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Author Topic: Counting down to ROTK
Member # 1857

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During an interview, when asked why he scrapped so many parts in RotK, he said "Don't think of the movies as a reproduction of the book, instead think of it as a really long, really expensive fanfic." I think he should get every award just for that.

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ana kata
Member # 5666

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Lol, Bernard! We got our tickets today! I can't wait! [Smile]
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Member # 394

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During an interview, when asked why he scrapped so many parts in RotK, he said "Don't think of the movies as a reproduction of the book, instead think of it as a really long, really expensive fanfic." I think he should get every award just for that.
Damn right he should! That's just a simply awesome explanation to go along with incredible movies.

Who needs a gold-plated statuette of a naked man (missing a few crucial parts, might I add) anyway?

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Member # 394

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Ooh, don't know if everyone's seen these recently, so I thought I'd post them for fun:

What Happened in FotR?

What Happened in TTT?

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Member # 433

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I am swirly and dark.

Hobbes [Smile]
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Member # 5012

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I thought y'all might enjoy reading my English final, you know, start back at the beginning? Thanks much to my dear roomie Correlle and my darling fiancee Bernard for interviewing for me. [Kiss]

A Review of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

“Now, where to begin? Ah yes (Bilbo Baggins, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring).” With the release of Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King swiftly approaching, it’s only appropriate to go back to the beginning of what is considered by many to be the greatest movie trilogy of our time. However, the story was originally a book trilogy, a long story broken up into three parts for easier reading. Oxford Professor J. R. R. Tolkien (1892-1973) wrote the trilogy during WWII as a commentary on the war and how people should act. He published The Fellowship of the Ring in 1954, which details the journeys of Frodo Baggins as he journeys to try and destroy an evil ring: “Who would think of [a ring]? only Tolkien (Pedroza).” In December 2001, after three years of filming, director Peter Jackson unveiled the first installment of the trilogy in movie form. I have seen this movie so many times, I can quote the lines, and in my opinion, it was one of the best ever made. The story is grabbing, from the opening scene to the conclusion, the sets, costuming, and make-up/hair making the story come alive. The acting is believable and real, the directing was superb, and the musical score is one of the best ever written. The movie was very close to the book, and only scenes that were edited were ones that weren’t needed or took up too much screen time. In fact, I shall try to convince you, the reader, that The Fellowship of the Ring is the best movie of all time. Period.

For those readers who do not know the plotline of Tolkien's The Fellowship of the Ring, here is a brief synopsis, courtesy of 'Book-A-Minute' (http://rinkworks.com/bookaminute):

Gandalf : Bilbo, your Ring is evil. In a couple decades, we'll try to destroy it. In the meantime, leave it for Frodo to play with.
Bilbo : It's not evil. It's mine. My precious. Mine! MINE, I TELL YOU!! MOOHOOHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
(Frodo takes it to RIVENDELL. Some FRIENDS come with him. They are attacked by black riders a LOT, and it is SCARY.)
Elrond : Frodo, if Sauron ever gets this Ring, the world will be destroyed, and evil will reign forever. We must act quickly. Take the Ring to where he lives.
(They do some traveling. Some more FRIENDS come with him. Gandalf DIES in the mines of Moria.)
Boromir : Frodo, give me the Ring.
Frodo : No.
Boromir: What have I done? (dies)

It is obvious that this brief synopsis has removed many parts of the story. For those who have not read the books, READ THEM.

“Ah yes, the cliché good battles ultimate evil, the little hobbit that loves peace, the ordinary person that is thrown into extra-ordinary circumstances. Simple, yet eloquent and beautiful. Taken from the original books, but different enough to hold it's own as a piece of merit (Yu).” This quote explains the storyline of The Fellowship of the Ring perfectly: the stereotypical good versus evil battles, including the battles inside one’s self. “…The conflict of this story is how well the bonds of friendship hold up against the powers of evil in such a little thing as the ring. How cool is that? Everyone’s willpower is tested throughout this story by a ring (Pedroza)!” The story also delves deep into the human (and other) psyche, showing how people can be enticed by evil yet redeemed (as shown by Boromir in both his desire for the One Ring and his fierce protection of Merry and Pippin before his death), how old hatreds can be put aside for friendships (shown in the friendship between Legolas the elf and Gimli the dwarf, and Gimli’s infatuation with the Elvin beauty Galadriel), how true friendships can overcome anything (such as the friendship between Sam and Frodo), and how hidden strength lies in everyone: “Hobbits really are amazing creatures. You can learn all that there is to know about their ways in a month, and yet after a hundred years, they can still surprise you (Gandalf the Grey, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring).”

