I'm having the usual February slump plus my best friend for 14 years just died -- Felicity, my Sheltie. Then, to top it off, the computer I work on keeps coming up with the blue screen of death and I hadn't backed up the basement story on this one. Stupid.
Posts: 1580 | Registered: Dec 2005
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I accidentally hit return twice. Figures. That's how life is going right now. Kind of sucky.
I got the door knob problem fixed and the bit about the end answering the question raised in the beginning. But...the biggie -- the final battle sort of scene -- can't get a handle on it. What I've got is okay, but would never get past an HM, if even that far.
[This message has been edited by arriki (edited February 17, 2009).]
Thanks. I can't stop crying. We buried her in her favorite blue bed. I went to the grocery store and bought a plastic storage container to be her coffin. Printed a little memorial with photos and had it laminated and stuck that in with her. We buried her in the backyard.
I couldn't bear the thought of just leaving her in the garbage can.
I've just gotten (and returned) Icared's story, and snapper's from the other group (which seems to be on the same schedule as us ). Anyone can send me a story for critiquing, and mine's ready if anyone else has time to crit.
Posts: 554 | Registered: Jun 2007
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WriterDan, what about you, buddy? Haven't heard from you in a while.
I'm about halfway through my story. I'm not really happy with it. I pretty much broke every "rule" in the book but that's how the story wanted to be told. The first time, anyway. We'll see if it works.
School is absolutely killing me. Writing my dissertation right now. About 80 pages into it. Trying to get my computer program to work (I'm developing it). Spending nearly all hours of the waking (and some of the non-waking) day. Have to justify my existence to the Graduate committee by the end of the month or they're going to kick me out of school with no additional degree. No more "Doctor Dan". Unfortunately, the end of the month is also the deadline for WotF. Humph.
Happily, I have finished my first draft of the story. Still needs some work. Mostly by putting the "main thread" into it. And I need to trim it a bit. Long, this one is. As is though, I'm going to HAVE to spend some time on the story this next week or I'm going to be in trouble of missing this quarter, which I don't want to do. So, look for something from me by next Friday.
I'd love to have a go at your story, Annepin, when it's done. And I'll take one from anyone else that needs the help. I need an hour+ in order to make good progress on my story, but considerably less than that hour to crit one and it does so help to break up the monotony of equations and figures and tables and graphs. So send em along, and lets get some good stuff into WotF for this quarter. They need something from us. I can feel it.
The ice that has been surrounding me seems to be finally breaking. I got the story transferred to a working (but horribly slow) computer. I polished up the bits about the doorknob. Now I'm facing the problem of revising the ending as I study Yanno's comments on how endings work.
Posts: 1580 | Registered: Dec 2005
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Mine is complete as a first draft so I want to stew on it for a few days. Send me what you got, I need the distraction.
Posts: 556 | Registered: Oct 2006
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I'm not sure I'm going to make this quarter; I got too involved in my novel. So I might push my story to next quarter.
Thing is, I have three publications, and several stories out to magazines. All of them were small magazines. Has anyone ever talked to WOTF before about being disqualified because of publications? And how on earth do you tell if a magazine has 3000 subscribers or not? Just ask them? Because I don't think any of the places I've been published at do.
So, I finally got my story done. I sent it out to a few of the people in this group, despite the fact that I'm in the other. If anyone is game to give me a crit that I didn't send my story to, let me know and I'll throw you a copy.
Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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I seriously dropped off the face of the writing earth this quarter. For some crazy reason the downturn in the economy translates into more work for consultants. Ah, well, consulting is a feast or famine business anyway. One of the reasons I like it. 8)
I guess I will be dropping out from this quarter also. I will be going on a 10 day long trip in 5 days and I still don't have the second draft ready. I don't want to rush and send in something that I am not happy with. Well, long live Q3 then!
If anyone wants crits I will be available this week.
Anyone here who hasn't sent their story in yet? I'll read it if anyone needs a final readthrough (please post a message here in the forum if you do, so I remember to check my e-mail). I haven't sent mine in yet either. It's the shortest one I've ever written for the contest (about 2800 words). If anyone wants to read it, let me know.
[This message has been edited by Christopher (edited March 18, 2009).]