Welcome to a new week, and welcome to new members Shimiqua, JudyMac and WriterDan!
As for my approximately 10,000 words goal, I failed, but I did get 8,250 words in, so I was close. I got 2 rejections on flash stories and the longest one out is still out. And I did crit BC's Chapter Four! Since I've had two different kinds of sicknesses and four teeth get infected at one-shot this week, I don't count it as a loss. Here's to getting better and taking it out on the pages.
How'd y'all do?
Goals for next week: to reach the 100,000 word mark, and wrap Book One up. (I know, I'm aiming high.) And, now that my collaborating partner and I have renewed work on our outline, I'm hoping to clear that off (as well as BC's Chapter Five crit), so that during the "cooling period" for Storm's Fury we might begin our collaborative fantasy.
[This message has been edited by InarticulateBabbler (edited December 12, 2008).]
This past week I got halfway through my fifth draft of this quarter's WotF entry, which currently weighs in at about 13k words.
That's it.
But than again that would be why I'm joining in with this group.
This week's goals: Finish fifth draft of my WotF story and maybe run through a polishing sixth, and finish Chapter 17 of my novel (which will probably account for about 8-10k words in the end). My co-author is supposed to get Chatper 16 to me soon, so I should have a little critiquing to do with that one. Also, willing to start up critting for anyone here. Long as it doesn't come in a deluge. Thanks for letting me tag along, everyone.
So, IAB, I noticed that you mentioned you have a story that is out. Do we report on those too? Sheesh. Don't know if I'm quite to that point yet. Once things are up and moving and I can regularly move both my WotF story and novel along at a good clip, I'll start to work on polishing other short story submissions for other venues. Nice to know we have a place to get some Huzzahs! on the back end though. Thanks for doing this. It's going to help me out a lot.
You don't have to report anything, but you can report as much as you wish. We all generally know each other (to a degree), we're just here to give each other a "kick in the pants", set an example, show everyone that they're not alone...that sort of thing. Nobody--to my knowledge--has dished out any crap for not meeting goals, critting up to date or temporarily eschewing the group in order to focus on other goals. We're here to be what each other needs. With a growing pool, there should be much more support.
Posts: 3687 | Registered: Jan 2007
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Exactly. We're also all aware that goals for each person are different, and that a chunk of 100 words can be just as worth celebrating as anything. I personally will report on other goals just for fun.
So. I am DONE with finals. What a traumatic week this has been, yuck. My goal for tonight and tomorrow is to rest and not get sick (besides the stress, it's been cold. We have a high of 7F expected on Sunday; yay, Wyoming!). For the rest of the week? I go back to California (again) on Wednesday, so my real goal is to try to get my writing hours their established, and get as much done here as I can before I go, including making Chapter 6 ready for readers.
Ohh, I didn't do good this week. I think I only wrote (new stuff that is) maybe two days, but I think that those two days totaled around 1500 words. I spent some time editing older chapters and I read a book, which always takes from my writing time. My goal for this week is to get back to writing 500 words a day. I don't think it will be hard. I have vacation from now until the beginning of January.
Congrats BC on getting finals done. I remember those days and having the last final finished always felt so good and free. Also, you forgot to send me your chapter five.
Welcome, Writer Dan, Shimiqua, and Judy Mac.
IB, I'm impressed. If I was that sick I think I'd go to bed and count myself out.
[This message has been edited by satate (edited December 13, 2008).]
Since its been a while, and we have some new folks, I’ll re-post my intro:
Genre: Fantasy with Biblical Themes
Tentative Title:Yao’s Dragons
Brief Synopsis: Ida, a village elder, leaves home and family to become a priestess of Yao. She travels throughout the land, combating the widespread influence of a pantheon of false gods. Although Yao has granted Ida the power to transform into a dragon, He has forbidden her to use this ability in her quest to restore her people’s faith. But Yao is about to act; Ida will lead a new generation of dragon priests in preparing the people for their destruction and redemption.
Chapter-Swapping: Sorry, focusing on WIP.
Measurable Goal: Write 1,000 new words for my WIP (outline doesn’t count).
My power is finally back on. I wish I could whine and say it had been out all week, and that's why I didn't get much done, but it simply wouldn't be true.
I was trying to work on combining two novels into one, but instead I figured out the answer to a problem in the beginning of the second book. I have a "winter survival" section, and I have some dead wolves whose fur would be great for keeping Drew warm, but sadly, he can't get to them until they are frozen solid, and no matter how I researched I couldn't find a plausible way to get that fur off those wolves. But I figured out how to keep him alive anyway. You'll have to read it if you want to know how I have to write it first though.
So, what did I get done? I am mere pages away from finishing what I have of IB's novel, and I spent my week's 4 child-free hours helping a friend move instead of writing. It wasn't writing, but it wasn't wasted time either.
This week, I would like to work on combining my two stories, and I would like to 'rough in' my solution to not being able to get the fur off the wolves. Melanie
Pretty good week for me. I am about 8 thousand words better, though only three thousand words farther. I rewrote a section that was only really a dotted line between good stuff. I'm loving it, now it's the good stuff between the good stuff. In my ever so humble opinion.
My goal this week is to make it to 50 thousand words.
So, I think I pissed off Mike Resnick. Does that count for an accomplishment? Might go poorly against my career as a writer though. Nuts.
Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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I don't know about an accomplishment, but, I'd love to read about it. So, how'd you accomplish that goal?
Posts: 3687 | Registered: Jan 2007
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Didn't mean to do it. It just kind of happened. Listened to a fantasy story of his on a podcast. Made a few comments. He took poorly to them. Apparently, it was a bad day for me to form an opinion of that one. Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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From what I read, you called him on it (being published just because he was a name), and he didn't like it. He didn't try to show you the speculative element, did he? He just prattled on about how many times he'd sold the story, and where, and accused your "opinion" of being invalid because you aren't published.
That's a big man, eh? I bet he doesn't even step into the room if Martin, Anderson or Card is in there--they don't need to puff themselves up, and are generally nice.
Stepping around all forms of controversy or opinion on any work but my own, I've got the new first chapter to Harper Street set, finished chapter seven and started on chapter eight. Only thing slowing me down at the moment is computer face time, which is good, because I just spent about two weeks lolling around doing nothing, and there was not an idea to be found in my head. As per usual, what that really meant was that I didn't have the desire to do what I needed to do next, which was re-read and reorient myself, before I could go forward. Finally did that, and bam! back on track. Plus I got feedback from chapter one from the most fabulous IAB, which gave me a great idea for one of the characters, who is now a lot creepier and a lot more fun to write.
Posts: 1304 | Registered: May 2007
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Deb - Go ahead and send me new versions of whatever you have (Orange Faction and HS ch1); I only have versions from a few weeks ago, and I'm ready to crit!
Posts: 554 | Registered: Jun 2007
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KDW: My comments really weren't even for him. They were for the people (editors, big-wigs, whoever) that were choosing to buy his story as a fantasy story, when it didn't seem like it was a fantasy story at all to me. He obviously thought I was attacking his ability as a writer, and I definitely wasn't. So, he got a little peevish. He did say that he had just woken up and not had his coffee yet. So, there's always that to consider. Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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