The opening scene in The Fellowship of the Ring is a masterpiece in itself: It opens with a voice over, speaking in both Elfish—Tolkien’s legendary language—and English, total dark, giving the movie a mysterious start. The voice goes on to explain (along with screenshots) the background of the evil Sauron and his Rings of Power he created for the three races—three for the elves, seven for the dwarves, nine for humans—and the One Ring he created to rule over them, bringing death and destruction over them all. It continues to tell the history of the Ring; how Sauron lost it in battle and of its travels, owners and how it betrayed them all in order to get back to its true master. It gives a lot of necessary background that Tolkien explained in a conversation between Gandalf and Frodo in the books. Since that conversation was then edited out, it made the movie flow easier: instead of slowing down to explain things when evil is at your heels, it speeds up and adds urgency. Also, computer graphic imaging (CGI) was used to make Sauron seem larger than life, yet very realistic when fighting against his foes. A computer program was also written for the war between Orcs and the army of Men and Elves: each individual unit can think for itself, much as a true army thinks during a real war. It was written superbly; when the armies clash and the Elf infantry actually takes lives, some of the Orcs turn and run away!

The Fellowship of the Ring was filmed in beautiful New Zealand, and, to quote Dominic Monaghan in an interview (lordoftherings.net), “This IS Middle Earth.” Tolkien’s Middle Earth had lush farming land, tall woods, mountains, grasslands, rivers, and just about everything else, all of which director Peter Jackson found in spades in New Zealand. Most of the sets were built on-site, but a few—such as the Elvin city of Rivendell (or Imladris, as it is known in Elvish), which is built in the valley of two mountains—had to be made with CGI for the long shots, the rooms and other such things made on soundstages with CGI backgrounds. A lot of the long shots and far away shots of places were rather realistic-looking CGI, although 90% of the sets were built.

The acting in The Fellowship of the Ring was, in my opinion, brilliant. Many actors—Ian Holmes (Bilbo Baggins), Sean Astin (Sam Gamgee) and Billy Boyd (Pippin Took) especially—steal just about every scene they’re in. The team of actors and actresses who worked on the movie worked together every day for about three years, coming back to re-film things when the need called for it, and became very close as a result. “…True camaraderie shines through all their parts (Yu).” “The acting was AWESOME. The actors and actresses performed their characters perfectly through body language, tone of voice, and facial expression. For example, dwarfs waddle, speak loud, and have scowls all the time. Elves walk and run with grace, speak in moderate low tones, and have relaxed, clean faces (Pedroza).” “The actors made these relationships completely believable; you couldn't help but LOVE the Hobbits, and hate Sarumon with and undying passion (Yu).”

With this movie trilogy, Peter Jackson proves that he is a wonderful director with an excellent eye for detail and a devotion to Tolkien’s work that borders on insanity. Reportedly, when he was trying to sell his script to movie companies, they refused to take it because he had it broken up into three parts: They wanted to condense a huge, legendary trilogy into a two hour movie, something that is physically impossible (even the cartoon version was broken into at least two parts: The Lord of the Rings and Return of the King). He hasn’t strayed much from the original Tolkien in The Fellowship of the Ring, and has made what the readers only saw in our dreams to come alive on the big screen. “Peter Jackson and his co-directors did a beautiful job, with wonderful camerawork: You can see, hear, and almost taste and smell Bilbo's party; the stench from the orcs; you can see the party shivering with cold as they try the mountain, snow up to their waists while Legolas lightly walks atop the snow, not leaving a single footprint; the little hobbit children completely enthralled with Bilbo's story telling… Such attention to detail makes Tolkien's world come alive, first in your mind's eye with the books... And now with your eyes and ears in this movie, such a feast for the senses (Yu).” “This man [Peter Jackson] was born to direct this movie (Pedroza).”

