I have decide to alter the scoring method following a discussion a few weeks ago.The point of the discussion was that sometimes it is difficult to seperate the first three because they are almost equally good in the eyes of the judge. Using the method below, if something is a clear winner it will still win, but if otherwise the difference will slighter. Sometimes two intros are so close that a 33% or 50% more points (3,2,1) doesn't reflect how you feel. So...
This reduces the advantage of 1st place a little and increases the chances of an intro that features in everyone's top 3 of winning, i.e is more generally popular. It should make for a more interesting situation when tallying votes.
We will use this system from and including week ten (e.g NOW). Votes for best title remain the same.
[This message has been edited by skadder (edited June 13, 2008).]
I like and agree with this also. Question though- does that mean that we have 12 points to assign freely among the top three stories of our choosing, or is this how the Winners will have points distributed to them?
The points will be distributed as identified above (#1 = 5 points, #2 = 4 points, #3 = 3 points). I know there was a argument for allowing people to distribute a certain amount of points as they saw fit, and though I agree with that point of view I also wish to keep it simple. I felt this method addressed the main issue while maintaining simplicity.
[This message has been edited by skadder (edited June 14, 2008).]