Sorry for the mix-up on formatting manuscripts, arriki. I'll be sure to put something into the header of our WotF group discussions in the future.
Also, as a heads up to everyone out there, Open Office (free on the internet) DOES open up word Perfect documents. So, if you ever find yourself in this situation again, you could just use that program. Just found out myself. And of course, it was too late to make a difference. Doh! Thanks for putting up with us, arriki.
arriki, it's the_quester. The best thing to do, is to click on the little profile symbol then hilight then copy and paste the email address into your email browser. That's how I do it.
Posts: 626 | Registered: Mar 2007
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I still want to read/review a copy. But I can't open word perfect files. Can you re-send it as an rtf?
Posts: 2195 | Registered: Aug 2006
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Arriki, the deadline for our next round of crits is this next Thursday the 14th of August. So, you should start getting the bulk of other people's submissions around then. That's the date that I'm shooting for anyways. I know that some people will get them done early, and newbies to the group like you and Zero have sent yours out as soon as joining the group. So, there is a method to our madness. It's just not readily apparent sometimes. lol.
Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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Several people had mentioned some other published author (Sheffield?) who had written about fish on europa. I haven't read him or any of his works. I can't help it if someone else has written on the same idea. I have my version and I'm not going to casually toss it away. There are no truly new stories. It's depressing to hear about it, but that's life. I still think Harry and John have a good story all on their own.
Posts: 1580 | Registered: Dec 2005
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There's only one problem with that. Kathy Wentworth (THE coordinating judge and lone individual that takes the thousands of WotF entries each quarter and narrows them down to the top eight stories) has said that for the WotF writing contest, the single most important part of any entry is its originality. Nothing else. Yeah, it needs to be written well, and the story needs to make sense; you need believable characters, etc, etc. But its originality that will get you an award. So, if you have a great story, that's all well and good, but it probably won't go very far in THIS contest. I think that's the main reason why people would have mentioned Sheffield. Just my two cents though.
Posts: 599 | Registered: Sep 2007
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So, before you guys do any more critiquing on this story -- what should I do? Workshop another story? One about a vanishing basement?
Posts: 1580 | Registered: Dec 2005
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Arriki, have you read the story in question?
I have. I really enjoyed it. I still haven't received and updated copy of yours. I couldn't open the Word Perfect version.
the story in question had a specific style and situation that might not be at all related to yours. It might work. I recommend giving his a read before I scrapped my story.
I don't have a copy or know where to find one. I'm not sure of the author even. 'what is the title or where it was published...just you guys saying it even exists.
[This message has been edited by arriki (edited August 08, 2008).]
Ok... I just read up and I realize now that we might be talking about two different stories. I'm thinking of the short story written by Jeff Carlson in the latest WotF Anthology. It can be purchased at the link below.
I have that -- #23. I was not impressed with The Frozen Sky. A matter of taste, mayb. It's not anywhere near the same story. And mine is humorous.
Still the subject matter is a bit too close, Perhaps I should wait another quarter? Submit the one about the basement now?
Arriki, I think going ahead with the fish story is a great idea.
I sort of waffled on my story last quarter. I was afraid it would be dismissed out of hand because of its similarities to Bladerunner. I still don't know if it has or hasn't, since I haven't heard back from them yet. Nevertheless, I decided I didn't really care. I wrote the story because that was the story I wanted to tell. I wrote it with passion because I believed in it. If it doesn't strike them as original, well, I'm still entering this quarter, and likely the quarter after that, etc etc. In other words, I decided it was a risk I wanted to take.
I've read your story (I'll send my crit along shortly). I haven't read the story people are referring to. Likely there are many stories about life on Europa. I haven't read so many stories that tackle the subject matter you did. Therefore, I think yours is original, and you should go for it.
After (another) rough week, I have completed the critiques of AWSullivan and arriki's stories (they will be back with you by the end of the day) AND completed my story! Yippee! I'm feeling much better about it than I was a week ago.
So... looking for readers, if anyone's willing. Annepin, I will send a copy your way as you said you would read. Thanks
Hey all. Been out for a while. At a conference for supercomputing. Won't be back to real life for a few more days, but wanted to pop my head up really quick and give a blurb.
I'm open for your story, Tracy.
Arriki, if things go according to prior schedules, the first round of crits for 1st Q 2009 (26th year of WotF) for the early submission group (this one) will be due on Oct 7th. Also, the book I referenced in my crit of your story was Cold as Ice, by Charles Sheffield. He has submarines going into the Europan ocean through a huge hole in the ice, and they find life in the depths. Sounds like you've decided on what to do though. Glad to see that.
Finally, after getting another crit back this last Monday, I've decided to essentially re-write my entire story. In doing this, I'm not only responding to your crits, but also trying to do a better job according to my own strictures. Hopefully, the new incarnation will be better. I think that it will be. As is, I'm doubting that I'll have the new first draft up for critting by the next deadline (tomorrow, the 14th), but should be done by the end of the month. So, I'm planning on sending my story for the quarter in by mid-September, and thus, if it's okay, I'll send my new story out for a crit in about two weeks. Hope this is okay with everyone. If not, let me know. Otherwise, look for mine to come through your inboxes about the time that you're all sending your entries off.