A character’s costume is the icing on the proverbial cake. A good actor can make any character believable—after all, an actor is the foundation of ANY character—but the costume helps him or her get into character and makes it more believable for the audience. It can also distinguish a person’s mood or profession, not to mention their good/evil affiliation: good guys are usually cute and well dressed, while bad guys usually always wear black.

If costuming is the icing on a character, then the hair and make-up are the little flowers on the top. Professional make-up artists can do almost anything to a person: make them ugly or beautiful, young or old, can even make them into different races using pointy ears for elves, long beards for wizards and dwarves, or huge hairy feet for hobbits. Hair, also, can make characters: From the scruffy ranger Aragorn to the heavenly elf Arwen, the hair is—in effect—the crowning part of any character. The people who labor over these details, using people as their canvases, have produced masterpieces for every actor—from the main characters down to the hundreds of extras—for The Fellowship of the Ring. “Gimli is a really a dwarf. Don’t tell me different—I won’t believe you a bit (Yu).”

The editing in this movie is wonderful. They kept most of the book, and cut very few things. One thing that was edited out of Fellowship of the Ring was a scene with a character named Tom Bombadil, who helps the hobbits out in the first leg of their journey to Rivendell. Upon reflection, it was probably a wise choice, because it cut the movie shorter, but many traditionalist moviegoers were upset with the change. However, the truly noticeable editing is obvious on the special ‘Extended Edition’ of The Fellowship of the Ring—it is essentially the ‘Director’s Cut’ with a different name. “I don’t like the term ‘Director’s Cut’, because it makes it seem like the director was unhappy with the theatrical release (Peter Jackson, promotions for The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition).” It was full of things filmed, but cut from the theatrical release because the movie would have been too long. “The Extended Edition was much better than the theatrical version because there were so many little things, a phrase here, a glance there, Bilbo and Frodo hiding from the Sacksville-Bagginses when Bilbo's ears twitch. It made their relationships seem so much more real (Yu).” “I like the part after the opening scene (where it introduces Frodo and it actually starts the movie) from the Special Edition better because it was closer to the opening scene of the book and it also gives the audience who hadn’t read the book a good idea of what Hobbits and also a funny perspective of their behavior (Pedroza).”

“Music is a way for audiences to feel emotion in a movie and this movie had music that did just that! The music set the scenes and moods of the story, as well as good transitions to the next scenes (Pedroza).” This statement is true, through and through: Background instrumental music is hardly detectible in movies, but it can drive someone into emotions ranging from giggly to tears in a very short space of time. Howard Shore, the composer for the Lord of the Rings trilogy, is a master at his craft. “Recently declared the best musical score of all time, I'd have to agree. Howard Shore did such a wonderful job, using a flute, one of the oldest of instruments with a simple, lively melody to add to view of the simple, down to earth lives of the hobbits, or the grandeur of Moria, the elegance and age of the elves (Yu).” There are individual themes he wrote for the separate races and people: upbeat violins for the cheerful hobbits, mournful church-like choir music for the waning race of Elves, brassy horns for the Humans, a theme for the fellowship, a theme for Isenguard and the orcs. Another thing that only briefly concerns The Fellowship of the Ring: Unlike some movie sequels, Howard Shore kept the music themes in the other soundtracks, something that impressed me greatly. I have heard all three soundtracks and instead of throwing the old themes away, he kept them, expanded on them, and added other themes for new races introduced, writing darker music for the darker The Two Towers and grand, royal-worthy music for the aptly-named Return of the King. For the Extended Editions, Shore has actually gone back and written even more music for the new material. Such devotion and work really completes The Fellowship of the Ring, makes it fully complete and perfects it.

The ending of The Fellowship of the Ring is rather shocking if you haven’t read the books before viewing: It ends rather suddenly, with the death of Boromir, the kidnapping of Merry and Pippin by a band of orcs, Frodo and Sam on their way to Mordor, and Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn chasing after the orcs. In fact, on my first viewing in the theatre, someone a few rows ahead stood and yelled, “You mean I have to wait another [bleeping] year to see the rest!?” when his fellow moviegoer told him the bad news. However, instead of irritating viewers into not attending the next installment, it simply whets their appetite for more; in fact, attendance was higher for The Two Towers, Fellowship’s follow-up, than it was for the first movie. “It’s different from any movie ever made; Fellowship of the Ring’s conclusion is just how I envisioned it when I read the books—a promise of things to come (Pedroza).”

