No, worries B.C. Whenever you're ready, send it out my way.
[This message has been edited by Christian (edited February 12, 2009).]
The story hit 9K today. I will be finishing the last scene and going over the whole thing again tomorrow to avoid frustrating you with silly mistakes . I am not sure how the story is(It sure needs a lot of work, but I guess all first drafts do), but I really enjoyed the pace I have been keeping the last two weeks to write it.
Hope I can keep this up.
Edit: It is finished at last. I still have to go over it, but it should be ready to send in one or two days. Looking at it now, I realized I have forgotten to give it a title. I have to fix that also. God I am such a newbie!
[This message has been edited by Icared (edited February 17, 2009).]