Dan, you can send me your story then. There's only a few of us over at the regular Q04 group (not the early submission group), and that's more in line with our time table anyway. That goes for anyone else too. If anyone is having trouble meeting the early submission dates, pop on over to the other thread and send it to the regular Q04 group.
Posts: 65 | Registered: Sep 2007
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WriterDan, I've missed the deadline, too. I've been straddling both groups. I plan on sending my second draft in the next couple weeks, but I'm open to reading anyone else's, anytime.
Posts: 2185 | Registered: Aug 2007
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I don't think you've done mine. I'm still thinking about writing a second draft. Give me a week or so, I'll get there. Of course, I think I said that a week ago!
Posts: 2185 | Registered: Aug 2007
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Lol! Okay, this is the last list that was posted, with some adjustments. Folks, please edit as necessary but if you do plese copy and paste the entire list into your post so we have a running list of names that we can easily reference.
Crit&Submit: Writer Dan Annepin AWSullivan snapper Zero arriki darklight?
Crit Only: stammsp
Unknown: cklabyrinth (No submit, open to crit?) KayTi (Our group or regular submission group?) tnwilz? Christopher? ChrisOwens?
I think at this point the borders between the early submission and "regular" folks has blurred, so I suggest we combine the two, at least until the early folks start sending their stories out.
[This message has been edited by annepin (edited August 20, 2008).]
OK I did it. I sent it out. Let me know if you didn't get it. And get back to me whenever. It's my revised version, so, hopefully, it will read smoothly with only minimal mistakes.
And let me just say, I appreciate you all taking the time to read it and give me honest feedback. And I enjoy reading your stories and sharing my thoughts. We have a good community here, I think that's why we do well.
[This message has been edited by Zero (edited August 20, 2008).]
Sounds good to me, annepin. I'm a little blurry-headed today, so I'm glad to see that you took care of this. Had a friend of mine talk me into getting in a round of golf (9 holes) this morning at 6:30. Ugh. I am NOT a morning person. And to think, I paid twenty bucks for that. Wow. My new story is coming along. Hoping to have it done by August-end. If anyone doesn't have a critique from me, send it along. I've done five critiques so far, but I'm just a bit too hazy to figure out exactly who those five people are. Ha! Let's see my development code try to outwit me today.
[This message has been edited by WriterDan (edited August 20, 2008).]
I re-sent it as an rtf. And that a pdf can come garbled still confuses me. But please let me know if the new one doesn't work, or if you haven't received it.
Posts: 2195 | Registered: Aug 2006
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However...I think you started off with a not very evocative description. Were you setting the mood? But a quiet mood rarely draws readers on deeper into the story.
Some write prose that is too dense, and some write it too light. On the basis of just the first page, it seems to me that you are the latter. Just my opinion. I'll go through the story later. Right now I gotta go earn money.
I'm in, but won't have my first draft ready (but it'll be a solid draft, I've worked the heck out of the first 2500 words at the very least) until a few days after the kids start back at school. Hopefully before Sept 1, but probably right around there.
My ability to crit will open wide then, too - so keep me in mind for next round/drafts not ready til late August.
Yes the prose is a bit tight. At least, how I think you're defining it. But I chose that style intentionally.
Posts: 2195 | Registered: Aug 2006
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Crit&Submit: Writer Dan Annepin AWSullivan snapper Zero arriki KayTi tnwilz
Crit Only: stammsp
Unknown: cklabyrinth (No submit, open to crit?) darklight? Christopher? ChrisOwens?
So, it looks as though most of us in this group will be doing work on our stories well into September, and we won't be sending them off as soon as initially planned. I do, however, think that it's still a good idea to have a group that is at least "striving" to get their entries turned in early. So, crits are open this quarter. We're all in this together. Send out your stories when they're ready, and well try to get back to the early structure next quarter. Looking forward to more fun reading. Later all.
Alright, I finally got my story ready to send to you guys, but now I'm confused. We've combined groups? Who should I send it to? I don't need a line by line. At this point, I just need a general comment read-through.
And whatever group I'm in, you guys send me your stories. Let me know what kind of reading you need.
NOTE: I just sent my story to annepin because she was part of the other, regular time table group.
[This message has been edited by Christopher (edited August 22, 2008).]
I still own annepin a crit, when she's ready. I'm a bit confused between this group and the other Q4...
I'm thinking of letting the story sit until next quarter or two, and tackle the rough draft with a fresh mind. I've switched back to a fantasy story that seems to have more promise. I'm not sure if it'll be done before 9/30. I haven't even finished the first draft.
Yeah... I'm working on it! I'm going to have my next draft out by the end of August. I've been writing a lot for work lately, which makes it hard for me to write fiction.
At this point the groups have sort of devolved into a free for all. There's no appreciable difference between this and the other group. I think we've each set different deadlines for ourselves. I suggest each person make sure they get what they need, be conscientious in returning crits, and not worry too much about which group they're in.
Alright, seems how we're all kinda crashing each others party (the two groups suddenly combining), if anyone wants a fresh read of their story, let me know. Also, anyone who is willing to read my story--general read through--let me know and I'll send it your way.
Posts: 65 | Registered: Sep 2007
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Hmmm. This is a problem I have in real life. As there are at least two surnamed Chris(topher) in this group, if not more, it might be a good idea to be more specific.
[This message has been edited by ChrisOwens (edited August 22, 2008).]