“A beautiful, glorious interpretation of The Fellowship of the Ring that would make Tolkien proud. It conveys the power and emotion and detail that Tolkien put into his works very well for any production. With so much that could make this movie fail, it surpassed all expectations (Yu).” This seems to be many people’s opinion on this movie, including critics—it was nominated for 13 Oscar awards, which it won four of, and has won and been nominated for numerous movie awards in Europe and Australia. It’s a classic movie, originated from a classic story. The only way I could see it being any better is if Tolkien had still been alive to direct it himself. Everything ties together in it, from the cast and crew to the outfits and make-up, the sets (CGI and otherwise), the music and editing, the writing and plotline. Another perk: Young children watching the movies can be encouraged to read the books, to dive into the world of Tolkien and other great literary works.

So this weekend, curl up with a bowl of popcorn and your family or friends, settle back with the remote and press play. Just make sure The Lord of the Rings is in your VCR first.

[ December 07, 2003, 05:30 AM: Message edited by: MaydayDesiax ]

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Member # 4484

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Single digits. 9 days


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Member # 3670

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Black Rider:
Have yu da wing?

Lurtz's Head:
'Tis but a scratch.
A scratch? Your head's off!
Lurtz's Head:
No it isn't.
Lurtz's Head:
.....I've had worse.
You liar!
Lurtz's Head:
C'mon, ye pansy!

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Member # 124

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It actually breaks my heart that someone submitted a movie review for her English final.
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Member # 5812

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*spontaneously materializes*

I just bought my tickets for the midnight showing. Wahoo!!!


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Member # 1071

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Hey, if we're posting parodies, here are my two favorites from TTT. [Smile]

Dave Barry's parody

The funniest one!!!

YAY!! Single DIGITS!!

Wait. It looks like the funny one has been condensed. I guess it's still funny. [Frown]

[ December 08, 2003, 01:59 AM: Message edited by: Narnia ]

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Member # 5812

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SAM: There are good things in the world. And that's what we're protecting. And up there, it's their time, but down here, it's OUR time...

thanks, narnia.

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Member # 4484

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8 days


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Member # 1071

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I can't stand that the full version of that parody isn't available any more. [Frown] But, I was a dork and saved the whole thing in its entirety way back when it first came out. [Smile] So, I'll just copy and paste it....HERE!!


GANDALF: Isn't it odd how we fell for about three miles, and yet we ended up on TOP of a mountain?

BALROG: Who cares. It's freaking cold up here. I give up.

GANDALF: Cool. I think I'll go buy myself something white. White is supposed to be the new black this year...


SAM and FRODO are sitting together on a rock. SAM stretches, and drops his arm around FRODO's shoulders.

SAM: So, sir. Finally it's just you and me.

FRODO: "Finally"? What do you mean?

SAM: Oh, uh...nothing...

FRODO: Well, you're wrong. We've got company.

GOLLUM flies out of the rocks and pounces on FRODO.

SAM: Hey! Wait your turn!

SAM and FRODO tie up GOLLUM.

GOLLUM: No! Smeagol not into ropes, nassty kinky hobbitses.

FRODO: We just want you to take us to Mordor, you sicko.

GOLLUM: Mordor? Hobbitses having little Goth phase, maybe? Very angsssty, wanting to go to Mordor, yes yes. Can Smeagol offer black eyeliner to angsssty hobbitses?

SAM: You stop talking to Mr.--hmm. (to FRODO) You know, you wouldn't look half bad in eyeliner.


EOMER: Hi! Okay, stop me if you've heard this one. An elf, a man, and a dwarf walk into the Riddermark...

LEGOLAS: Ooh! And the elf shoots arrows through this git who rides up on a horse. Yeah, I HAVE heard it! That's one of my favorites.

ARAGORN: Down, Legolas. Hey, have you folks seen a couple little guys, about this high..?

EOMER: Nope. Oh! Unless they were in that pile of corpses we burned.

ARAGORN: Thank you; that's...useful...

EOMER: Yeah; my bad. Here, have some horses.


