I'll admit I don't have much to do with poetry, since it seems like many of the beloved conventions of poetry have gone out of fashion and what's popular now is little more than mutilated prose. And if I'm going to write prose, I'd prefer to not try to pass it off as poetry.
But it's fun to dabble in poetry every now and again. So I thought I'd start a thread where anyone who's interested could create a poem, or maybe post one they've already written.
Here's one I thought up recently.
I Never Saw Her Angry:
I never saw her angry, though she had a right to be, and sometimes deep within her eyes a hidden pain I'd see. I never heard her speak a word unkind beneath the sun, though bile oft filled the words of her beloved one.
I never saw her angry, she's always quick to laugh, and yet sometimes I blink tears away unshed in her behalf. For embracing life wholehearted, being open with her love, when the bonds she's tied now weigh her down and press her from above.
Her hopes and dreams stray far away, she's trapped in yesteryears, pictures, photographs, family lines draw thought from present's tears.
Note from Kathleen: 13 line rule applies to poetry, too.
[This message has been edited by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (edited April 02, 2011).]
'Neath triple chins and safety pins, There's hints of mass devotions. Where Sunday best and chanson geste In always-only oceans.
Posts: 8809 | Registered: Aug 2005
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If you want to keep it in, you've got to have it fit / Space it out with slashes, and you ought to be okay / Go over just a little, even though a little bit / And Kathleen will come upon it, and take the end away.
Posts: 8809 | Registered: Aug 2005
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I have one poem published at called "The Bluff". It's under my real name; Ginger Karns. I should be hearing from them at anytime about my latest submission that I entitled "Wintertime Romp". I'm keeping my fingers crossed on this one since they rejected the one I sent before that. We'll see what happens.
I guess I should add that you can read "The Bluff" for free along with some other really great poems on that site. Check it out .
I'll try to refrain from polemic, but as an enthusiast for modern poetry, allow me to suggest one such poem that strikes, perhaps, some middle ground:
If you've got some rhyming postings, Can't you put it up right here? How about some proudful boastings, ---Or just some humble souvenirs?
Posts: 8809 | Registered: Aug 2005
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I picked up a couple poetry books (THE ODE LESS TRAVELLED and THE POETRY HOME REPAIR MANUAL) as well as some contemporary collections from the library.
As if I have time to embark on poetry.
But it will be fun to learn a little bit -- and it can only help my prose.
Excerpts from The Walls Do Not Fall by H. D., aka Hilda Doolittle. It's an epic consideration of myth and history, the ways they intertwine and shape us. Reading an excerpt of it rekindled my interest in poetry, an interest that continues to grow.
The way she uses rhyme here fascinates me; not with traditional locked-in structural regularity, but using subtle rhymes, glancing rhymes, internal rhymes, to make subtle connections, like Coltrane putting notes together in fresh ways. She uses rhyme like she uses her subjects, connecting and presenting them in idiosyncratic, totally original ways.
I always like a good Emily Dickinson poem to cheer me up.
I haven't read much Robert Herrick. I have been reading a lot this month, however. I'm trying to understand more modern poetry. It seems like most of it is free verse, which makes it a little more challenging to separate the poetic from the drivel.