MERRY: Yay! We escaped the Uruk-hai!

PIPPIN: Uh, Merry? That tree is checking you out.

TREEBEARD: Hoom! Furry lawn ornaments!

TREEBEARD picks up MERRY and PIPPIN and carts them off.


GANDALF: Hey, kids. Miss me?

ARAGORN: Gandalf! You're alive!

LEGOLAS: I almost had a facial expression from the joy of it!


LEMONLYE: A lot of political maneuvering takes place here. Let's see if I can summarize in ten lines or less.

THEODEN: I have ash all over my face and cannot speak for myself.

GRIMA: That's the way I like it.

GANDALF: Be blinded by my new robes! Recover your smooth complexion and your senses!

THEODEN: Hurrah! I am me again! But, damn, my son's dead.

GRIMA: Hmm. I better run.

ARAGORN: Good work, sire. Now collect your people and skedaddle to Helm's Deep.

EOWYN: Hal-lo, handsome!

ARAGORN: Hi. You handle pointy things very well.

EOWYN: Yes. My only fear is dying a virgin. Hint, hint.

ARAGORN: Okay! Well, let's move along.



LEGOLAS and other warriors start slinging arrows and jumping onto horses.

GIMLI: What was that God-awful noise?

LEGOLAS: I'm guessing...wargs dying.

ARAGORN: Actually, it was Legolas's fangirl contingent, shrieking in delight at his horseback-riding tricks.

GIMLI: Ugh, that's sickening. Ooh, Aragorn, watch out! Cliff!

ARAGORN falls off cliff.

LEGOLAS: No! This is unbearable! I almost had ANOTHER facial expression!


SAM: Gollum is such a freak.

FRODO: Yeah, well, you're a jerk.

SAM: What? He IS a freak.

FRODO: Whatever, Sam. Want some cheese with your whine?

SAM: Why are you picking on me?

FRODO: I'm so sick of listening to you. It's always nag, nag, nag. I didn't ASK you to come along, you know.

SAM: What the HELL?

FRODO: Shut up. Screw you. Go away.

SAM: What happened to the magic, Mr. Frodo? We used to stay up till dawn, laughing, talking, sharing...

FRODO: Oh, spare me.

FRODO stomps off.


ARAGORN finds himself in RIVENDELL with ARWEN lying on top of him.

ARAGORN: Hmm. This must be a dream.

ARWEN: Why do you say that?

ARAGORN: Because you're not even supposed to be IN this book.

ARWEN: Don't be mean. I'll tell Daddy.

ARAGORN: Whatever. Wake me up, would you? Since it's not really you licking my face, I have the awful suspicion it's a horse. Or maybe Gimli.


ARAGORN arrives and collides with LEGOLAS.

LEGOLAS: Oh, good HEAVENS. You look TERRIBLE. You are NOT wearing THAT to the battle tonight, are you? And your HAIR! What will we DO with you?

ARAGORN: Nice to see you, too.


GALADRIEL: Hello? Is this Elrond?

ELROND: Yes, speaking.

GALADRIEL: Hi Elrond; it's Galadriel.

ELROND: Hey, girl. Where are you?

GALADRIEL: In Lothlorien; where else would I be? Listen, I really wanted to talk to you about Frodo.

ELROND: Yeah, I've been wondering about him lately.

GALADRIEL: He and Aragorn have SO much stuff to do.

ELROND: I know! And Aragorn's being such a wiener, I'm not even sure I want him to marry my daughter...

GALADRIEL: Did you see his hair the other week? Hello, greaseball.

ELROND: And does he, like, only have that one shirt? Humans are so gross. Hang on; I'm getting another telepathy call.

GANDALF: Hello? Hello? Elrond?

GALADRIEL: Gandalf? Is that you?

ELROND: Gandalf! Hey buddy!

GANDALF: Do you have me on three-way telepathy calling? I hate that.

ELROND: Yeah, sorry. I was talking to Galadriel. Hey, didn't you die or something?

GANDALF: No, you twit. Now quit gossiping and listen. There's a war about to start at Helm's Deep.

GALADRIEL: Yeah, and?

GANDALF: And they need your help, moron.

GALADRIEL: (exaggerated sigh) Fine, whatever. I'll send Haldir or something. He's expendable.


LEGOLAS: This is going to be most unpleasant. Hundreds of people will die.

ARAGORN: Thank you, Captain Obvious.

LEGOLAS: You're just jealous because I'm pretty.

ARAGORN: You're just jealous because I'm going to be king.

LEGOLAS: You can bite my ass.

ARAGORN: Hey, blow me.

(Ten minutes later)

LEGOLAS: I didn't mean that.

ARAGORN: It's okay. Me neither.

LEGOLAS: Kiss and make up?

ARAGORN: How about I squeeze your shoulder in a very special way?


PIPPIN: So we're STILL riding on this tree bloke's shoulders...

MERRY: Uh-huh. I have splinters in places you don't even want to imagine.


SAM seasons their rabbit stew as GOLLUM watches.

GOLLUM: Ssstupid fat hobbit! Using sage in stew like thisss!

SAM: What's your problem? Sage brings out the flavor.

GOLLUM: Smeagol would use nice mix of rosemary and lavender, yess, precious.

FRODO: Hey, you guys? Something's out there in the forest.

SAM: Rosemary? Hm, maybe. But you know what WOULD be good with this, is a basic bechamel sauce with some dill.

GOLLUM: Sssimple hobbit; anyone makesss bechamel. Vichyssoise much tastier and more difficult; yes...

FRODO: Hello? Guys? Seriously, someone's coming.

SAM: Now, if you only found us some eggs, I could make crepes, wrap up the meat, drizzle the juices over it with a little bit of blackcurrant chutney...

FRODO: Hey, you guys, look! It's Martha Stewart!

GOLLUM: Where?

SAM: Where?

FRODO: Now that I have your attention, may I point out the Oliphaunt that's about to step on us?

FARAMIR: Look! Strange little men! Let's take them home.

FARAMIR blindfolds SAM and FRODO and hauls them away.


ROHIRRIM GUARD: Sire, there are some really femmy people at the gate. They have bows.

ARAGORN: Those are Elves. Let them in.

ROHIRRIM GUARD: Oh! Elves! Wow, I didn't expect that.


GIMLI: Arr! I'm funny because I'm short.

LEGOLAS: I'm funny because I make fun of how short you are!


FARAMIR: So, who are you, exactly?

FRODO: I'm Frodo. This is Sam.

FARAMIR: Your...image consultant?

SAM: His gardener.

FARAMIR: Ohh, like in a 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' kind of way?

SAM: Exactly.

FRODO: Righ—What??


ARAGORN: This siege is lasting forever. These poor people...

LEGOLAS: We will fight to the death. We will not fail you.

ARAGORN: Oh, not you guys--I meant the audience.

GIMLI: Aragorn! Toss me!

ARAGORN: Um, is this really the time?

GIMLI: Yes! Toss me!

ARAGORN: Look, I don't think about you that way...

GIMLI: No, you freak, throw me onto the Orcs!


TREEBEARD: We have opted, hoom, not to do a damn thing.

PIPPIN: I didn't expect that.


MERRY: Don't you even CARE? This is your planet too!

PIPPIN: You're very handsome when you yell at trees, Merry.

MERRY: Am I? Thanks.

TREEBEARD: Hoom, don't care. Taking you home.

PIPPIN: (to MERRY) Wait! I know. I'll bat my eyelashes at him.

MERRY: Good plan. I know *I* sure can't resist you when you do that. (winks at PIPPIN)

PIPPIN: (to TREEBEARD) Mr. Tree, sir, could you take us south, pleeeease?

TREEBEARD: Ooom....Damn it, hoom...how can I say no to those eyes.


FRODO puts on some black eyeliner, climbs to the top of a ruined building, and holds up the Ring. SAM pounces him and brings him tumbling down the stairs.

FRODO: Ow! Hey! That's it—this time I'm cutting your throat.

SAM: But Mr. Frodo...I was saving the world...you were going to give the Ring to that Nazgul...

FRODO: No, I wasn't. I was doing a lightning experiment.

SAM: Well, that's pretty stupid too, now isn't it.

FRODO: Hmm. I suppose so. Sorry, dude.

FRODO puts down the sword. SAM gets up and starts a speech.

SAM: There are good things in the world. And that's what we're protecting. And up there, it's their time, but down here, it's OUR time...


TREEBEARD finds a field of stumps near SARUMAN's place.

TREEBEARD: What the bloody... ENTS! ATTACK!

MERRY: Once again, Pippin's wily eyelashes save the world.

PIPPIN: Aww, you're just saying that.

SAM (V.O.): ...And I have a dream that my eighteen children will one day live in a Shire where they will not be judged by the color of their teeth but by the content of their character...


GANDALF and EOMER and a few thousand ROHIRRIM come charging down and wipe out the rest of the ORC army. EOWYN and ARAGORN and LEGOLAS and GIMLI and THEODEN all cheer.

ARAGORN: Gandalf, finally!

GANDALF: Yes, my boy, I have come back.

ARAGORN: Took you freaking long enough.

SAM (V.O.): The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced...

FRODO (V.O.): Um...Sam...

ARAGORN: You know what would have been really cool, though...

EOWYN: What?

ARAGORN: An army of flesh-eating trees to destroy the Orcs who are running away.

AUDIENCE: Yeah, that would have been cool.


TREEBEARD: Hey. We're busy flooding Isengard here. We can't be two places at once.


SAM: ...let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself - nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to-


SAM: What?

FRODO: They're letting us go. Come on.

SAM: Oh. Oh, good.


SAM: They're going to tell stories about you. Frodo the Incredibly Cute.

FRODO: Ordinarily I would tell you to stop hitting on me, but you've saved my life so many times now, I guess I'll settle for being uncomfortably flattered.

SAM: Cool. Oh, and by the way?


SAM: The tortured look really does work for you. Very hot.

FRODO: Aww, thanks. You deserve a special shoulder-squeeze for that.

SAM: Did you learn that move from Aragorn?

FRODO: Yeah. You like it?...

GOLLUM: (mumble, mumble)...Kill...(mumble)...death to hobbits...(mumble mumble)...feed them to HER...(mumble, mumble)...pain, suffering...(mumble)...make them cry...(mumble)...kill hobbitses...(mumble) ...she will destroy hobbitses...

PEOPLE WHO HAVEN'T READ THE BOOK: (loudly) "SHE"? Did he say "she", and "her"? Who's "SHE"?


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Member # 5012

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I'm sorry I didn't specify earlier (thanks for brining up the point, Tom!) but we had to write a movie review FOR our final. As in, it was ASSIGNED. And the teacher SUGGESTED FotR.

[ December 08, 2003, 12:32 PM: Message edited by: MaydayDesiax ]

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Member # 5826

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Found some mag stuff on the subject.. ***9 days***

From the French Premire mag

I love this shot and this one Crazy freaky hobbitses!

Prime Time screen shots
First Magazine


[ December 08, 2003, 08:11 PM: Message edited by: Abrynne ]

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7 days


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Eruve Nandiriel
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How could they cut Pippin out of the hobbits picture? [Cry]
Billy Boyd...is...the best...

8 days...

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Member # 5500

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To me, the shooting of LOTR seems like it wasn't so much a matter of filming as it was a big fun camping trip.
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Member # 394

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Very funny yet very profane review of RotK

I'm actually still crying from laughter from this review. This guy's done other reviews on AICN and they've all been hilarious.

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Member # 5836

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holly Crap! That was the best review I've ever read on any movie, ever!

By the way, 7 days untill Wednesday! only 6 for all you trilogy tuesday jerks!

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Member # 3043

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A new clip. It's a spoiler.

Pippin dukes it out with Sauron.

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Member # 3772

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At the same time, the two other midget-men and the giant hippies have seriously ****ed up that one evil guy’s tower (he was Count Duke in Star Wars: Every Cock in the Universe Up My Ass Part II), and they hook back up with Magneto, and also that chick with the bow and arrows and finally the Giant Midget with the Axe. Oh, and also that I Don’t Want to be the King/I Am Destined to Be the King Dude is with them, and he has this whole other story where he pretty much decides to be the King because, I mean, pussy for miles. This is where I started getting really confused, though, because they start talking about kingdoms and alliances and there’s a lot of lines like, “Rohan shall ride!” and “Gondor still stands!” and “Flabadan Son of Rectum must wear the mantle of Bloggith!” and also there’s some shit with the elves that’s like being in a ****ing candle store for twenty minutes.
Okay, that review really did make me l out l.
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Member # 3206

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Awesome clip!!!!!

I also liked this (edited for obscenitiy)quote from that funny review.
Someone told me that all of the spider stuff actually happens in the second book in the series, and that they had to tweak some of the stuff that happens in the books to make the movies work. You know what? Good. Books suck. They used to be good back when people didn’t have movies and TV and dressed like Davey Crockett. People also used to ride horses and drink tea, but now we have cars and Sprite. Move the XXX on. Peter Jackson did an amazing job adapting these books, and now the movies are so kick-XXX that some people are going to go back and READ the books, which wouldn’t have happened if he’d just filmed the books exactly as they are. Happy now, smarty?

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Eruve Nandiriel
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That clip was so cool! [Big Grin]
( [ROFL] "fool of a Took!" )
I can't wait to see the movie!
7 days...

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Hey if you look at the NZ premiere pics, there is in the mix a shot of Hugo Weaving like he should have looked in the movie. In my opinion he's a lot more elven there.


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SAMWISE: That ''Weasel Feet'' would be a good name for a rock band?

FRODO: Yes, as would ''Kung Fu Trees'' and ''Combat Alfalfa.'' But my point is that the forces of Evil have been let loose upon the land

I love Dave Barry!!!!!!!!!

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Ditto!! [Wink] My sister and I still quote the "combat alfalfa" line.
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5 days


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4 days


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Is anyone else here going to the Baltimore showing?
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Less than 96 hours until Trilogy Tuesday starts.


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83 hours
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Wow...it just gets more and more obsessive!!

3 days [Big Grin]

(It's about 108 hours until the 2:40pm showing on the the 17th...for which Abrynne and I have tickets!)

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ana kata
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Four days for me, until the showing Wednesday afternoon for which we have tickets.

Those of you who see it before then, please list ALL the differences from the book for me as soon as possible. I want to know in advance, so I don't waste precious time going, "NO WAY! WHY? WHY?", when I should be enjoying the visuals.

[ December 13, 2003, 01:43 PM: Message edited by: ana kata ]

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Eruve Nandiriel
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*leaves to go watch TTT-EE in theater*

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ana kata
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Just to whet appetites further, NPR did a great segment on LotR , and there are juicy interviews with Peter Jackson, Sean Astin, and Ian McKellan linked as well as lots of other yummy background stuff. Check out this great weekend edition segment with a couple of video store clerks talking about the hilarious low budget stuff Peter Jackson did before Lord of the Rings. I've just got to watch "Meet the Feebles" after this. [ROFL]

On second thought, I don't think my stomach is strong enough.

[ December 13, 2003, 05:53 PM: Message edited by: ana kata ]

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Eruve Nandiriel
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75 1/2 hrs...
[Big Grin]

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2 days


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Eruve Nandiriel
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62 hrs and 45 min

[Big Grin]

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1 day folks!!! [Big Grin]

Trilogy Tuesday starts tomorrow. yippeee!!! (even though SOME of us have to wait until premiere Wednesday, so it makes 2 days for me.)

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Rhaegar The Fool
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Hey Narnia, I have that parody saved too. AND TERRIBLE NEWS ALERT! They cut Imrahil (Prince of Dol Amroth) He's one of my favorite guys, cummon we are going to lose the charge of the swan knights to save Faramir! Grargh!
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27.5 hours for me! I can't handle the excitement! AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
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Less than 24 hours until I am in line.

I need to get in line so that I can get a good seat.


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24 hours until Trilogy Tuesday starts where I am.



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Rhaegar The Fool
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Ack, must have ROTK, have tickets 12:01 showing, ack!
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Member # 1063

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I got my 12:05 tickets last night.

BTW, Return of the King just won the film of the year award from the normally artsy-fartsy New York Film Critics. Oscar anyone?

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Yes but we Trilogy Tuesday people will be watching ROTK starting at around 10:15PM. We will be almost through the movie before you lesser people are graced with it. [Razz]


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ana kata
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Two days for me.
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Rhaegar The Fool
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NO Mquared, because we "lesser people" will rise up and kill you "greater people" and take your tickets, even if it means using a pickaxe!
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